• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가격규제

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A Study on the Duty of the Business Owner in the Contents(Casino) Corporation related with the Commercial Law - In the case of claim for damages of the gambler against the Kangwon Land(Supreme Ct. 2014.8.21, 2010다92438 case) (상법상 유기장콘텐츠 영업주(카지노영업주)의 주의의무에 관한 연구 -강원랜드 카지노 이용자의 손해배상청구의 경우 (대판 2014.8.21., 2010다92438 전원합의체 판결))

  • Chun, Woo-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.180-190
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    • 2017
  • This is Kangwon Land casino case due to the damages of betting money, which is likely to affect the contents industry in the future. The reason why the gambler and his family's suit is that why the manager did not control their own access or did not supervise the wagering rules. The provisions of the "Restriction on the amount of money to be paid to the casino" in the Article 14 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Support for the Development of the Abandoned Mine Area are not intended to increase the duty of the casino managers. It is just one of many public regulations imposed. No matter what legislation is made for public interest, it can not be considered equally in the private duty. If so, too much effort will be required to enact or amend the public law and this makes the legislative activity impossible. The Act on the Restriction on Access to the Casino shall be construed accordingly. From the point of view of economic efficiency theory, if we overestimate statutory duties (liability for compensation) excessively, the price goes up on the market, and the volume of transaction decreases drastically. This reduces the economic utility of resources in the society as a whole (total output, foreign currency acquisition amount, etc.).

A Study on the Enhancing of the Global Competitiveness of the Services of Tax, Law, and Accounting - Focusing on Multi-Disciplinary Practices(MDP) - (조세·법률·회계 서비스의 국제경쟁력 제고 방안 - 이종자격사간 동업(MDP)을 중심으로 -)

  • Son, Yun;Lee, Hak-loh
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.53-74
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    • 2017
  • There have been growing concerns that Korea's products keep losing their international competitiveness. It is necessary to restore strong muscles of manufacturing sectors. Together, efforts must be made to strengthen the competitiveness of service sector. While wide consensus has been reached on the necessity that Korea's service sector needs overhaul for stronger global competitiveness, it is rather difficult to witness any remarkable improvements. Insufficient performances might result from the protection of the captive markets by the interested parties. The research starts from the proposition that the introduction of MDP will bring down the barriers between the segmented services and promote competition. We provide theoretical analyses and report better performances of major countries which introduced MDP in their soils. Considering the reality, we propose that in the foreseeable future, a MDP in the areas of tax, law and accounting be introduced in Korea because these areas seem to create least conflicts of disciplinary duties due to public purposes. Broader MDPs in other areas may take some more time. There exist, however, some limitations. As MDP has not been officially introduced in Korea, it is almost impossible to directly compare the performances between the pre- and post-MDP in Korea. Data scarcity of business performances of companies also limits the study.

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A Reform Proposal for Management of Regulated Prices (공공요금관리(公共料金管理)의 개선방안(改善方案))

  • Kim, Jong-seok
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 1991
  • The primary purpose of price regulation on public utilities and other public services is not to prevent them from rising and control inflation but to allocate resources efficiently and reflect social values, when market does not function perfectly. That is, price regulation by government is a policy tool which is aimed at microeconomic effects. Therefore, when a microeconomic policy tool is used for macroeconomic policy objectives, such as price stabilization, we can have problems stemming from the mismatch. One of the examples is distortions in the relative price structure of resources. As government suppresses increases in regulated prices in an effort to reduce inflationary pressures, some of the public services become relatively cheaper, resulting in excess use of those services under regulation. Also, inflexibility of adjusting regulated prices to the overall price changes results in deterioration of qualities of public services. This paper proposes a set of reform proposals which are itnended to minimize such government failures. It is argued that the authority of price regulation should be decentralized, and ultimately done by independent regulatory commissions for each service. The pricing should be based on the principle of separate and independent accounting by each service unit and the principle of beneficiaries bearing the costs of services.

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Evaluation on the Procurement Logistics of Automobile Factories Based on the Fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS (Fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS를 활용한 자동차 공장의 조달물류 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeong-Geun;Oh, Jae-Gyeun;Park, Sung-hoon;Yeo, Gi-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2018
  • Automobile industry is facing a variety of risks, including the rise of international oil price and the increase of car prices. In addition to the government's deregulation, efforts should be made to improve management aiming at higher production efficiency. In this study, we established a model for evaluating the procurement logistics based on the Fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS by using the factors that are actually used in real companies aimed at the improvement of procurement logistics. A total of three automobile factories of Company G were chosen as the evaluation subject. In the result of the Fuzzy-AHP analysis that was conducted on a sample of three car factories, solving the long-term quality problems, minimizing the stop time due to the shortage of materials, preventing the of equipment accident, and solving the short-term quality problems were proven to be the most important factors. TOPSIS analysis result indicated that Factory B had the best procurement logistics. Our study has significance that it can contribute to the improvement of efficiency in the automobile industry as the evaluation model suggested in this study can be used for regular evaluation related to the procurement logistics in the future.

The Self-regulating Fire Prevention System in Korea: with the Focus on the Role of Insurance System (자율예방체계의 구축 -규제개혁의 차원에서 보험의 역할을 중심으로-)

  • 김태윤
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2001
  • This paper's purpose is three-folded: modeling the self-regulating fire prevention system, developing a packet of practical fire prevention measures and regulations, and reviewing the applicability of fire insurance system in Korea as a main components of the self-regulating fore prevention system. The so called self-regulating fire prevention system is defined as a grand national fire prevention framework based on and promoted by the vitality and creativeness of the market (or private sector). This drastically contrasts with the existing government-led fire prevention system in Korea. The self-regulating fire prevention system has three grounds: the principle of self-responsibility, the redefinition of the fire service as a public goods, and the principle of self-selection. It seems natural that the self-regulating fire prevention system requires the function of fire insurance institution as a pivoting mechanism providing individual decision makers with a system of incentives, resulting in rational behaviors in the part of each individuals and in the well-balanced fire prevention network in the part of the overall public. In this regard, this pilfer examines the institutions and performance of the fire insurance industry in Korea and reviews the limitation of the industry as an instant replacement mechanism of the current government-led fire prevention system in Korea.

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Spatial-Temporal Pattern Analysis of Unplanned Factory Locations in the Seoul Metropolitan Area Using FEMIS Data (수도권 개별입지 공장의 시공간적 입지특성 분석)

  • Hwang, Sun-Geun;Lee, Sugie;Park, Jeong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial-temporal proliferation of individual factories in the Seoul Metropolitan Area and to provide policy implications. The location of the factory is divided into individual locations and planned locations. In the case of individual locations, it takes a long time to establish factories. Also, due to high cost and regulation, the establishment of individual factories is not easy. However, since the establishment process is simple and the price of land is low, the establishment of individual factories has led to an increase in the number of individual factories. The problem of the undeveloped factories is that the lack of infrastructure such as the road and environmental pollution treatment facilities around the factory deteriorates the pleasant environment and the cityscape and deteriorates the health of the residents in the surrounding area. In this study, we analyzed the location of individual factories established in the Seoul metropolitan area from 2001 to 2016 by using ArcGIS Pro. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, individual location factories are formed around existing industrial complexes and industrial sites. The reason for this is considered to be the external effect that can be obtained from the surrounding area. Secondly, since the Seoul city's individual location factories are established in many residential areas, it shows the conflicting result of the mixture of residence and factory. Third, the Gyeonggi province's individual location factories have a high proportion of non-urban areas. This is because the Gyeonggi province's management area occupies a larger proportion than other areas in Gyeonggi province. This study analyzed the spatial - temporal spreading process of individual factories and the unfolding of individual factories in the metropolitan area, and it can provide policy implications to control the over development of individual factories in the future.

A Study on the Improvement of the Policy Utilization of Technology Foresight Using a Scenario : Renewable Energy Scenario (시나리오를 이용한 과학기술예측조사의 정책 활용도 제고에 관한 연구 : 신재생에너지 시나리오)

  • Yim, Hyun;Han, Jong-Min;Son, Seok-Ho;Hwang, Ki-Ha
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-74
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    • 2010
  • The creation and acceptance of new technologies has been speeding up dramatically in modern times. There are also significant uncertainties about the future shape of markets, governance and social values that will have an important impact on organizations and their capacity to meet their objectives. These rapid technological and social change and uncertainties make the upsurge of interest in technology foresight, giving rise to its emergence as a global concept and policy tool. A wide range of future methods are available for technology foresight. Selection of methods will depend upon several factors, most notably available and the time financial resources, and the objectives of the exercise. Although Delphi has been widely used for many years, scenario becomes very popular in recent years. The use of scenarios can take better account of the complexity and unpredictability of the economic, social and political environments. Scenarios tell the stories describing paths to different futures, which help organizations make better decisions today. In this study, the scenario method was employed to draw the images of the future of renewable energy. Renewable energy grows dramatically in recent years. However, there is still considerable uncertainty with regard to the potential of renewable energy due to environment regulation, energy costs, and political and economic developments in the main supplier countries for oil and natural gas. Scenario can help us to identify the risks and opportunities when we develop the renewable energy, and to prepare for them. The scenario method is expected to be more utilized in the national technology foresight.

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Analysis of Actual Use Situation of Animal Medicine in Hanwoo Farms (한우농가의 동물약품 이용실태 분석)

  • Kim, G.W.;Koo, S.H.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate the actual situation of animal medicine use in Hanwoo farms, which were a total of 114 farms. Items surveyed were preference of animal medicine, choice criterion, purchase route, purchase frequency, antibiotics substitution products, etc. Data were collected from May to June, 2010. The kinds of animal medicine which preferred in Hanwoo farms is probiotics (40.4%). Whereas the lowest preference is immunizing agent (12.3%). There was significant difference among regional group (p<0.05), and the significant difference was also found in different farm size group (p<0.05). The factor of choice for purchase of animal medicine was efficiency (31.6%), first of all. There was significant difference among regional group (p<0.05). The purchase route of animal medicine was mostly supplied with the help of government (41.6%). The significant difference were showed in regional group (p<0.05). But that was not found in farm size group (p>0.05). The highest frequency at purchasing antibiotics was less than 1 time per 1 year (38.6%). There was statistically significant difference among regional group (p<0.05). However, there was not significant difference among farm size group (p>0.05). Probiotics of antibiotics substitution products was mostly preferred (50.9%).

A study on Operation factors the Used automobile logistics complex using Fuzzy-AHP (Fuzzy-AHP를 활용한 인천항 중고자동차 물류단지 운영 성공요인에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Byung-Hwa;Cha, Young-Doo;Ma, Hye-Min;Yeo, Gi-Tae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2017
  • Domestic vehicle penetration rate is growing at 3% per year, but consumers are increasingly buying used cars due to steady price hikes Nevertheless, the used car export market is expected to decline due to import regulations of major countries and the low grade environment of Used car export complex. Therefore, this study using Fuzzy-AHP was aimed to find operational factors of Used car logistics complex and establish a practical management plan of Used car logistic complex in incheon port. Fuzzy-AHP is the method that can be calculated weight of multi-level criteria and change linguistic ambiguity of human to Fuzzy Number. So it's able to propose the realistic decision making alternatives. As a result of the literacture reviews, present study focused on the analysis of the present situation of the logistics of the used car and the activation of the complex, suggested the activation plan and activation of the logistics complex. In the analysis of operational factors, logistic complex cost factors were found to be the most important factors by recording the weighted value of 0.306 in the above factors. The detailed factors were as follows: rent, accessibility, and logistics site size. It is necessary to compute competitive rent for the highly-advanced used car logistics complex, and to realize the rental support policy and to consider designating the free trade zone. In addition, it is necessary to expand the access infrastructure and secure the scale of the company for overseas buyers, and it is necessary to improve the overall government laws and introduce IT system for the future.

Effect on the Fuel Economy by Gradient in Automobile Driveway (자동차 전용도로에서 경사가 연비에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Seong-Cheol;Oh, Tae-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.2925-2930
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    • 2011
  • A vehicle fuel economy is very important issue in the view of fuel cost and environmental regulation. The fuel economy is much improved according to the development of electric, electronic and mechanical technology, but up to now the measurement of it tests the given mode(LA-4, FTP-75, etc) within computer simulation program and engine dynamometer. This fuel economy is different with it of real road. The one of main reason is not considered the gradient of the road. To estimate the effects of fuel economy at highway with gradient in this paper, we measure the amount of fuel consumption and calculate the fuel economy of it with running the Youngdong highway with high gradient. Also this paper analysis and compares the fuel economy with gradient and without gradient when the vehicle runs the same driveway. Then we calculate the total energy created the difference of fuel consumption amount of the two cases and calculate the consumpted energy by tire driving force from the torque and power of engine in the simulation. This paper verifies the relation of the driving force and the total energy by creating the difference of fuel consumption amount. This paper also proposes the method of fuel economy improvement despite of gradient at the result.