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Effect of Sanitation Treatment of Extending Shelf-life on Fresh Poultry Meats (계육(鷄肉)의 유통기간연장(流通期間延長)을 위(爲)한 위생처리방법(衛生處理方法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, M.J.;Jang, P.H.;Park, K.B.;Lee, B.M.
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.291-300
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    • 1982
  • In order to develop effective and simple sanitation method for the extention of shelf-life of fresh poultry meat, the effect of sanitizers, sanitation methods and packaging materials on the extention of shelf-life of poultry meats was observed at the $4^{\circ}C$ and room temp$(10{\sim}20^{\circ}C)$. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The autochonous skin microflora of poultry, before processing, were believed to be removed or killed during the scalding and plucking, and exposed dermal tissue was contaminated by microorganisms from the subsequent stages of processing. 2. In the final stage of poultry processing, total viable counts of microorganisms and coliforms were averaged to $3.5{\times}10^4/cm^2$ and $400/cm^2$, respectively. 3. The refrigerated shelf-life of fresh whole poultry carcasses at $3\;to\;4^{\circ}C$ was extended to 7 to 16 days compared to control with the various treatments of some sanitizers by dipping freshly chilled carcasses for 5 min or spraying 1 liter of sanitizers per carcasses. In the case of storage at $10\;to\;15^{\circ}C$, the shelf-life of poultry carcasses was extended to one to two days by the sanitation treatments compared to control. 4. Spraying sanitation was more effective than dipping sanitation, and 5 minutes dipping and one liter spraying per carcass were enough for effective sanitation of poultry carcasses in most sanitizers. 5. The packaging with an oxygen impermeable polyvinylidene chloride extended the shelf-life to 10 days and 5 days with polyethylene compared to control. When poultry carcasses were sanitized by continuous spraying with one liter of 30 ppm of chlorine and another one liter of 5% of potassium sorbate, packaged with polyvinylidene chlorlde were extended to about 30 days compared to control.

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The Study on the Debris Slope Landform in the Southern Taebaek Mountains (태백산맥 남부산지의 암설사면지형)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.77-98
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    • 1993
  • The intent of this study is to analyze the characteristics of distribution, patter, and deposits of the exposed debris slope landform by aerial photography interpretation, measure-ment on the topographical maps and field surveys in the southern part Taebaek mountains. It also aims to research the arrangement types of mountain slope and the landform development of debris slopes in this area. In conclusion, main observations can be summed up as follows. 1. The distribution characteristics 1)From the viewpoint of bedrocks, the distribution density of talus is high in case of the bedrock with high density of joints, sheeting structures and hard rocks, but that of the block stream is high in case of intrusive rocks with the talus line. 2)From the viewpoint of bedrocks, the distribution density of talus is high in case of the bedrock with high density of joints, sheeting structures and hard rocks, but that of the block stream is high in case of inrtusive rocks with the talus line. 2) From the viewpoint of distribution altitude, talus is mainly distributed in the 301~500 meters part above the sea level, while the block stream is distributed in the 101~300 meters part. 3) From the viewpoint of slope oriention, the distribution density of talus on the slope facing the south(S, SE, SW) is a little higher than that of talus on the slope facing the north(N, NE, NW). 2. The Pattern Characteristics 1) The tongue-shaped type among the four types is the most in number. 2) The average length of talus slope is 99 meters, especially that of talus composed of hornfels or granodiorite is longer. Foth the former is easy to make free face; the latter is easdy to produce round stones. The average length of block stream slope is 145 meters, the longest of all is one km(granodiorite). 3) The gradient of talus slope is 20~45${^\circ}$, most of them 26-30${^\croc}$; but talus composed of intrusive rocks is gentle. 4) The slope pattern of talus shows concave slope, which means readjustment of constituent debris. Some of the block stream slope patterns show concave slope at the upper slope and the lower slope, but convex slope at the middle slope; others have uneven slope. 3. The deposit characteristics 1) The average length of constituent debris is 48~172 centimeters in diameter, the sorting of debris is not bad without matrix. That of block stream is longer than that of talus; this difference of debris average diameter is funda-mentally caused by joint space of bedrocks. 2) The shape of constituent debris in talus is mainly angular, but that of the debris composed of intrusive rocks is sub-angular. The shape of constituent debris in block stream is mainly sub-roundl. 3) IN case dof talus, debris diameter is generally increasing with downward slope, but some of them are disordered and the debris diameter of the sides are larger than that of the middle part on a landform surface. In block stream, debris diameter variation is perpendicularly disordered, and the debris diameter of the middle part is generally larger than that of the sides on a landform surface. 4)The long axis orientation of debris is a not bad at the lower part of the slope in talus (only 2 of 6 talus). In block stream(2 of 3), one is good in sorting; another is not bad. The researcher thinks that the latter was caused by the collapse of constituent debris. 5) Most debris were weathered and some are secondly weathered in situ, but talus composed of fresh debris is developing. 4. The landform development of debris slopes and the arrangement types of the mountain slope 1) The formation and development period of talus is divided into two periods. The first period is formation period of talus9the last glacial period), the second period is adjustment period(postglacial age). And that of block stream is divided into three periods: the first period is production period of blocks(tertiary, interglacial period), the second formation period of block stream(the last glacial period), and the third adjustment period of block stream(postglacialage). 2) The arrangement types of mountain slope are divided into six types in this research area, which are as follows. Type I; high level convex slope-free face-talus-block stream-alluvial surface Type II: high level convex slope-free face-talus-alluvial surface Type III: free face-talus-block stream-all-uvial surface Type IV: free face-talus-alluval surface Type V: talus-alluval surface Type VI: block stream-alluvial surface Particularly, type IV id\s basic type of all; others are modified ones.

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Importance-Performance Analysis of Quality Attributes of Coffee Shops and a Comparison of Coffee Shop Visits between Koreans and Mongolians (한국인과 몽골인의 커피전문점 품질 속성에 대한 중요도-수행도 분석 및 커피전문점 이용 현황 비교)

  • Jo, Mi-Na;Purevsuren, Bolorerdene
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.9
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    • pp.1499-1512
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the coffee shop visits of Koreans and Mongolians, and to determine the quality attributes that should be managed by Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). The survey was conducted in Seoul and the Gyeonggi Province of Korea, and at Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia from April to May 2012. The questionnaire was distributed to 380 Koreans and 380 Mongolians, with 253 and 250 responses from the Koreans and Mongolians, respectively, used for statistical analyses. From the results, Koreans visited coffee shops more frequently than Mongolians, with both groups mainly visiting a coffee shop with friends. Koreans also spent more time in a coffee shop than Mongolians. In addition, they generally used a coffee shop, regardless of time. In terms of coffee preference, Koreans preferred Americano and Mongolians preferred Espresso. The most frequently stated purpose of Koreans for visiting a coffee shop was to rest, while Mongolians typically visited to drink coffee. The general price range respondents spent on coffee was less than 4~8 thousand won for the Koreans and 2~4 thousand won for the Mongolians. Both Koreans and Mongolians obtained information about coffee shops from recommendations. According to the IPA results of 20 quality attributes of coffee shops, the selection attributes with high importance but low satisfaction were quality, price, and kindness for Koreans, but none of the attributes was found for Mongolians.

Performance of Korean State-owned Enterprises Following Executive Turnover and Executive Resignation During the Term of Office (공기업의 임원교체와 중도퇴임이 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Seungwon;Kim, Suhee
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.95-131
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    • 2012
  • This study examines whether the executive turnover and the executive resignation during the term of office affect the performance of Korean state-owned enterprises. The executive turnover in the paper means the comprehensive change of the executives which includes the change after the term of office, the change after consecutive terms and the change during the term of office. The 'resignation' was named for the executive change during the term of office to distinguish from the executive turnover. The study scope of the paper is restrained to the comprehensive executive change itself irrespective of the term of office and the resignation during the term of office. Therefore the natural change of the executive after the term of office or the change after consecutive terms is not included in the study. Spontaneous resignation and forced resignation are not distinguished in the paper as the distinction between the two is not easy. The paper uses both the margin of return on asset and the margin of return on asset adjusted by industry as proxies of the performance of state-owned enterprises. The business nature of state-owned enterprise is considered in the study, the public nature not in it. The paper uses the five year (2004 to 2008) samples of 24 firms designated as public enterprises by Korean government. The analysis results are as follows. First, 45.1% of CEOs were changed a year during the sample period on the average. The average tenure period of CEOs was 2 years and 3 months and 49.9% among the changed CEOs resigned during the term of office. 41.6% of internal auditors were changed a year on the average. The average tenure period of internal auditors was 2 years and 2 months and 51.0% among the changed internal auditors resigned during the term of office. In case of outside directors, on average, 38.2% were changed a year. The average tenure period was 2 years and 7 months and 25.4% among the changed internal directors resigned during the term of office. These statistics show that numerous CEOs resigned before the finish of the three year term in office. Also, considering the tenure of an internal auditor and an outside director which diminished from 3 years to 2 years by an Act on the Management of Public Institutions (applied to the executives appointed since April 2007), it seems most internal auditors resigned during the term of office but most outside directors resigned after the end of the term. Secondly, There was no evidence that the executives were changed during the term of office because of the bad performance of prior year. On the other hand, contrary to the normal expectation, the performance of prior year of the state-owned enterprise where an outside director resigned during the term of office was significantly higher than that of other state-owned enterprises. It means that the clauses in related laws on the executive dismissal on grounds of bad performance did not work normally. Instead it can be said that the executive change was made by non-economic reasons such as a political motivation. Thirdly, the results from a fixed effect model show there were evidences that performance turned negatively when CEOs or outside directors resigned during the term of office. CEO's resignation during the term of office gave a significantly negative effect on the margin of return on asset. Outside director's resignation during the term of office lowered significantly the margin of return on asset adjusted by industry. These results suggest that the executive's change in Korean state-owned enterprises was not made by objective or economic standards such as management performance assessment and the negative effect on performance of the enterprises was had by the unfaithful obeyance of the legal executive term.

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A Study on the Meaning and Future of the Moon Treaty (달조약의 의미와 전망에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Taek
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.215-236
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    • 2006
  • This article focused on the meaning of the 1979 Moon Treaty and its future. Although the Moon Treaty is one of the major 5 space related treaties, it was accepted by only 11 member states which are non-space powers, thus having the least enfluences on the field of space law. And this article analysed the relationship between the 1979 Moon Treay and 1967 Space Treaty which was the first principle treaty, and searched the meaning of the "Common Heritage of Mankind(hereinafter CHM)" stipulated in the Moon treaty in terms of international law. This article also dealt with the present and future problems arising from the Moon Treaty. As far as the 1967 Space Treaty is concerned the main standpoint is that outer space including the moon and the other celestial bodies is res extra commercium, areas not subject to national appropriation like high seas. It proclaims the principle non-appropriation concerning the celestial bodies in outer space. But the concept of CHM stipulated in the Moon Treaty created an entirely new category of territory in international law. This concept basically conveys the idea that the management, exploitation and distribution of natural resources of the area in question are matters to be decided by the international community and are not to be left to the initiative and discretion of individual states or their nationals. Similar provision is found in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention that operates the International Sea-bed Authority created by the concept of CHM. According to the Moon Treaty international regime will be established as the exploitation of the natural resources of the celestial bodies other than the Earth is about to become feasible. Before the establishment of an international regime we could imagine moratorium upon the expoitation of the natural resources on the celestial bodies. But the drafting history of the Moon Treaty indicates that no moratorium on the exploitation of natural resources was intended prior to the setting up of the international regime. So each State Party could exploit the natural resources bearing in mind that those resouces are CHM. In this respect it would be better for Korea, now not a party to the Moon Treaty, to be a member state in the near future. According to the Moon Treaty the efforts of those countries which have contributed either directly or indirectly the exploitation of the moon shall be given special consideration. The Moon Treaty, which although is criticised by some space law experts represents a solid basis upon which further space exploration can continue, shows the expression of the common collective wisdom of all member States of the United Nations and responds the needs and possibilities of those that have already their technologies into outer space.

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Effects of firm strategies on customer acquisition of Software as a Service (SaaS) providers: A mediating and moderating role of SaaS technology maturity (SaaS 기업의 차별화 및 가격전략이 고객획득성과에 미치는 영향: SaaS 기술성숙도 수준의 매개효과 및 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Chae, SeongWook;Park, Sungbum
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.151-171
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    • 2014
  • Firms today have sought management effectiveness and efficiency utilizing information technologies (IT). Numerous firms are outsourcing specific information systems functions to cope with their short of information resources or IT experts, or to reduce their capital cost. Recently, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) as a new type of information system has become one of the powerful outsourcing alternatives. SaaS is software deployed as a hosted and accessed over the internet. It is regarded as the idea of on-demand, pay-per-use, and utility computing and is now being applied to support the core competencies of clients in areas ranging from the individual productivity area to the vertical industry and e-commerce area. In this study, therefore, we seek to quantify the value that SaaS has on business performance by examining the relationships among firm strategies, SaaS technology maturity, and business performance of SaaS providers. We begin by drawing from prior literature on SaaS, technology maturity and firm strategy. SaaS technology maturity is classified into three different phases such as application service providing (ASP), Web-native application, and Web-service application. Firm strategies are manipulated by the low-cost strategy and differentiation strategy. Finally, we considered customer acquisition as a business performance. In this sense, specific objectives of this study are as follows. First, we examine the relationships between customer acquisition performance and both low-cost strategy and differentiation strategy of SaaS providers. Secondly, we investigate the mediating and moderating effects of SaaS technology maturity on those relationships. For this purpose, study collects data from the SaaS providers, and their line of applications registered in the database in CNK (Commerce net Korea) in Korea using a questionnaire method by the professional research institution. The unit of analysis in this study is the SBUs (strategic business unit) in the software provider. A total of 199 SBUs is used for analyzing and testing our hypotheses. With regards to the measurement of firm strategy, we take three measurement items for differentiation strategy such as the application uniqueness (referring an application aims to differentiate within just one or a small number of target industry), supply channel diversification (regarding whether SaaS vendor had diversified supply chain) as well as the number of specialized expertise and take two items for low cost strategy like subscription fee and initial set-up fee. We employ a hierarchical regression analysis technique for testing moderation effects of SaaS technology maturity and follow the Baron and Kenny's procedure for determining if firm strategies affect customer acquisition through technology maturity. Empirical results revealed that, firstly, when differentiation strategy is applied to attain business performance like customer acquisition, the effects of the strategy is moderated by the technology maturity level of SaaS providers. In other words, securing higher level of SaaS technology maturity is essential for higher business performance. For instance, given that firms implement application uniqueness or a distribution channel diversification as a differentiation strategy, they can acquire more customers when their level of SaaS technology maturity is higher rather than lower. Secondly, results indicate that pursuing differentiation strategy or low cost strategy effectively works for SaaS providers' obtaining customer, which means that continuously differentiating their service from others or making their service fee (subscription fee or initial set-up fee) lower are helpful for their business success in terms of acquiring their customers. Lastly, results show that the level of SaaS technology maturity mediates the relationships between low cost strategy and customer acquisition. That is, based on our research design, customers usually perceive the real value of the low subscription fee or initial set-up fee only through the SaaS service provide by vender and, in turn, this will affect their decision making whether subscribe or not.

Pareto Ratio and Inequality Level of Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Knowledge Collaboration: Analysis of Behaviors on Wikipedia (지식 공유의 파레토 비율 및 불평등 정도와 가상 지식 협업: 위키피디아 행위 데이터 분석)

  • Park, Hyun-Jung;Shin, Kyung-Shik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.19-43
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    • 2014
  • The Pareto principle, also known as the 80-20 rule, states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes for many events including natural phenomena. It has been recognized as a golden rule in business with a wide application of such discovery like 20 percent of customers resulting in 80 percent of total sales. On the other hand, the Long Tail theory, pointing out that "the trivial many" produces more value than "the vital few," has gained popularity in recent times with a tremendous reduction of distribution and inventory costs through the development of ICT(Information and Communication Technology). This study started with a view to illuminating how these two primary business paradigms-Pareto principle and Long Tail theory-relates to the success of virtual knowledge collaboration. The importance of virtual knowledge collaboration is soaring in this era of globalization and virtualization transcending geographical and temporal constraints. Many previous studies on knowledge sharing have focused on the factors to affect knowledge sharing, seeking to boost individual knowledge sharing and resolve the social dilemma caused from the fact that rational individuals are likely to rather consume than contribute knowledge. Knowledge collaboration can be defined as the creation of knowledge by not only sharing knowledge, but also by transforming and integrating such knowledge. In this perspective of knowledge collaboration, the relative distribution of knowledge sharing among participants can count as much as the absolute amounts of individual knowledge sharing. In particular, whether the more contribution of the upper 20 percent of participants in knowledge sharing will enhance the efficiency of overall knowledge collaboration is an issue of interest. This study deals with the effect of this sort of knowledge sharing distribution on the efficiency of knowledge collaboration and is extended to reflect the work characteristics. All analyses were conducted based on actual data instead of self-reported questionnaire surveys. More specifically, we analyzed the collaborative behaviors of editors of 2,978 English Wikipedia featured articles, which are the best quality grade of articles in English Wikipedia. We adopted Pareto ratio, the ratio of the number of knowledge contribution of the upper 20 percent of participants to the total number of knowledge contribution made by the total participants of an article group, to examine the effect of Pareto principle. In addition, Gini coefficient, which represents the inequality of income among a group of people, was applied to reveal the effect of inequality of knowledge contribution. Hypotheses were set up based on the assumption that the higher ratio of knowledge contribution by more highly motivated participants will lead to the higher collaboration efficiency, but if the ratio gets too high, the collaboration efficiency will be exacerbated because overall informational diversity is threatened and knowledge contribution of less motivated participants is intimidated. Cox regression models were formulated for each of the focal variables-Pareto ratio and Gini coefficient-with seven control variables such as the number of editors involved in an article, the average time length between successive edits of an article, the number of sections a featured article has, etc. The dependent variable of the Cox models is the time spent from article initiation to promotion to the featured article level, indicating the efficiency of knowledge collaboration. To examine whether the effects of the focal variables vary depending on the characteristics of a group task, we classified 2,978 featured articles into two categories: Academic and Non-academic. Academic articles refer to at least one paper published at an SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, or SCIE journal. We assumed that academic articles are more complex, entail more information processing and problem solving, and thus require more skill variety and expertise. The analysis results indicate the followings; First, Pareto ratio and inequality of knowledge sharing relates in a curvilinear fashion to the collaboration efficiency in an online community, promoting it to an optimal point and undermining it thereafter. Second, the curvilinear effect of Pareto ratio and inequality of knowledge sharing on the collaboration efficiency is more sensitive with a more academic task in an online community.

A Study on the Clustering Method of Row and Multiplex Housing in Seoul Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm and Hedonic Model (K-Means Clustering 알고리즘과 헤도닉 모형을 활용한 서울시 연립·다세대 군집분류 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Soonjae;Kim, Seonghyeon;Tak, Onsik;Jeong, Hyeonhee
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.95-118
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    • 2017
  • Recent centrally the downtown area, the transaction between the row housing and multiplex housing is activated and platform services such as Zigbang and Dabang are growing. The row housing and multiplex housing is a blind spot for real estate information. Because there is a social problem, due to the change in market size and information asymmetry due to changes in demand. Also, the 5 or 25 districts used by the Seoul Metropolitan Government or the Korean Appraisal Board(hereafter, KAB) were established within the administrative boundaries and used in existing real estate studies. This is not a district classification for real estate researches because it is zoned urban planning. Based on the existing study, this study found that the city needs to reset the Seoul Metropolitan Government's spatial structure in estimating future housing prices. So, This study attempted to classify the area without spatial heterogeneity by the reflected the property price characteristics of row housing and Multiplex housing. In other words, There has been a problem that an inefficient side has arisen due to the simple division by the existing administrative district. Therefore, this study aims to cluster Seoul as a new area for more efficient real estate analysis. This study was applied to the hedonic model based on the real transactions price data of row housing and multiplex housing. And the K-Means Clustering algorithm was used to cluster the spatial structure of Seoul. In this study, data onto real transactions price of the Seoul Row housing and Multiplex Housing from January 2014 to December 2016, and the official land value of 2016 was used and it provided by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(hereafter, MOLIT). Data preprocessing was followed by the following processing procedures: Removal of underground transaction, Price standardization per area, Removal of Real transaction case(above 5 and below -5). In this study, we analyzed data from 132,707 cases to 126,759 data through data preprocessing. The data analysis tool used the R program. After data preprocessing, data model was constructed. Priority, the K-means Clustering was performed. In addition, a regression analysis was conducted using Hedonic model and it was conducted a cosine similarity analysis. Based on the constructed data model, we clustered on the basis of the longitude and latitude of Seoul and conducted comparative analysis of existing area. The results of this study indicated that the goodness of fit of the model was above 75 % and the variables used for the Hedonic model were significant. In other words, 5 or 25 districts that is the area of the existing administrative area are divided into 16 districts. So, this study derived a clustering method of row housing and multiplex housing in Seoul using K-Means Clustering algorithm and hedonic model by the reflected the property price characteristics. Moreover, they presented academic and practical implications and presented the limitations of this study and the direction of future research. Academic implication has clustered by reflecting the property price characteristics in order to improve the problems of the areas used in the Seoul Metropolitan Government, KAB, and Existing Real Estate Research. Another academic implications are that apartments were the main study of existing real estate research, and has proposed a method of classifying area in Seoul using public information(i.e., real-data of MOLIT) of government 3.0. Practical implication is that it can be used as a basic data for real estate related research on row housing and multiplex housing. Another practical implications are that is expected the activation of row housing and multiplex housing research and, that is expected to increase the accuracy of the model of the actual transaction. The future research direction of this study involves conducting various analyses to overcome the limitations of the threshold and indicates the need for deeper research.

A Study on the Improvement Plans of Police Fire Investigation (경찰화재조사의 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • SeoMoon, Su-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Fire Investigation
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.103-121
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    • 2006
  • We are living in more comfortable circumstances with the social developments and the improvement of the standard of living, but, on the other hand, we are exposed to an increase of the occurrences of tires on account of large-sized, higher stories, deeper underground building and the use of various energy resources. The materials of the floor in a residence modern society have been going through various alterations in accordance with the uses of a residence and are now used as final goods in interioring the bottom of apartments, houses and shops. There are so many kinds of materials you usually come in contact with, but in the first place, we need to make an experiment on the spread of the fire with the hypocaust used as the floors of apartments, etc. and the floor covers you usually can get easily. We, scientific investigators, can get in contact with the accidents caused by incendiarism or an accidental fire closely connected with petroleum stuffs on the floor materials that give rise to lots of problems. on this account, I'd like to propose that we conduct an experiment on fire shapes by each petroleum stuff and that discriminate an accidental tire from incendiarism. In an investigation, it seems that finding a live coal could be an essential part of clearing up the cause of a tire but it could not be the cause of a fire itself. And besides, all sorts of tire cases or fire accidents have some kind of legislation and standard to minimize and at an early stage cope with the damage by tires. That is to say, we are supposed to install each kind of electric apparatus, automatic alarm equipment, automatic fire extinguisher in order to protect ourselves from the danger of fires and check them at any time and also escape urgently in case of fire-outbreaking or build a tire-proof construction to prevent flames from proliferating to the neighboring areas. Namely, you should take several factors into consideration to investigate a cause of a case or an accident related to fire. That means it's not in reason for one investigator or one investigative team to make clear of the starting part and the cause of a tire. accordingly, in this thesis, explanations would be given set limits to the judgement and verification on the cause of a fire and the concrete tire-spreading part through investigation on the very spot that a fire broke out. The fire-discernment would also be focused on the early stage fire-spreading part fire-outbreaking resources, and I think the realities of police tire investigations and the problems are still a matter of debate. The cause of a fire must be examined into by logical judgement on the basis of abundant scientific knowledge and experience covering the whole of fire phenomena. The judgement of the cause should be made with fire-spreading situation at the spot as the central figure and in case of verifying, you are supposed to prove by the situational proof from the traces of the tire-spreading to the fire-outbreaking sources. The causal relation on a fire-outbreak should not be proved by arbitrary opinion far from concrete facts, and also there is much chance of making mistakes if you draw deduction from a coincidence. It is absolutely necessary you observe in an objective attitude and grasp the situation of a tire in the investigation of the cause. Having a look at the spot with a prejudice is not allowed. The source of tire-outbreak itself is likely to be considered as the cause of a tire and that makes us doubt about the results according to interests of the independent investigators. So to speak, they set about investigations, the police investigation in the hope of it not being incendiarism, the fire department in the hope of it not being problems in installments or equipments, insurance companies in the hope of it being any incendiarism, electric fields in the hope of it not being electric defects, the gas-related in the hope of it not being gas problems. You could not look forward to more fair investigation and break off their misgivings. It is because the firing source itself is known as the cause of a fire and civil or criminal responsibilities are respected to the firing source itself. On this occasion, investigating the cause of a fire should be conducted with research, investigation, emotion independent, and finally you should clear up the cause with the results put together.

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Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide Enema on Recovery of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (과산화수소 관장이 급성 일산화탄소중독의 회복에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Won-Kyun;Chae, E-Up
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 1986
  • Carbon monoxide(CO) poisoning has been one of the major environmental problems because of the tissue hypoxia, especially brain tissue hypoxia, due to the great affinity of CO with hemoglobin. Inhalation of the pure oxygen$(0_2)$ under the high atmospheric pressure has been considered as the best treatment of CO poisoning by the supply of $0_2$ to hypoxic tissues with dissolved from in plasma and also by the rapid elimination of CO from the carboxyhemoglobin(HbCO). Hydrogen peroxide $(H_2O_2)$ was rapidly decomposed to water and $0_2$ under the presence of catalase in the blood, but the intravenous administration of $H_2O_2$ is hazardous because of the formation of methemoglobin and air embolism. However, it was reported that the enema of $H_2O_2$ solution below 0.75% could be continuously supplied $0_2$ to hypoxic tissues without the hazards mentioned above. This study was performed to evaluate the effect of $H_2O_2$ enema on the elimination of CO from the HbCO in the recovery of the acute CO poisoning. Rabbits weighting about 2.0 kg were exposed to If CO gas mixture with room air for 30 minutes. After the acute CO poisoning, 30 rabbits were divided into three groups relating to the recovery period. The first group T·as exposed to the room air and the second group w·as inhalated with 100% $0_2$ under 1 atmospheric pressure. The third group was administered 10 ml of 0.5H $H_2O_2$ solution per kg weight by enema immediately after CO poisoning and exposed to the room air during the recovery period. The arterial blood was sampled before and after CO poisoning ana in 15, 30, 60 and 90 minutes of the recovery period. The blood pH, $Pco_2\;and\;Po_2$ were measured anaerobically with a Blood Gas Analyzer and the saturation percentage of HbCO was measured by the Spectrophotometric method. The effect of $H_2O_2$ enema on the recovery from the acute CO poisoning was observed and compared with the room air group and the 100% $0_2$ inhalation group. The results obtained from the experiment are as follows: The pH of arterial blood was significantly decreased after CO poisoning and until the first 15 minutes of the recovery period in all groups. Thereafter, it was slowly increased to the level of the before CO poisoning, but the recovery of pH of the $H_2O_2$ enema group was more delayed than that of the other groups during the recovery period. $Paco_2$ was significantly decreased after CO poisoning in all groups. Boring the recovery Period, $Paco_2$ of the room air group was completely recovered to the level of the before CO Poisoning, but that of the 100% $O_2$ inhalation group and the $H_2O_2$ enema group was not recovered until the 90 minutes of the recovery period. $Paco_2$ was slightly decreased after CO poisoning. During the recovery Period, it was markedly increased in the first 15 minutes and maintained the level above that before CO Poisoning in all groups. Furthermore $Paco_2$ of the $H_2O_2$ enema group was 102 to 107 mmHg and it was about 10 mmHg higher than that of the room air group during the recovery period. The saturation percentage of HbCO was increased up to the range of 54 to 72 percents after CO poisoning and in general it was generally diminished during the recovery period. However in the $H_2O_2$ enema group the diminution of the saturation percentage of HbCO was generally faster than that of the 100% $O_2$ inhalation group and the room air group, and its diminution in the 100% $O_2$ inhalation group was also slightly faster than that of the room air group at the relatively later time of the recovery period. In conclusion, the enema of 0.5% $H_2O_2$ solution is seems to facilitate the elimination of CO from the HbCO in the blood and increase $Paco_2$ simultaneously during the recovery period of the acute CO poisoning.

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