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Changes in Nitrogenous Compounds of Soybean during Chungkookjang Koji Fermentation (청국장(淸國醬) 발효중(醱酵中) 질소화합물(窒素化合物)의 변화(變化))

  • Sung, Nak-Ju;Ji, Young-Ae;Chung, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 1984
  • In order to study the flavor quality of Chungkookjang, the changes in nitrogenous compounds, nucleotides and their related compounds, free amino acids, amino acid composition and fatty acids were analysed during Chungkookjang Koji fermentation. Koji was prepared with Bacillus natto isolated from Japanese natto. Insoluble nitrogenous was rapidly decreased, whereas PAA (peptide, amino, ammonia) nitrogen were slightly increased during the fermentation of Chungkookjang Koji. The content of extracted nitrogen and free amino acid nitrogen were rapidly increased until 48 hours fermentation of Chungkookjang Koji and then decreased. The contents of ADP, ATP, AMP and inosine in raw soybean were abundant. The contents of ADP, ATP and AMP were decreased while inosine and hypoxanthine were increased during the fermentation of Chungkookjang Koji. The free amino acids analyzed in this experiment were not changed in composition but changed in amounts during the fermentation of Chungkookjang Koji. The contents of alanine, valine, isoleucine and phenylalanine were continually increased during the fermentation of Chungkookjang Koji. The contents of lysine, histidine, arginine, glutamic acid, glycine, methionine and tyrosine were increased until 48 hours fermentation and then decreased gradually. The increase in the contents of aspartic acid, threonine, serine, proline and cystine were fluctuated. In raw soybean, amino acid composition such as glutamic acid, serine and proline were dominant amino acid and amounts those were 63.8% of the total amino acids. The contents of aspartic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, cystine, leucine and tyrosine were continually decreased during the fermentation of Chungkookjang Koji, arginine and methionine were increased until 48 hours fermentation of Chungkookjang Koji and then decreased gradually. The increase of threonine and serine were fluctuated. Eight kinds of fatty acids were detected from raw soybean, but 10 kinds of fatty acids detected from Chungkookjang Koji. Palmitic, oleic and linoleic acid were identified as the major fatty acid of raw soybean and Chungkookjang Koji, and amounts of those were estimated above 80% of the total fatty acids.

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Influence of the Combination of Casein and Isolated Soyprotein with or without Methionine Supplementation on the Growth, Metabolism, and Body Composition of Growing Rats (카제인과 대두단백질(大豆蛋白質)의 혼합(混合) 및 Methionine보충(補充)이 흰쥐의 성장(成長), 체내(體內) 대사(代謝) 및 체조성(體組成)에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Young Ja;Han, In Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 1983
  • This experiment was conducted to study effects of different sources of protein, and of the different combination ratios of the two protein supplemented or unsupplemented with methionine on the growth and body metabolism of the growing male rats. Casein and isolated soyprotein (ISP) were combined at different ratios of 100:0, 80:20, 50:50, 20:80 and 0:100 to supply the constant levels of dietary energy and protein of 3,600kcal/kg and 20%, respectively. Each combination was supplemented with either 0 or 0.3% methionine. Results obtained in these experiments were summarized as follows: The body weight and weight gain in the ISP diet were the lowest, but were increased with the increase of ratios of casein to ISP. The body weight gain in the ISP diet supplemented with methionine was similar to that in the combination diets of casein and ISP. The combination diets of casein and ISP supplemented with methionine had the higher weight gain than the casein diet. The food intake in the casein diet was the highest, and was increased with the increase of ratios of casein to ISP, and was lowered with methionine supplementation. The food intake in the ISP diet was the lowest and was not increased with methionine supplementation to the ISP diet. The food efficiency ratio of the combination diets of casein and ISP was improved compared to those of either the casein or the ISP diets. The food efficiency ratio was improved in the diet of either casein of ISP supplemented with methionine, but was not improved in the combination diets of casein and ISP with methionine supplementation. The gross energy intake had direct relation with the food intake of rats and the relation was increased either in the casein diet of with the increase of the ratios of casein to ISP. The energy efficiency and protein efficiency ratios were improved in the diet of either casein of ISP by the supplementation of methionine, and the effect of methionine supplementation of the energy efficiency and protein efficiency atio was increased with the increase of the ratios of ISP to casein. The nitrogen intake and urinary nitrogen excretion of the casein diet were the highest and those of the ISP diet were the lowest. They were increased with the increase of ratios of casein to ISP. The nitrogen balance and retention were not significantly among the treatments. The gross energy intake and fecal and urinary energy were the highest in the casein diet but the digestible and metabolizable energy and the digestibility and metabolizability of energy were not significantly different among the treatments. The body fat content of rats was increased by supplementation of methionine but the body protein content was decreased (r=-0.65, p<0.01). The body fat content of rats was negatively correlated with body moisture content (r=-0.83, p<0.01). The liver weight was highly correlated with the carcass weight (r=0.79, p<0.01), and was increased by the methionine supplementation and by the increase of the ratios of casein to ISP.

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A Comparative Study of Food Habits and Body Satisfaction of Middle School Students According to Clinical Symptoms (일부 남녀 중학생의 건강 관련 임상증상에 따른 식습관과 체헝관심도에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, Chung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.202-208
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to examine the food habits, knowledge of nutrition and actual conditions of food ingestion of adolescent middle school students according to questionnaire answers. Questionnaires were completed by 524 students, divided into a healthy group (n=289) and an unhealthy group (n=235) according to clinical signs. Further questions were asked of the two groups in the areas of food habits, knowledge of nutrition and nutritional attitude. The results were as follows: Mean age of all subjects was 14, heights for male and female students were 162.0 em, and 157.2 cm, weights were 53.4 kg, and 49.4, respectively. Heights and weights of male students were greater than those of female students. The body mass index (BMI) for male and female students was 20.3 kg/$m^2$ and 20.0 kg/$m^2$, respectively, and all data were within normal ranges. There were no significant differences in mean age, height, weight, and BMI between the healthy and unhealthy groups. There was no significant difference in body image recognition between the two groups, although the ratio of dissatisfaction with their own body shape was significantly higher in the female unhealthy group (46.1%), than in the female healthy group (33.0%) (p<0.05). In the area of the struggle to control body weight during the previous year, the female unhealthy group (59.4%) was higher than the female healthy group (38.4%) (p<0.01). There was no significant difference in the scores between the two groups in the areas of knowledge of nutrition and the nutritional attitude. Meal frequency and meal patterns were showed that having breakfast less than 4x/week was significantly higher in the female unhealthy group (44.0%), than in the female healthy group (30.7%) (p<0.01). Meal frequency for suppers<4x/week showed that the female unhealthy group (18.8%) was also higher than the female healthy group (10.7%). Therefore, the unhealthy group exhibited a higher pattern of missing both breakfast and supper. The male unhealthy group (16.7%) dined out more frequently than the male healthy group (12.3%) (p<0.01), and female unhealthy group also indulged in snacking significantly more frequently than the female healthy group. The unhealthy group also ate only 1 item for meals more frequently than the healthy group and no significant difference. The conclusion of this study is that adolescent Korean middle school students, who showed a higher incidence of clinical symptoms, representing an unhealthy status, missed breakfast and supper, and dined out and indulged in snacking more frequently. Their quality of breakfast and satisfaction of body image were also lower than the healthy group. These results indicated that there is a high correlation between a Korean adolescent's health status, food habits and body image satisfaction. It is recommended that a more intense program of nutritional education and monitoring be introduce into the current Korean middle-school system in order to optimally support and maximize the health potential of the current population of Korean student.

A Study on the Liturgical Vestments of Catholic-With reference to the Liturgical Vestments Firm of Paderborn and kevelaer in Germany (카톨릭교 전례복에 관한 연구-독일 Paderborn 과 kevelaer의 전례복 회사를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Ri-Na
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.7
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    • pp.133-162
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    • 1995
  • Paderborn's companies, Wameling and Cassau, produce the liturgical vestments, which have much traditional artistic merit. And Kevelaerer Fahnen + Paramenten GmbH, located in Kevelater which is a place of pilgrimage of the Virgin Mary, was known to Europe, Africa, America and the Scandinavia Peninsula as the "Hidden Company" of liturgical vesments maker up to now. Paderborn and Kevelaer were the place of the center of the religious world and the Catholic ceremony during a good few centries. The Catholic liturgical vestiments of these 3 companies use versatile design, color, shape and techniques. These have not only the symbolism of religion, but also can meet our's expectations of utilization of modern textile art, art clothing and wide-all division of design. These give the understanding of symbolic meanings and harmony according to liturgical vestments to the believers. And these have an influence on mental thinking and induction of religious belief to the non-believers as the recognition and concerns about the religious art. The liturgical vestments are clothes which churchmen put on at the all ceremonial function of a mass, a sacrament, performance and a parade according to rules of church. These show the represen-tation of "Holy God" in silence and distinguish between common people and churchmen. And these represent a status and dignity of churchmen and induce majesty and respect to churchmen. Common clothes of the beginning of the Greece and Rome was developed to Christian clothes with the tendency of religion. There were no special uniforms distinguished from commen people until the Christianity was recognized officially by the Roman Emperor Constantinus at A.D.313. The color of liturgical vestments was originally white and changed to special colors according to liturgical day and each time by the Pope Innocentius at 12th century. The color and symbolic meaning of the liturgical vestments of present day was originated by the Pope St. Pius(1566-1572). Wool and Linen was used as decorations and materials in the beginnings and the special materials like silk was used after 4th century and beautiful materials made of gold thread was used at 12th century. It is expected that there is no critical changes to the liturgical vestments of future. But the development of liturgical vestments will continues slowly by the command of conservative church and will change to simple and convenient formes according to the culture, the trend of the times and the fashion of clothes. The companies of liturgical vestments develop versatile design, embroidery technique and realization of creative design for distinction of the liturgical vestments of each company and artistic progress. The cooperation of companies, artists and church will make the bright future of these 3 companies. We expect that our country will be a famous producing center of the liturgical vestments through the research and development of companies, participation of artists in religeous arts and concerts of church.

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Protoplast Fusion of Nicotiana glauca and Solanum tuberosum Using Selectable Marker Genes (표식유전자를 이용한 담배와 감자의 원형질체 융합)

  • Park, Tae-Eun;Chung, Hae-Joun
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.4
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    • pp.103-142
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    • 1991
  • These studies were carried out to select somatic hybrid using selectable marker genes of Nicotiana glauca transformed by NPTII gene and Solanum tuberosum transformed by T- DNA, and to study characteristics of transformant. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Crown gall tumors and hairy roots were formed on potato tuber disc infected by A. tumefaciens Ach5 and A. rhizogenes ATCC15834. These tumors and roots could be grown on the phytohormone free media. 2. Callus formation from hairy root was prompted on the medium containing 2, 4 D 2mg/I with casein hydrolysate lg/l. 3. The survival ratio of crown gall tumor callus derived from potato increased on the medium containing the activated charcoal 0. 5-2. 0mg/I because of the preventions on the other hand, hairy roots were necrosis on the same medium. 4. Callus derived from hairy root were excellently grown for a short time by suspension culture on liquid medium containing 2, 4-D 2mg/I and casein hydrolysate lg/l. 5. The binary vector pGA643 was mobilized from E. coli MC1000 into wild type Agrobacteriurn tumefaciens Ach5, A. tumefaciens $A_4T$ and disarmed A. tuniefaciens LBA4404 using a triparental mating method with E. ccli HB1O1/pRK2013. Transconjugants were obtained on the minimal media containing tetracycline and kanamycin. pGA643 vectors were confirmed by electrophoresis on 0.7% agarose gel. 6. Kanamycin resistant calli were selected on the media supplemented with 2, 4-D 0.5mg/1 and kanamycin $100\mug$/ml after co- cultivating with tobacco stem explants and A. tumefaciens LBA4404/pGA643, and selected calli propagated on the same medium. 7. The multiple shoots were regenerated from kanamycin resistant calli on the MS medium containing BA 2mg/l. 8. Leaf segments of transformed shoot were able to grow vigorusly on the medium supplemented with high concentration of kanamycin $1000\mug$/ml. 9. Kanamycin resistant shoots were rooting and elongated on medium containing kanamycin $100\mug$/ml, but normal shoot were not. 10. For the production of protoplast from potato calli transformed by T-DNA and mesophyll tissue transformed by NPTII gene, the former was isolated in the enzyme mixture of 2.0% celluase Onozuka R-10, 1.0% dricelase, 1.0% macerozyme. and 0.5M mannitol, the latter was isolated in the enzyme mixture 1.0% Celluase Onozuka R-10, 0.3% macerozyme, and 0.7M mannitol. 11. The optimal concentrationn of mannitol in the enzyme mixture for high protoplast yield was 0.8M at both transformed tobacco mesophyll and potato callus. The viabilities of protoplast were shown above 90%, respectively. 12. Both tobacco mesophyll and potato callus protoplasts were fused by using PEG solution. Cell walls were regenerated on hormone free media supplemented with kanamycin after 5 days, and colonies were observed after 4 weeks culture.

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Preparation of Vitamin E Acetate Nano-emulsion and In Vitro Research Regarding Vitamin E Acetate Transdermal Delivery System which Use Franz Diffusion Cell (Vitamin E Acetate를 함유한 Nano-emulsion 제조와 Franz Diffusion Cell을 이용한 Vitamin E Acetate의 경표피 흡수에 관한 In Vitro 연구)

  • Park, Soo-Nam;Kim, Jai-Hyun;Yang, Hee-Jung;Won, Bo-Ryoung;Ahn, You-Jin;Kang, Myung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2009
  • in the cosmetics and medical supply field as a antioxidant material. The stable nano particle emulsion of skin toner type containing VEA was prepared. To evaluate the skin permeation, experiments on VEA permeation to the skin of the ICR outbred albino mice (12 weeks, about 50 g, female) and on differences of solubility as a function of receptor formulations was performed. The analysis of nano-emulsions containing VEA 0.07 % showed that the higher ethanol contents the larger emulsions were formed, while the higher surfactant contents the size became smaller.In this study, vitamin E acetate (VEA, tocopheryl acetate), a lipid-soluble vitamin which is widely used A certain contents of ethanol in receptor phase increased VEA solubility on the nano-emulsion. When the ethanol contents were 10.0 % and 20.0 %, the VEA solubility was higher than 5.0 % and 40.0 %, respectively. The type of surfactant in receptor solution influenced to VEA solubility. The comparison between three kind surfactants whose chemical structures and HLB values are different, showed that solubility of VEA was increased as order of sorbitan sesquioleate (Arlacel 83; HLB 3.7) > POE (10) hydrogenated castor oil (HCO-10; HLB 6.5) > sorbitan monostearate (Arlacel 60; HLB 4.7). VEA solubility was also shown to be different according to the type of antioxidant. In early time, the solubility of the sample including ascorbic acid was similar to those of other samples including other types of antioxidants. However, the solubility of the sample including ascorbic acid was 2 times higher than others after 24 h. Franz diffusion cell experiment using mouse skin was performed with four nano-emulsion samples which have different VEA contents. The emulsion of 10 wt% ethanol was shown to be the most permeable at the amount of 128.8 ${\mu}g/cm^2$. When the result of 10 % ethanol content was compared with initial input of 220.057 ${\mu}g/cm^2$, the permeated amount was 58.53 % and the permeated amount at 10 % ethanol was higher 45.0 % and 15.0 % than the other results which ethanol contents were 1.0 and 20.0 wt%, respectively. Emulsion particle size used 0.5 % surfactant (HCO-60) was 26.0 nm that is one twentieth time smaller than the size of 0.007 % surfactant (HCO-60) at the same ethanol content. Transepidermal permeation of VEA was 54.848 ${\mu}g/cm^2$ which is smaller than that of particlesize 590.7 nm. Skin permeation of nano-emulsion containing VEA and difference of VEA solubility as a function of receptor phase formulation were determined from the results. Using these results, optimal conditions of transepidermal permeation with VEA were considered to be set up.

Measuring Consumer-Brand Relationship Quality (소비자-브랜드 관계 품질 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Myung-Soo;Kim, Byoung-Jai;Shin, Jong-Chil
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.111-131
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    • 2007
  • As a brand becomes a core asset in creating a corporation's value, brand marketing has become one of core strategies that corporations pursue. Recently, for customer relationship management, possession and consumption of goods were centered on brand for the management. Thus, management related to this matter was developed. The main reason of the increased interest on the relationship between the brand and the consumer is due to acquisition of individual consumers and development of relationship with those consumers. Along with the development of relationship, a corporation is able to establish long-term relationships. This has become a competitive advantage for the corporation. All of these processes became the strategic assets of corporations. The importance and the increase of interest of a brand have also become a big issue academically. Brand equity, brand extension, brand identity, brand relationship, and brand community are the results derived from the interest of a brand. More specifically, in marketing, the study of brands has been led to the study of factors related to building of powerful brands and the process of building the brand. Recently, studies concentrated primarily on the consumer-brand relationship. The reason is that brand loyalty can not explain the dynamic quality aspects of loyalty, the consumer-brand relationship building process, and especially interactions between the brands and the consumers. In the studies of consumer-brand relationship, a brand is not just limited to possession or consumption objectives, but rather conceptualized as partners. Most of the studies from the past concentrated on the results of qualitative analysis of consumer-brand relationship to show the depth and width of the performance of consumer-brand relationship. Studies in Korea have been the same. Recently, studies of consumer-brand relationship started to concentrate on quantitative analysis rather than qualitative analysis or even go further with quantitative analysis to show effecting factors of consumer-brand relationship. Studies of new quantitative approaches show the possibilities of using the results as a new concept of viewing consumer-brand relationship and possibilities of applying these new concepts on marketing. Studies of consumer-brand relationship with quantitative approach already exist, but none of them include sub-dimensions of consumer-brand relationship, which presents theoretical proofs for measurement. In other words, most studies add up or average out the sub-dimensions of consumer-brand relationship. However, to do these kind of studies, precondition of sub-dimensions being in identical constructs is necessary. Therefore, most of the studies from the past do not meet conditions of sub-dimensions being as one dimension construct. From this, we question the validity of past studies and their limits. The main purpose of this paper is to overcome the limits shown from the past studies by practical use of previous studies on sub-dimensions in a one-dimensional construct (Naver & Slater, 1990; Cronin & Taylor, 1992; Chang & Chen, 1998). In this study, two arbitrary groups were classified to evaluate reliability of the measurements and reliability analyses were pursued on each group. For convergent validity, correlations, Cronbach's, one-factor solution exploratory analysis were used. For discriminant validity correlation of consumer-brand relationship was compared with that of an involvement, which is a similar concept with consumer-based relationship. It also indicated dependent correlations by Cohen and Cohen (1975, p.35) and results showed that it was different constructs from 6 sub-dimensions of consumer-brand relationship. Through the results of studies mentioned above, we were able to finalize that sub-dimensions of consumer-brand relationship can viewed from one-dimensional constructs. This means that the one-dimensional construct of consumer-brand relationship can be viewed with reliability and validity. The result of this research is theoretically meaningful in that it assumes consumer-brand relationship in a one-dimensional construct and provides the basis of methodologies which are previously preformed. It is thought that this research also provides the possibility of new research on consumer-brand relationship in that it gives root to the fact that it is possible to manipulate one-dimensional constructs consisting of consumer-brand relationship. In the case of previous research on consumer-brand relationship, consumer-brand relationship is classified into several types on the basis of components consisting of consumer-brand relationship and a number of studies have been performed with priority given to the types. However, as we can possibly manipulate a one-dimensional construct through this research, it is expected that various studies which make the level or strength of consumer-brand relationship practical application of construct will be performed, and not research focused on separate types of consumer-brand relationship. Additionally, we have the theoretical basis of probability in which to manipulate the consumer-brand relationship with one-dimensional constructs. It is anticipated that studies using this construct, which is consumer-brand relationship, practical use of dependent variables, parameters, mediators, and so on, will be performed.

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A Study on the Function of Oral Medicine as the Secondary Clinic Based on Analysis on Admissive Channel and Case Features (내원경위 분석과 환자 특성 평가에 따른 2차 진료기관으로서 구강내과 역할에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, You-Mee;Lee, Jung-Hyun;Lim, Hyun-Dae
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.199-210
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    • 2006
  • The epidemiological researches on the inpatients hospitalized at the oral medicine ward have been continuously carried out since 1970, and most researches have been performed by centering around the oral medicine wards of college hospitals. Numerous specialists have been produced after the establishment of oral medicine, and they have been active in various fields. As dental clinics have gotten bigger, the function of oral medicine in the secondary clinics is being brought out. As admissive channel, case features, case composition and otherwise have not been researched for a long time, the related researches should be carried out from now on. Hereupon, this study was carried out by targeting the 100 inpatients hospitalized at the oral medicine ward of Sun Hospital located in Daejeon Korea, through questionnaire. As the result, the following results were derived. 1. The ages of the inpatients in Sun Hospital were $29.21{\pm}11.31$ on the average; 71 females' mean average was $29.63{\pm}11.29$ and 29 males' mean average was $28.17{\pm}11.48$. In regard of school career, the patients who finished high-school course or higher accounted for 78%; the patients' school career seemed to be relatively high. The patients who complained of temporomandibular pain accounted for the highest proportion with 65%. In motivation to visit this hospital, internet surfing was 11%, mass media was 10%, acquaintance's introduction was 38%. The patients, who were hospitalized at another hospital due to the same symptom, accounted for 56%. The dental clinics, which made the patients visit this hospital, accounted for 20%. The patients, who were previously aware that the present symptom should be treated by oral medicine, accounted for 38%. The patients, who were not aware of the fact in advance, were 62%. The respondents of 51% answered that they were aware of the fact one month or below before hospitalization. 2. The patients, who complained of craniocervical ache, accounted for 58%; the patients, whose ache aches affect dailylife, were 22%. Continuous ache was 14% and intermittent ache was 68%, and dull pain was 23%. 3. Life variations were compared with each other by using SRRS (Social Readjustment Rating Scale). In consequence, the variation within 3 years indicated a significant difference in the both groups but the variation within 6 months did not indicate any differences. 4. In regard of the questionnaire on the incidents happened for a week, the ache-group was compared with the group free from the ache. As the result, the number of strain arisen for a week, the decrease of favorite works and sudden fear indicated a significant difference. Pleasant feeling and the decrease of interests in looks did not indicate a significant difference, but came close to the significance. 5. In the questionnaire on impatience, the ache-group indicated higher value but there was not a significant difference. 6. In the questionnaire on the symptoms caused by stress, the two groups indicated significant differences in the item of 'the teethridge itches and feels a tooth rising' and 'the occiput or the nape is stiff.' In the item 'the inside of the cheek or the teethridge are widely peeled off, accompanied with ache and hemorrhage', 'the face has acne or pimple' and 'headache frequently attacks', a significant difference was not observed but the two groups came close to the significance.

Measurement of Bone mineral density According to Middle aged Women with Low Back Pain (중년여성의 요통에 따른 골밀도 측정)

  • Kang, Jeom-Deok;Kim, Jong-Bong
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.5-28
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    • 2001
  • Objectives: The objective of this study was to investigate analysis of bone mineral density according to Women with low back pain women. Methods: The data were collected from women who visited Physical Examination Center of a Catholic university hospital located in Daegu. Questionnaires were completed by 50 women during the period from July 20, 2000 to January 12, 2001. The sample was divided into three groups(the normal group of 16 cases and the osteopenia group of 12cases and the osteoporosis group of 22 cases). Bone mineral density(BMD) of lumbar spine was measured using energy absorptiometry. Results: The bone mineral density of the lumbar spine decreased with aging. The bone mineral density of the lumbar spine decreased with the serum Calcium and Phosphorus and Alkaline phosphatase increased. The mean bone mineral density of the lumbar spine of healthy women in age(50~59) was 0.87g/$cm^2$, the lumbar spine of women with low back pain in age(50~59) was 0.77g/$cm^2$. In the multiple regression of risk factors to bone mineral density(BMD) of lumbar spine were correlated with age, marriage existence, exercise time, the loving food of taste, calcium, bone mineral density standard T scores(p<0.05). The experience for LBP increased as weight increased(Odds ratio=999.000). The experience for LBP increased as number of Exercise decreased(Odds ratio=999.000). The experience for LBP increased as menopause existence increased(Odds ratio=999.000). The experience for LBP increased as serum Calcium and Phosphorus increased (Odds ratio=999.000). however all four variables had significant no relationship. The correlation in variables in relation to low back pain and bone mineral density, age showed contra-correlation with low back pain existence, Alkaline phosphatase(p<0.01). Weight showed contra-correlation with body mass index(BMI)(p<0.01). Exercise time showed correlation with number of exercise(p<0.01). The loving food of taste showed contra-correlation with Alkaline phosphatase(p<0.05). Bone mineral density showed correlation with menopause existence(p<0.05). Conclusions: Results from this study indicated that a statistically significant association between bone mineral density of the lumbar spin and age, marriage existence, exercise time, the loving food of taste, calcium, bone mineral density standard T scores. In logistic regression test, there were no related variables. The combination of bone mineral density measurement and assessment of the bone turnover rate by measuring biochemical would be helpful for the treatment of patients with risks of osteoporosis. The more precise study for risk factors to osteoporosis is essential.

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  • Lee, Soo-Kyung;Hong, Kang-E
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 1999
  • This study was performed by the children and adolescents who were abused or neglected physically, emotionally that were selected in child & adolescents psychiatric ward. We investigated the number of these case in admitted children & adolescents, and also observed characteristics of symptoms, developmental history, characteristics of abuse style, characteristics of abusers, family dynamics and psychopathology. We hypothesized that all kinds of abuse will influnced to emotional, behavioral problems, developmental courses on victims, interactive effects on family dynamics and psychopathology. That subjects were 22 persons of victims who be determined by clinical observation and clinical note. The results of the study were as follows:1) Demographic characteristics of victims:ratio of sex was 1:6.3(male:female), mean age was $11.1{\pm}2.5$. According to birth order, lst was 12(54.5%), 2nd was 5(23%), 3rd was 2(9%) and only child was 3(13.5%). 2) Characteristics of family:According to socioeconomic status, middle to high class was 3(13.5%), middle one was 9(41.% ), middle to low one was 9(41%), low one was 1(0.5%). according to number of family, under the 3 person was 3(13.5%), 4-5 was 17(77.5%), 6-7 was 2(9%). according to marital status of parents, divorce or seperation were 5(23%), remarriage 2(9%), severe marital discord was 19(86.5%). In father, antisocial behavior was 7(32%), alcohol dependence was 10(45.5%). In mother, alcohol abuse was 5(23%), depression was 17(77.3%), history of psychiatric management was 6(27%). 3) Characteristics of abuse:Physical abuse was 18(81.8%), physical and emotional abuse and neglect were 4(18.2%). according to onset of abuse, before 3 years was 15(54.5%), 3-6 years was 5(27.5%), schooler was 1(15%). Only father offender was 2(19%), only mother offender was 8(35.4%), both offender was 8(35.4%), accompaning with spouse abuse was 7(27%), and accompaning with other sibling abuse was 4(18.2%). 4) General characteristics and developmental history of victims:Unwanted baby was 12(54.5%), developmental delay before abuse was9(41%), comorbid developmental disorder was 15(68%). there were 6(27.5%) who didn‘t show definite sign of developmental delay before abuse. 5) Main diagnosis and comorbid diagnosis:According to main diagnosis, conduct disorder 6(27.3%), borderline child 5(23%), depression4(18%), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) 4(18%), pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified 2(9%), selective mutism 1(5%). According to comorbid diagnosis, ADHD, borderline intelligence, mental retardation, learning disorder, developmental language disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, chronic tic disorder, functional enuresis and encoporesis, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder, personality disorder due to medical condition. 5) Course of treatment:A mean duration of admission was $2.4{\pm}1.5$ months. 11(15%) showed improvement of symtoms, however 11(50%) was not changed of symtoms.

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