• Title/Summary/Keyword: 表現

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의료정보 공유를 위한 표준화기술의 동향

  • Choe, Jin-Uk
    • Journal of Scientific & Technological Knowledge Infrastructure
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    • s.3
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    • pp.84-89
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    • 2000
  • 의료정보 표준화는 의료행위를 나타내는 용어의 표준화에서부터 진료기록의 형식 및 서식, 컴퓨터를 통하여 의로 정보들을 교환하는 방법, 이에 필요한 기자재 등을 약속된 형태로 표현하는 것을 말한다. 이와 같은 의료정보 표준화가 필요한 이유는 용어의 표현 및 그 사용범주를 모두 공통된 개념으로 받아들여야만 진료행위 및 이에 관련된 모든 업무에서 정확하고 유용한 정보의 교환이 가능할 수 있는 것이기 때문이다.

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The Study on Expressive Methods for Scat Syllables by Analyzing Vocal Improvisation (보컬즉흥연주 가창분석을 통한 스캣음절(Scat Syllables) 표현에 관한 연구)

  • Bang, Hyun-Seung
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.12a
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    • pp.85-88
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 3명의 재즈보컬리스트에 의해 가창된 보컬즉흥연주를 분석하여 스캣음절의 사용실례를 살펴보고 그 결과를 통하여 스캣음절의 사용 및 표현방식에 대한 이해를 돕고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다.

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A Study On Object-based Image Segmentation (객체 기반 이미지 분할에 관한 연구)

  • 임희석;박기홍
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2002.05c
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    • pp.210-214
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    • 2002
  • 본 논문에서는 효율적인 이미지 분할을 위한 객체지향 모델링 방법을 제시한다. 이를 위하여 분할 객체와 자료구조를 제시하며 각각의 객체들을 위한 클래스 계층 구조를 나타낸다. 또한 객체의 부분에 대한 계층구조는 물론 객체의 기하학적인 표현을 위한 표현 클래스도 제시한다. 결론적으로 이미지 객체에 대한 시스템 독립적 이미지 분할을 위한 클래스 계층 구조를 객체지향 방법으로 제시하였다.

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Decorative PhotoMosaics (장식적인 포토모자이크)

  • 김정은;나현철;윤경현
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.667-670
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    • 2004
  • 지금까지 발표된 포토 모자이크 제작 방법은 입력영상을 일정한 크기의 사각형 격자로 나눈 후, 데이터베이스로 구축해 놓았던 이미지들을 입력영상의 색상이 비슷한 격자에 매핑시키는 방법이었다. 본 논문에서는 사각형 타일을 이용하여 입력영상을 표현하는 방법은 같지만, 타일들 사이에 틈을 주어 이미지 에지 주변의 타일들을 회전하거나 이동시킬 수 있게 하여 에지의 방향성을 최대한 표현해낼 수 있는 방법을 제안한다.

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An embedded DVB-HTML browser in DVB-HTML environment (DVB-MHP 환경에서의 내장형 DVB-HTML 브라우저)

  • 김성기;홍건호;송하윤;한상영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.04d
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    • pp.518-520
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    • 2003
  • 데이터 방송을 셋톱 박스에서 시청하기 위해서 여러 가지 표준적인 플랫폼들이 존재하는데, 각 플랫폼마다 컨텐츠 표현 언어가 존재한다. 이러한 각 컨텐츠 표현 언어를 처리해주기 위해서는 데이터 방송 용 브라우저가 필수적인데, 본 논문에서는 DVB-MHP 플랫폼에서 DVB-HTML 어플리케이션의 처리가 가능한 내장형 브라우저를 설계하고 구현하였다.

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Extended Legendre 시퀀스의 선형스팬

  • 노종선
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 1998
  • 본 논문에서는 2$_{m}$ -1의 메센소수 주기를 갖는 Legendre 시퀀스에 확장이론을 적용하여 유도되는 주기가 2$^{em}$ -1인 extdndre 시퀀스를 decimated m-시퀀스들의 합으로 표현하였으며 이를 이용하여 extended Legendre시퀀스를 decimated m-시퀀스들의 합으로 표현하였으며 이를 이용하여 extended Legendre 시퀀스의 선형스팬의 상한식 및 선형스팬에 관한 conjecture를 유도하였다.

A Comprehensive Representation Model for Spatial Relations among Regions and Physical Objects considering Property of Container and Gravity (Container 성질과 중력을 고려한 공간과 객체의 통합적 공간관계 표현 모델)

  • Park, Jong-Hee;Lim, Young-Jae
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.194-204
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    • 2010
  • A space, real or virtual, comprises regions as its parts and physical objects residing in them. A coherent and sophisticated representaion scheme for their spatial relations premises the precision and plausibility in its associated agents' inferencing on the spatial relations and the development of events occurring in such a space. The existing spatial models are not suitable for a comprehensive representation of the general spatial relations in that they have limited expressive powers based on the dichotomy between the large and small scales, or support only a small set of topological relations. The representaion model we propose has the following distinctive chracteristics: firstly, our model provides a comprehensive representation scheme to accommodate large and small scale spaces in an integrated fashion; secondly, our model greatly elaborated the spatial relations among the small-scale objects based on their contact relations and the compositional relations among their respective components objects beyond the basic topological relations like disjoint and touch; thirdly, our model further diversifies the types of supported relations by adding the container property besides the soildness together with considering the gravity direction. The resulting integrated spatial knowledge representation scheme considering the gravity allows the diverse spatial relations in the real world to be simulated in a precise manner in relation to the associated spatial events and provides an expression measure for the agents in such a cyber-world to capture the spatial knowledge to be used for recognizing the situations in the spatial aspects.

Visualizing Emotions with an Artificial Emotion Model Based on Psychology -Focused on Characters in Hamlet- (심리학 기반 인공감정모델을 이용한 감정의 시각화 -햄릿의 등장인물을 중심으로-)

  • Ham, Jun-Seok;Ryeo, Ji-Hye;Ko, Il-Ju
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.541-552
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    • 2008
  • We cannot express emotions correctly with only speech because it is hard to estimate the kind, size, amount of emotions. Hamlet who is a protagonist in 'Hamlet' of Shakespeare has emotions which cannot be expressed within only speech because he is in various dramatic situations. So we supposed an artificial emotion, instead of expressing emotion with speech, expressing and visualizing current emotions with color and location. And we visualized emotions of characters in 'Hamlet' with the artificial emotion. We designed the artificial emotion to four steps considering peculiarities of emotion. First, the artificial emotion analyzes inputted emotional stimulus as relationship between causes and effects and analyzes its kinds and amounts. Second, we suppose Emotion Graph Unit to express generating, maintaining, decaying of analyzed one emotional stimuli which is outputted by first step, according to characteristic. Third, using Emotion Graph Unit, we suppose Emotion Graph that expresses continual same emotional stimulus. And we make Emotion Graph at each emotions, managing generation and decay of emotion individually. Last, we suppose Emotion Field can express current combined value of Emotion Graph according to co-relation of various emotions, and visualize current emotion by a color and a location in Emotion Field. We adjusted the artificial emotion to the play 'Hamlet' to test and visualize changes of emotion of Hamlet and his mother, Gertrude.

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The Effects of Mother's Parenting Efficacy and Emotional Expressiveness on Infant's Social Emotional Development (어머니의 양육효능감과 정서표현성이 영아의 사회 정서발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Mi Suk;Chung, Hee Jung
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of maternal parenting efficacy and emotional expression on infant's social emotional development. Methods: The subjects of this study were 269 infants and their mothers who attended day care centers in G district of S city and the data was collected by survey. The collected data were analyzed by frequency analysis, t-test and ANONA test using SPSS 16.0 program, $Scheff{\acute{e}}$ test by post test, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results: First, parenting efficacy, emotional expressiveness, and social emotional development of infants showed differences according to age, participation time, and academic background. Parenting efficacy showed a significant difference in age and parenting time, and emotional expressiveness showed significant difference in education and parenting time. Infant's social emotional development showed a significant difference in educational attainment and parenting time. Second, maternal parenting efficacy and emotional expressiveness were found to have an influence on infant's social emotional development. Conclusion/Implications: Maternal parenting efficacy and emotional expressiveness seem to influence the development of social emotions in infants, and these results suggest that, in order to grow the children healthy in social, emotional aspect, various education programs which could improve parenting efficacy and positive emotional expression are necessary.

Relationship among Emotional Labor, Emotional Leadership and Burnout in Emergency Room Nurses - Comparison of employee-focused emotional labor and job-focused emotional labor - (응급실 간호사의 감정노동과 감성리더십, 소진의 관계 -직원중심 감정노동과 직무중심 감정노동 비교-)

  • Eo, Yong-Sook;Kim, Myo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.136-145
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to identify the relationship among employee-focused and job-focused emotional labor, emotional leadership, and burnout among emergency room nurses. Data were collected from 168 emergency nurses working at general hospitals in one metropolitan city and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficient using the SPSS/WIN program. According to the results, the mean scores of the employee-focused emotional labor scale were 3.51 points for superficial acting and 3.26 for deep acting. The mean score of the job-focused scale was 3.73 for frequency of emotional surface, 3.36 for duration of interpersonal interactions, and 3.46 for variety of emotional expressions. The mean score of the emotional leadership scale was 3.57, and the mean scores of the burnout were 4.59 for emotional exhaustion, 4.13 for depersonalization, and 3.60 for diminished personal accomplishment. Job-focused emotional labor scores were higher than employee-focused scores. Superficial acting and frequency of interactions in emotional labor were the most frequently performed by emergency nurses. Employee-focused and job-focused emotional labor showed a significantly partial correlation with emotional leadership and burnout. Based on the results, future research needs to develop effective strategies for managing emotional labor and burnout of nurses working in emergency rooms.