• 제목/요약/키워드: 戦後

검색결과 6,532건 처리시간 0.034초

Decreased of Patient Dose by Built-in Filter in Pelvis A-P Projection (골반촬영 시 내장된 필터를 이용한 환자선량 감소)

  • Shin, Seong-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제12권8호
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed to find a method to decrease the radiation exposure of patients when obtaining anteroposterior pelvic images maintaining the quality of the image by using the copper filter built in the DR equipment now being used in our hospital. We measured the level of radiation by changing the filters from none filter to 0.1mmCu, 0.2mmCu, and 0.3mmCu and detected the organ level of radiation by PCXMC program. As a result, high levels of radiation were detected in the bladders and testicles and the levels were decreased as the thickness of the filter was increased and the amount of decrease was the highest in 0.1mmCu. And we asked for the expert opinions to 3 radiologists and as a result, only images obtained by 0.1mmCu filter out of all the images on which copper filters were used were accepted as the ones with diagnostic value same as none filter. At this time, the incident dose on the pelvic region was 0.895mGy which was smaller than the one in none filter by 47%. Therefore, using 0.1mmCu when obtaining anteroposterior pelvic images can effectively decrease the radiation exposure of patients.

Effects of peer teaching on self-leadership, psychological capitals and learning satisfaction among nursing freshmen (동료교수활동이 간호학과 신입생의 셀프리더십, 심리역량 및 학업만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, In-Sook
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • 제10권9호
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this primitive experimental study was to find the effects of peer teaching on self-leadership, psychological capitals(hereafter, psycap) and learning satisfaction of nursing freshmen. The data measured before and after 12 times peer teaching for 30 minutes were analyzed with SPSS 21 for descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and paired t-test. There were significant increases in academic satisfaction of low subjective school grades group, and in resilience of below average prefer discussion group before and after treatment. There were significant differences in self-leadership and psycap before and after treatment(p=.002, p=.044), confidence and resilience among sub-domains of psycap increased significantly(p=.006, p=.015). Finally, peer teaching have increased self-leadership and psycap of nursing freshmen. Therefore, further studies are proposed to apply various types of peer teaching in nursing curriculum.

Reliability Evaluation of Concentric Butterfly Valve Using Statistical Hypothesis Test (통계적 가설검정을 이용한 중심형 버터플라이 밸브의 신뢰성 평가)

  • Chang, Mu-Seong;Choi, Jong-Sik;Choi, Byung-Oh;Kim, Do-Sik
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • 제39권12호
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    • pp.1305-1311
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    • 2015
  • A butterfly valve is a type of flow-control device typically used to regulate a fluid flow. This paper presents an estimation of the shape parameter of the Weibull distribution, characteristic life, and $B_{10}$ life for a concentric butterfly valve based on a statistical analysis of the reliability test data taken before and after the valve improvement. The difference in the shape and scale parameters between the existing and improved valves is reviewed using a statistical hypothesis test. The test results indicate that the shape parameter of the improved valve is similar to that of the existing valve, and that the scale parameter of the improved valve is found to have increased. These analysis results are particularly useful for a reliability qualification test and the determination of the service life cycles.

Logic as grammar: Wittgenstein’s view of logic (문법으로서의 논리 ― 비트겐슈타인의 논리관 ―)

  • Lee, Young-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.57-91
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    • 2008
  • In accordance with his belief that philosophical problems arise from misunderstandings of the logic of our language, Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations were always focused on the problems of logic of language. Indeed, it can be said that his investigations were logical investigations. But what was the logic as conceived by him? He regarded logic as grammar from the beginning, but between his two different philosophical periods, there were important changes in his conceptions of grammar. In his earlier period, he understood the logic of language as the truth-functional syntax realizable in an ideal notation, while in his later period he regarded logic as the rules of language-use in various language games. It was a change from viewing logic as an ideally strict and universal system in which every logical possibilities are determined to viewing logic as an open system of non-strict grammatical rules specific to each language game. This paper deals with the gists of his earlier and later views on logic and the reasons for the change of his views, including specifically the reasons for the change of his views concerning the autonomy and necessity of logic as grammar.

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A Study of Anxiety and Depression in Women Incontinence Patients: Comparison of before and after Treatment of Extracoporeal Magnetic Innervation;ExMI (여성 요실금 환자의 불안과 우울: 체외자기장신경치료 후의 호전)

  • Oh, Kang-Seob;Wang, In-Kyung;Han, Jong-Seol
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 2003
  • Objective: The purposes of this study were to investigate anxiety and depression that can mediate stress and elicit a response from the women with urinary incontinence and compare the anxiety and depression level before and after treatment of extracoporeal magnetic innervation. Method: Fifty-five women with urinary incontinence were included from a obstetrics and gynecology cilnic. Beck Anxiety Inventory(BAI), Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI) were administered before and after treatment of extracoporeal magnetic innervation. Results: The women with urinary incontinence had higher levels of anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression were reduced after treatment of extracoporeal magnetic innervation regardless of improvement incontinence. Conclusion: Therapies including extracoporeal magnetic innervation may be intrumental in improving anxiety and depression, If the patient do not show improvements of anxiety and depression after treatment for their urologic disorder or if the therapy is unsuccessful, appropriate referral is indicated.

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A Study on Thermo-properties of Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide Thin Film by APCVD Technique (APCVD법으로 성막된 SnO2:F 박막의 열적 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Yu-Seung;Ok, Yun-Deok;Kim, Min-Koung;Yi, Bo-Ram;Kim, Byung-Kuk;Lee, Jung-Min;Kim, Hoon;Kim, Hyung-Jun
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2009년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.37-40
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    • 2009
  • 불소가 도핑된 산화주석(SnO2:F, FTO) 박막은 다결정 전도성 세라믹으로 가시광선 영역에서 투명하기 때문에 태양전지의 전극으로 활용된다. 본 연구에서 FTO는 APCVD법으로 성막되었다. BSG기판을 사용하여 $620^{\circ}C$의 고온에서 공정이 진행되었다. 이렇게 제작된 FTO 박막은 수소, 질소, 대기 분위기에서 여러 열처리 시간을 변수로 실험하여 열처리 전후의 전기적, 광학적, 구조적 변화를 관찰하고 분석하였다. 전기적 특성 분석에는 전기 비저항, 모빌리티 및 캐리어 농도 등의 변화를 알아보았고, 광학적 분석에는 UV-vis spectoscopy로 200nm에서 800nm 파장대역의 투과도를 구하고, Hazemeter를 통하여 총투과율, 평행투과율, 확산투과율 및 Haze를 분석하여 FTO막이 가지고 있는 texturing에 의한 효과를 알아보기 위하여 시편의 열처리 전후를 비교 분석하였다. 구조적 분석은 XRD를 이용하여 pattern을 분석하여 FTO가 가지는 구조변화를 분석하였다. 특히 FTO의 texturing에 기여도가 높은 (200)면의 XRD peak강도가 상승함에 따라 후열처리에 의해 박막의 표면의 변화가 일어남을 확인하였다. FTO의 후열처리에 의한 변화는 전기적으로는 약간의 전기 비저항의 증가를 가져오며, 캐리어 농도의 감소를 가져온다. 캐리어 농도의 감소에 따라 모빌리티의 상승이 관찰되었다. 광학적 특성은 가시광선 영역에서 투과율은 거의 같거나 약간 감소하는 경향을 나타내며, 후열처리 전후에 거의 동일한 투과율을 보이면서도 확산 투과율이 상승하는 분석 결과를 얻었다.

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Analysis on the January Effect and Market Efficiency in Korea Stock Market Before and After IMF Financial Crisis (IMF 금융위기 전후 국내 주식시장의 1월효과 현상 및 효율성 분석)

  • Yun, Kang-In
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.578-588
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this paper was to prove the January Effect and Efficiency of the KOSPI Market, and then suggest as a result. KOSPI data was divided into two of section, Before and After IMF Financial Crisis, and this paper utilized Market Capitalization of common stock to conduct a study. As the main findings of this result, in KOSPI 1st section(Before IMF Financial Crisis), this paper proved the January Effect and Size Effect for Small-capital stock. On the other hand, in KOSPI $2nd-{\alpha}$ & ${\beta}$ section(After IMF Financial Crisis), this paper couldn't prove the January Effect. And then, this paper couldn't prove the Efficient Market hypothesis in KOSPI 1st with January Effect, however, proved the weak efficient market in KOSPI 2nd(${\alpha}$ & ${\beta}$) without January Effect. Finally, this paper deducted implications and limitation as the results.

A Study on the Effect of Mers on the Management Performance of Tourism Industry (메르스가 관광산업의 경영성과에 미친 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Su-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제17권11호
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    • pp.515-524
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    • 2017
  • This study is focused on finding out how Mers affects tourism industry. To achieve the study purpose we analyzed the differences of management performance of hotels, travel agencies and airlines before and after Mers occurrence. As the result of analysis, there were significant differences in the variables of profit margin ratio before income taxes and operating profit ratio as a profit index before and after Mers occurrence in the hotel firms. And in case of travel agencies, there were significant differences in the variables of debt to equity ratio and borrowings dependence ratio as a stability index before and after Mers occurrence. Lastly there were significant differences in the variables of operating profit ratio as a profit index and total assets turnover ratio as an activity index before and after Mers occurrence in the airlines. Therefore the managers should find an way to reduce the negative image of plague through the effective marketing strategy.

Comparison of Forming Force on Forward and Backward Flow Forming for Combustion Chamber (연소기 제작을 위한 전후방 유동성형에서의 성형력 비교)

  • Nam Kyoung-O;Yeom Sung-Ho;Hong Sung-In
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 한국추진공학회 2006년도 제26회 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.379-382
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    • 2006
  • The flow forming has been used to produce long thin walled tube parts, with reduced forming force and enhanced mechanical and surface quality for a good finished part, compared with other method formed parts. Especially, the flow forming is suitable for making high precision thin walled cylinders, such as rocket motor cases, combustion chamber, hydraulic cylinders and high-pressure vessels and so on. In this paper, finite element analysis of three-roller forward and backward flow forming for combustion chamber is carried out to study efforts of forming depth and feed rate on forming force. The axial and radial forming forces of forward flow forming on several forming depth and feed rate conditions are compared with those of backward flow forming.

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