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Human CYP1A2 Promoter Fused-Luciferase Gene Constructs Hardly Respond to Polycyclic Hydrocarbons in Transient Transfection Study in HepG2 Cells

  • Chung, Injae
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2000
  • In previous study, both constitutive expression and 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC)-mediated elevation of CYP1A2 mRNA were demonstrated in human hepatoma HepG2 cells by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), suggesting that HepG2 cells would be appropriate for the study of human CYP1A2 regulation(Chung and Bresnick, 1994). Further studies were conducted to determine the basis of this induction phenomenon that is observed in HepG2 cells. Since CYP1A1 gene, another polycyclic hydrocarbon(PH)-inducible gene, is regulated by PHs through their interactions via receptors with cis-elements, the 5'-flanking region of human CYP 1A2 gene was analyzed to search such responsive elements. The promoter activity of various lengths of CYP1A2 gene sequence (-3203/+58bp) was measured in transiently-transfected HepG2 cells by fusion constructs containing the CAT, hGH or luciferase genes as a reporter. This region of the CYP1A2 gene, although containing a XRE, was only weakly responsive (less than 2 fold induction) to 10 nM of TCDD or 1 $\mu$M 3 MC treatment. This small enhancement of promoter activity is inconsistent with the previous observation, i.e., 12 to 14 fold-enhanced CYP1A2 mRNA from 1 $\mu$M 3 MC treated HepG2 cells, suggesting that additional mechanisms would exist for PH-mediated induction of CYP1A2 in these cells.

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Identification of Fungi Occurred on Silicon of Washbasin (세면대 실리콘에 발생한 곰팡이의 동정)

  • Hong, Seung-Beom;Kim, Dae-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2014
  • Black molds were occurred on silicon of washbasin in a bathroom in apartment. Blocks of silicon where the fungi grew, were placed on MEA, DG18, DRBC, PDA+PS media, and 18 strains of fungi were isolated. They were identified as Phoma herbarum, Peyronellaea calorpreferens, Cladosporim halotolerans based on morphological and molecular methods. Ph. herbarum and Pe. calorpreferens were isolated with high frequency, but C. halotolerans was isolated with low frequency. The fungal strains were deposited in Korean Agricultural Culture Collection (KACC), and they shall be used for further related researches.

플라즈마 도핑 후 급속열처리법을 이용한 n+/p 얕은 접합 형성

  • Do, Seung-U;Seo, Yeong-Ho;Lee, Jae-Seong;Lee, Yong-Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.50-50
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, the plasma doping is performed on p-type wafers using $PH_3$ gas(10 %) diluted with He gas(90 %). The wafer is placed in the plasma generated with 200 W and a negative DC bias (1 kV) is applied to the substrate for 60 sec under no substrate heating. the flow rate of the diluted $PH_3$ gas and the process pressure are 100 sccm and 10 mTorr, respectively. In order to diffuse and activate the dopant, annealing process such as rapid thermal annealing (RTA) is performed. RTA process is performed either in $N_2$, $O_2$ or $O_2+N_2$ ambient at $900{\sim}950^{\circ}C$ for 10 sec. The sheet resistance is measured using four point probe. The shallow n+/p doping profiles are investigated using secondary ion mass spectromtry (SIMS). The analysis of crystalline defect is also done using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and double crystal X-ray diffraction (DXRD).

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Load-Displacement Formulations of Low-rise Unbounded RC Shear Walls with or without Openings

  • Lou, K. Y.;Cheng, F. Y.;Sheu, M. S.;Zhang, X. Z.
    • Computational Structural Engineering : An International Journal
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2001
  • Investigations of low-rice unbounded reinforced concrete shear walls with or without openings are performed with comparison of analytical and experimental results. Theoretical analysis is based on nonlinear finite element algorithm, which incorporates concrete failure criterion and nonlinear constitutive relationships. Studios focus on the effects of height-to-length ratio of shear walls, opening ratio, horizontal and vertical reinforcement radios, and diagonal reinforcement. Analytical solutions conform well with experimental results. Equations for cracking, yielding and ultimate loads with corresponding lateral displacements are derived by regression using analytical results and experimental data. Also, failure modes of low-rise unbounded shear walls are theoretically investigated. An explanation of change in failure mode is ascertained by comparing analytical results and ACI code equations. Shear-flexural failure can be obtained with additional flexural reinforcement to increase a wall's capacity. This concept leads to a design method of reducing flexural reinforcement in low-rise bounded solid shear wall's. Avoidance of shear failure as well as less reinforcement congestion leer these walls is expected.

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Kinetics and Mechanism of the Pyridinolysis of Diphenyl Phosphinic and Thiophosphinic Chlorides in Acetonitrile

  • Hoque, Md. Ehtesham Ul;Dey, Nilay Kumar;Guha, Arun Kanti;Kim, Chan-Kyung;Lee, Bon-Su;Lee, Hai-Whang
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.28 no.10
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    • pp.1797-1802
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    • 2007
  • The kinetics and mechanism of the nucleophilic substitution reactions of diphenyl phosphinic (1) and thiophosphinic (2) chlorides with substituted X-pyridines are investigated kinetically in acetonitrile at 35.0 and 55.0 oC, respectively. A concerted mechanism with backside nucleophilic attack is proposed for the pyridinolysis of 1, on the basis of the linear Bronsted plot with the βX value of 0.68. In the case of the pyridinolysis of 2, the Hammett and Bronsted plots are biphasic concave upwards with the break point at 3- phenyl pyridine. These results indicate a change in mechanism from a concerted SN2(P) process with direct backside nucleophilic attack for less basic nucleophiles (X = 3-CN-3-Ph) to a stepwise process with frontside attack for more basic nucleophiles (X = 4-MeO-3-Ph). Apparent secondary inverse kinetic isotope effects with deuterated pyridine (C5D5N), kH/kD < 1, are observed for the pyridinolysis of 1 and 2.

A Research on the MIM Process of High-Precision Fuze Parts (고정밀 신관 부품의 MIM 공정에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jung-Hwa;Kang, Kyeoung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2012
  • During the past two decades, Metal Injection Molding(MIM) has become a very competitive technology to fabricate small, precise and complex-shaped parts in large quantities. In this research, the applicability of MIM technology in the mass-production of the high precision fuze parts to save manufacturing cost was investigated. The water-atomized 17-4PH stainless steel powder, one of the best corrosion-resistant high strength materials, was injection-molded into real-shape fuze part and flat tensile specimens. The injection-molded parts were thermally debound in hydrogen gas flow without solvent extraction. Sintering of the debound parts was carried out in vacuum at temperatures ranging from $1150^{\circ}C$ to $1370^{\circ}C$. The sintering behavior, mechanical properties, dimensional precision, corrosion resistance of the MIMed 17-4PH stainless parts were investigated. It was found that almost all the properties of the MIMed parts were comparable to those of the mechanically machined parts. Also, actual military field tests using both MIMed and mechanically machined fuze parts were performed as well and were found to be very successful.

Low Prewwure MOCVD Growth and Characterization of $Ga_xIn_{1-x}P$ Grown on (100) GaAs Substrates (저압 MOCVD법에 의한 (100)-GaAs 기판위의 $Ga_xIn_{1-x}P$ 성장과 특성)

  • 전성란;손성진;조금재;박순규;김영기
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 1994
  • x- 0.51인 GaxIn1-x-P 에피층을 저압 MOCVD 성장법으로 TEGa(triethylgallium) TmIn(trimethylindium)등의 MO(metalorganic) 원료와 PH3(phosphine)를 사용하여 GaAs(100) 기판위에 성장하였다. 성장조건에 의한 표면 morphology 결정결함 성분비 PL spectra 운반자 농도와 이동도 및 DLTS spectra와 같은 성장층의 특성을 관찰하였다, $650^{\circ}C$의 성장온도와 V/III비, 즉 TEGa와 TMIn 두 원료의 유량에 대한 PH3 의유량변화에 아무런 영향을 받지 않음을 알 수 있었다. Ga0.51In0.49P에피층과 기판의 격자상수 차에 의한 격자 부정합 $\Delta$a /a0은 약 (3.7~8.9)x10-4 이었으며 실온과 5Kd서 에피층의 PL 피크 에너지는 각각 1.85eV와 1.9eV였다. 성장층의 운반자 농도와 이동도는 V/III 비에 따라 달라지 는데 그비가 120에서 220으로 증가함에 따라 농도는 1.8x1016cm-3에서 8.2x1016cm-3로 증가하였고 이동도 는 1010cm/V.sec에서 366cm/V.sec로 감소하였다.

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Studies on the Citric Acid Fermentation with Fungi (Part I) Isolation and Identification of Strains (사상균에 의한 구연산발효에 관한 연구 (제I보) 균주의 분리 및 동정)

  • 성낙계;김명찬;심기환;정덕화
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 1980
  • For the Purpose of studies on the citric acid fermentation, 579 strains of Aspergilli were isolated from natural sources of microorganisms. Out of them, the strains of M-80 and M-315 which produced relatively larger amount of citric acid than any others were selected after calling out an extensive screening test. The results obtained in light of the manual of Raper had been shown that the selected strains of M-80 and M-315 were identified as Aspergillus usamii mut. shirousamii, Aspergillus ficuum, respectively.

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The Binding of 5-Iodopyrimidines by Human serum albumin (5-Iodopyrimidines와 Human serum albumin과의 결합(結合))

  • Lee, Jong-Jin
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.1
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 1960
  • Studing the binding of the 5-Iodopyrimdines by human serum albumin we obtained the following conclusions; 1. The more strong electron donating groups in the molecule of 5-Iodopyrimidines, the larger the binding force with human serum albumin. This trend seems to be attributed by increase of polarization of the electron donating groups in 5-Iodopyrimidines molecule. 2. The binding force of 5-Iodopyrimidines by human serum albumin is increased with the pH increasing could be occurred the configurational changes of human albumin molecule, and this new binding sites of human serum albumin molecule would form the intermolecular complex with 5-Iodopyrimidines molecule more strongly.

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User Benefit Characteristics of Customized Housing Design Guideline for Childcare Families (사용자혜택 이론에 따른 신혼·육아가구 맞춤형 주택계획가이드 라인의 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Yeunsook;Ahn, Somi;Park, Jaehyun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2016
  • Modern society is suffering from the phenomena of low-fertile, ultra-aging, and low-growth. On this social flow, most social classes undergo vulnerable situation and their overall housing and living condition have difficulties. So far many housing guidelines for diverse population were developed, recently, inclusive 'Customized Housing Design Guideline for Childcare Families' in terms of maintaining family and society has been completed. The purpose of this study is to analyze User Benefit Characteristics of 'Customized Housing Design Guideline for Childcare Families'. The research subjects are essential 140 guidelines appropriate to children's development and parents' care. The research method is contents analysis and the analysis criterion are 4 concepts of the User Benefit Criteria- 'Behavioral Facilitation (BF)', 'Physiological Maintenance (PhM)', 'Perceptual Maintenance (PM)', 'Social Facilitation (SF)'. 3 people inter-raters reliability was established. Altogether, the guidelines were rated in the order of PhM>PM>BF>SF, and these characteristics are similar as common universal design guidelines. This showed the supportability of spatial characteristics in the guidelines related to user's special behaviors. Also, the results show the importance of outdoor space planning for safe social interactions. The supportable characteristics of 'Customized Housing Design Guideline for Childcare Families' could be expected to efficiently apply for new housing development in the future.