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A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis of Korean College Students' Self-Efficacy, 1999-2022 (한국 대학생들의 자기효능감에 대한 시교차적 메타분석, 1999-2022)

  • Sujin Cho;Hyekyung Park
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.361-404
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    • 2023
  • This study utilized a cross-temporal meta-analysis to explore shifts in self-efficacy levels among Korean college students from 1999 to 2022. We expected that increases in authoritative parenting styles, narcissism levels among students, and individualism in Korea might have positively influenced the self-efficacy of college students over the years. Conversely, growing economic disparities, decreasing class mobility, and the increasing instability of job markets might have had negative effects on self-efficacy. To investigate this, we analyzed 293 self-efficacy studies involving Korean college students published between 1999 and 2022, encompassing a total of 88,904 participants. Our criteria included studies that used the three most prevalent self-efficacy scales in Korea, focused solely on Korean college students, were cross-sectional with a one-time self-efficacy measurement, and provided essential statistics for our analysis. The results indicated no significant change in the self-efficacy levels of Korean college students over the observed period from 1999 to 2022. Additionally, we examined correlations between self-efficacy and various social indicators from different time points (20, 15, 10, and 5 years prior, as well as the year of data collection). Findings revealed that both birth rate and consumer price fluctuation rate were consistently negatively correlated with self-efficacy, while gross national income was positively correlated. This study is the first to assess Korean college students' self-efficacy levels using a cross-temporal meta-analysis, offering foundational knowledge for implementing such analytical methods for subsequent research and providing an indirect assessment of the generational gap theory. Finally, the limitations of the study and the direction for future research were discussed.

The Analysis on Inquiry Tendency of Elementary Science Textbooks by Curriculum Period: Focusing on the Comparison of Results of Previous Studies Using Romey's Method (초등 과학 교과서의 교육과정 시기별 탐구 성향 비교 분석: Romey 분석법을 이용한 선행 연구 결과 비교를 중심으로)

  • Myoung-Duk Jang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.166-181
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the change and appropriateness of inquiry tendency in elementary science textbooks by national curriculum period by comparing previous researches that reported Romey's Involvement Index in the science textbook and other subject textbooks. The results of the study are as follows: First, for the text index (T), the value of science textbooks by curriculum tends to continue to decline overall. The value of science textbook based on the 3rd curriculum is judged to be extremely inquiry oriented and the value of the textbooks based on the 2007 and 2015 revised curriculum are the values judged as somewhat authoritative textbook and as a textbook at the appropriate level of inquiry, respectively. There is no significant difference compared to the T values of other subject textbooks since the 2007 revised curriculum; Second, the index of figures and diagrams in the text (FD) of science textbooks also continues to decline by curriculum periods. In particular, the FD value of science textbook of the 2015 revised period is judged to be a authoritative textbook, which is lower than the value of other subject textbooks; Third, in the case of the activity index (A), it gradually decreases from the third curriculum to the 2015 revised curriculum, but it is judged as textbooks suitable for inquiry. However, after the 7th curriculum, the value of A is generally lower than those of other subject textbooks; Fourth, for the index of the questions at the ends of chapters (Q), the value of Q is reported to be extremely limited compared to the aforementioned three indices(T, FD and A), which may be mainly due to differences in the composition of science textbooks by curriculum period.

A Study on the Development of Career Education Program for Science Subjects Using Local Resources (지역자원을 활용한 과학교과 연계 진로교육 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Byoung-Chan Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.210-223
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    • 2023
  • This study developed elementary and middle school career education programs linked to science subjects and local natural resources, and explored learning effects and implications for developing and operating career programs. In order to achieve the research purpose, a 10-hour career education program using local natural and social resources was developed and applied to 25 elementary and middle school students in rural areas. As a result of the study, most of the elementary and middle school students who participated in this study were not well aware of the natural and social resource value of the area where they lived. Therefore, when developing and operating a regional-based career education program for elementary and middle school students in rural areas, it is necessary to operate a separate teaching/learning activity time so that students can fully know the natural and social information and resource values of the region. In addition, in order to enhance students' participation and interest in career education programs, it is necessary to organize the operation of the program in groups, not individuals, and to guide students in detail by dividing the program's performance process into several sub-steps. Finally, the core material of regional-linked career education-related programs focused more on their own content, that is, agricultural products grown by parents, and future job settings were higher in start-ups that directly operate companies such as travel agencies and manufacturing companies. Given the recent emphasis on career education in the curriculum, it is suggested that local students should pay more attention to finding materials with local resource value in the field of geoscience, which is closely related to natural resources, and developing and operating them as career education programs linked to local resources.

Evaluation and Verification of the Attenuation Rate of Lead Sheets by Tube Voltage for Reference to Radiation Shielding Facilities (방사선 방어시설 구축 시 활용 가능한 관전압별 납 시트 차폐율 성능평가 및 실측 검증)

  • Ki-Yoon Lee;Kyung-Hwan Jung;Dong-Hee Han;Jang-Oh Kim;Man-Seok Han;Jong-Won Gil;Cheol-Ha Baek
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.489-495
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    • 2023
  • Radiation shielding facilities are constructed in locations where diagnostic radiation generators are installed, with the aim of preventing exposure for patients and radiation workers. The purpose of this study is seek to compare and validate the trend of attenuation thickness of lead, the primary material in these radiation shielding facilities, at different maximum tube voltages by Monte Carlo simulations and measurement. We employed the Monte Carlo N-Particle 6 simulation code. Within this simulation, we set a lead shielding arrangement, where the distance between the source and the lead sheet was set at 100 cm and the field of view was set at 10 × 10 cm2. Additionally, we varied the tube voltages to encompass 80, 100, 120, and 140 kVp. We calculated energy spectra for each respective tube voltage and applied them in the simulations. Lead thicknesses corresponding to attenuation rates of 50, 70, 90, and 95% were determined for tube voltages of 80, 100, 120, and 140 kVp. For 80 kVp, the calculated thicknesses for these attenuation rates were 0.03, 0.08, 0.21, and 0.33 mm, respectively. For 100 kVp, the values were 0.05, 0.12, 0.30, and 0.50 mm. Similarly, for 120 kVp, they were 0.06, 0.14, 0.38, and 0.56 mm. Lastly, at 140 kVp, the corresponding thicknesses were 0.08, 0.16, 0.42, and 0.61 mm. Measurements were conducted to validate the calculated lead thicknesses. The radiation generator employed was the GE Healthcare Discovery XR 656, and the dosimeter used was the IBA MagicMax. The experimental results showed that at 80 kVp, the attenuation rates for different thicknesses were 43.56, 70.33, 89.85, and 93.05%, respectively. Similarly, at 100 kVp, the rates were 52.49, 72.26, 86.31, and 92.17%. For 120 kVp, the attenuation rates were 48.26, 71.18, 87.30, and 91.56%. Lastly, at 140 kVp, they were measured 50.45, 68.75, 89.95, and 91.65%. Upon comparing the simulation and experimental results, it was confirmed that the differences between the two values were within an average of approximately 3%. These research findings serve to validate the reliability of Monte Carlo simulations and could be employed as fundamental data for future radiation shielding facility construction.

A Study on the Influence of Filmmaking Factors and Promotions on the Intention of Watching Movies (영화제작요소와 프로모션이 영화 인지 및 관람의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Hun;Kim, Hee-Goon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2019
  • This study sought to identify the impact of scenarios, capital, manpower (directors, actors), media promotion, oral communication, and recognition on the intention of watching movies, and to present marketing and policy implications to film producers for ways to revitalize their films. Therefore, the implications of this study are as follows: First, if you watch a movie with a friend or introduce a movie, you should set up a marketing strategy to promote the movie as a oral message to the people around you through double points and free admission at the 10th movie. It will also require the promotion of the scenario to be strengthened so that people around them can recognize it naturally. Second, film production companies will have to improve the quality of their movies by readjusting the distribution of capital in the event of capital investment. In addition, the movie should be encouraged by the oral publicity that the huge amount of capital has enhanced the quality of the movie, as well as pre-experience events to help the audience recognize it. Third, filmmakers will have to choose directors and actors who can digest novel and experimental material over the director's or actor's reputation. Fourth, the movie promotion company should set up strategies to cater to visitors through a contest for ideas for promoting visitors, which can arouse interest among visitors. Fifth, movie promoters will have to set a sufficient promotional period for visitors to be aware of the film in advance. Finally, movie writers will have to create scenarios with a variety of materials that meet the needs of visitors. Also, movie officials will have to develop or create a mechanism for those who watch the movie to practice oral and cognitive skills.

Householder's Working Type and Household Saving: A Perspective of the Precautionary Saving Behavior Theory (가구주 근로유형과 가계저축: 예비적 저축행동 이론의 관점)

  • Shim, Young
    • Journal of Consumption Culture
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.93-118
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a householder's working type on household saving from the perspective of precautionary saving behavior theory and the determinants of household saving by householder's working type. The data for this study was from the 2009 year of the Korea Welfare Panel Survey (KOWEPS), consisting of 2,463 households with householders whose working type was regular or non-regular employment(temporary, daily or public work). OLS regression analyses and Chow-tests were performed. In the regression analyses, the dependent variables for household saving were precautionary saving and precautionary asset. Precautionary saving was operationalized with the amount of average monthly saving and the ratio of average monthly saving to average monthly disposable income, and precautionary asset was operationalized with the amount of financial assets and the ratio of financial assets to net assets. The independent variables were household income, household assets, householder's working type(regular, non-regular), householder's age, sex, education level and marriage status, income level, the number of household members, housing type, debt, and public transfer income. Monthly average total consumption expenditures for household income, and net assets for household assets, the existence of spouse for marriage status, poverty for income level were used. Public transfer income was classified into three, social insurance, basic assistance and government assistance. For the analyses, Stata 11.0 version was used. The results are as follows: Householder's working type was significantly related to the precautionary saving behavior of a household. However, the precautionary saving and the precautionary asset of a household with a householder in non-regular working type was lower than those of a household with a householder in regular working type. This result is not consistent with the expectation from the perspective of precautionary saving behavior that the saving of a household with a householder in non-regular working type is expected to be higher than that of a household with a householder in regular working type. According to the analyses of the determinants for precautionary saving behavior by householder's working type, monthly average total consumption expenditures, debt, net assets, poverty, the number of household members, basic assistance were statistically significant variables. The positive relation of basic assistance to precautionary saving(the amount of average monthly saving and the ratio of average monthly saving)is a noteworthy result in the analyses of the determinants for household saving by householder's working type. The above results suggest the followings. First, it is easy to predict the unstability of economic life of a household with a householder in non-regular working type because of relatively low precautionary saving and precautionary asset. The reason for the low precautionary saving and the low precautionary asset may be a low current income of the household in spite of its willingness to save. If this reasoning is possible, it suggests that policies are needed for households with householders in non-regular working type to save. Second, the relatively low precautionary saving and precautionary asset of a household with a householder in non-regular working type suggest also their long-term economic stability. This suggests they need to try a long-term financial planning even though they have limitations to save for future because of their low current income. It is necessary to develop the financial planning for the households with unstable incomes. Third, the determinants for precautionary saving behavior by householder's working type were mostly the ones which reflect the economic condition of a household. This suggests that the economic condition of a household is a core factor for household saving. Consequently, it emphasizes the efforts for a household to acquire the adequate level of income for saving. Forth, the positive relation of basic assistance to precautionary saving(the amount of average monthly saving and the ratio of average monthly saving) suggests the possibility for a household to accumulate the precautionary saving and the precautionary asset in the channel of basic assistance.

Effects of Teratainment Taping and Footpad Exercise on the Improvement of Flat Foot in a University Student (테라테인먼트 테이핑과 발바닥 운동이 대학생의 평발 개선에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jeong-Uk;Yoon, Young-Jeoi;Ko, Sun-Kun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 2019
  • This study looked at the effects of teratainment taping and footpad exercise on the improvement of flat foot in a university student. We divided it into flexible flat foot taping group(n=13), flexible flat foot exercise group(n=14), rigid flat foot taping group(n=12), rigid flat foot exercise group(n=13) through a navicular drop test. After one hour's application of teratainment taping and footpad exercise, the height change of navicular, balancing ability and postural stability were evaluated. Change in the height of the navicular was measured before and after intervention, and the balancing ability was measured timed up & go test, and the postural stability ability was evaluated for stability limits in shoulder-width double leg stance, narrow base double leg stance, tandem stance. According to result, there was a statistically significant difference in the left and right foot of the flexible tapping group, right foot of the flexible tapping group, right foot of the rigid tapping group in the change in the height of the navicular in comparison pre- and post- intervention(p<0.5). There were no statistically significant differences in pre- and post- intervention comparisons intragroup and intergroup in balancing ability. There was a statistically significant difference in flexible flat foot exercise group and rigid flat foot taping group in tandem stance in comparison pre- and postintervention in the postural stability(p<0.5). And there was a statistically significant difference in tendem stance of the flexible flat foot exercise group compared to the rigid flat foot exercise group(p<0.5). The results of this study show that teratainment taping and footpad exercise have a significant effect on the improvement of flat foot in adults. Therefore, it is recommended to apply teratainment taping and footpad exercise to improve flat foot.

Colombia Border Area Refugees: Centered on Venezuela, Panama, and Ecuador Border Areas (콜롬비아 국경지역 난민증가 원인: 베네수엘라, 파나마 그리고 에콰도르 접경지역 강제실향민을 중심으로)

  • Cha, Kyung-Mi
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.109-134
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    • 2011
  • Drug-related crime has increased in spite of visible results of Uribe government's hard-line policies on drug eradication and illegally armed organizations which were pursued under U.S. support, without the accompaniment of quantity change in drug cultivation and trade. Military disputes of left-right illegally armed communities surrounding illegal crop cultivation rights were rather intensified, and the number of refugees was increased through enforced displaced people. The 2005 refugee registration committee RUPD reports that 3,316,862 people, 7.3% of total population, were refugees. In particular, the number of refugees presented a large increase rate of 624% when compared to the past year due to enforced displaced people. Main discharge areas of enforced displaced people are connected with drug crime and activities of illegally armed organizations, and are places of increased armed disputes in the process of occupied territory expansion of illegally armed communities and militia. Undiscriminated attacks were executed on farmers in the process of occupation of illegal crop cultivation sites by illegally armed organization and militia to emit enforced displaced people, who moved to border areas by crossing national borders. Enforced displaced people were restricted to certain areas before the appearance of Uribe administration. However, enforced displaced people not only presented quantitative expansion, but also showed tendency of nationwide expansion after national security policy was pursued. With the closing of the Amazon area, previously the main route of drug trade, activity base of illegally armed organizations was moved to the Pacific region, and Panama border area experienced refugee increase due to the new policy of enforced displaced people. This study aims to understand the actual condition and cause for the increase in refugees in Colombia based on border areas of Venezuela, which is the nation of highest dispersion of Columbian refugees, Panama, which has appeared as a new destination for refugees after the 90s, and Ecuador, which has experienced sudden refugee increase in 2000.

Chinese Agrarian Resistance and A New Mediation of State-Society Relationship (중국 농민저항과 국가-사회 관계의 새로운 조정)

  • Lee, Ki-Hyun
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.61-82
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    • 2011
  • Public resistance is an essential factor of the democratization process. Due to this, public resistance has been recognized as an important element in discussing the democratization of China. Recently in China, and a new era of resistance especially the agrarian resistance has been being expanded. This paper identifies trends and characteristics of that. With searching changes in the relationship between the nation and the societies in China, we will check whether democratization can be built from the whole bottom of the nation's ideology or not. It is a paradox of china's economic growth that the peasant uprising increased is a factor to the growth. The farmers' smoldering discontent exploded with rage because rural communities have been forced to sacrifice during the growth. The authoritarian party-state system in China has been faced with the limits in calming the peasant revolt down with the traditional suppression and restriction. Even though the party-state system in China has accepted farmers' dissatisfaction somewhat, and it has tried to improve its image of a benevolent government and pursued buying stability strategy, the gap between urban and rural areas has been expanded in the sustainable economic development and modernization process, therefore the authorities could not soothe the farmers' sense of alienation. Accordingly, the peasant revolt has not flickered out easily, and has been getting uncontrolled across China. Resistance characteristics of Chinese farmers have also changed. In the past, they had been sporadic and indirect ways, whereas in recent years, they have changed into organized and active ways. Of course, it is generally evaluated that the party-state system has sustained a strong social control so far. Buying stability strategy has prevented farmers' complaints from spreading to a threat to its regime, because civil societies in rural areas have still weak foundations from being formed. The party-state system, because of tensions and conflicts, will control the growing powers of civil societies in rural areas with institutionalization of interaction between the nation and the societies, and they will induce street protests to legalized struggle for a while. However, the relationship between the state and the societies has already started new rearrangement, in terms of that the conflicts between the state and rural communities have continued, and the changes of resistance ways.

Social Backgrounds and Clan Politics of Kazakhstan Elites: Focusing on Elites from Junior Zhuz (카자흐스탄 엘리트의 사회배경과 씨족 정치: 소주즈(Zhuz) 출신 엘리트를 중심으로)

  • Bang, Ilkwon
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.77-106
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    • 2010
  • As for the matter of guardianship-benefit network which has been at the heart of the discussion of power elites and clan politics in Kazakhstan, it has been often maintained that it is basically formed by the framework of the regional and descent connection net called Zhuz or at least it has been heavily under Zhuz's influence. But it is pointed out that the controversy of Zhuz suffers from a lot of limitations in explaining the surface of power elites in the recent process of political changes and the rearrangement of power relations. Consequently, this paper tried to take a closer look at the matter focusing on the social backgrounds of elites from Junior zhuz, who have been estimated to be relatively pushed back in terms of the advancement into the central power. As a result, it was found that the backgrounds of clan and tribe origin within Zhuz couldn't have any foundation to be seen as a decisive element through which they could grow into power elites. The phenomenon of Kazakhstani elites is a legacy of concrete historic situations. The important consideration points for analyzing the emergence of elites which could be applied to a nomadic and traditional society can hardly be an invariable framework for analyzing modern elites since independence. Since 2000, Kazakhstan has experienced economic changes including privatization due to the absolute strengthening of presidential influence which turned into a foundation for a new authoritarian system, the rearrangement of the inner circle of power, and their decisions. These changes in situations have had profound effects on the character of power elites. The phenomenon that clandestine connections have shown their appearances as they have gotten intertwined with various factors, in particular, in the economic field which has been heavily under Junior zhuz makes us convinced that the elite organization in Kazakhstan has always been the product of political and economic changes. In reality, the behaviors of elites were the outcome continuously reflecting environmental situations surrounding them, and those situations lie in a complicated and multiple-layered connection net. Therefore, it is believed that having interests in elites' social backgrounds and maintaining many pieces of information on them will be able to be a more useful approach to analyzing the elite society in the future in that interests in their social backgrounds become an informant of various network formation nets which reflect real situations.