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Effects of Samki-eum ($s\bar{a}nq\grave{i}-y\check{i}n$ ) on Freund's Complete Adjuvant-induced Arthritic Rats (Adjuvant 유발 관절염 랫트에 대한 삼기음의 효과)

  • Choi, Eun-Sill;Jang, Hong-Gyu;Kwon, O-Gon;Woo, Chang-Hoon;An, Hee-Duk
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2013
  • Objectives The object of this study was to observe the favorable anti-arthritic effects of Samki-eum ($s\bar{a}nq\grave{i}-y\check{i}n$) on Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA)-induced arthritic Wistar rats. Methods Rheumatoid arthritis was induced by intradermal injection of FCA, and 300, 150 or 750 mg/kg of Samki-eum ($s\bar{a}nq\grave{i}-y\check{i}n$) were orally administered once a day for 14 days from 14 days after FCA treatments, and 15 mg/kg of dexamethasone was intraperitoneally administered as reference drug in this experiment. All rats were sacrificed at 14 days after continuous oral treatment of Samki-eum ($s\bar{a}nq\grave{i}-y\check{i}n$) or intraperitoneal administration of dexamethasone, and changes on the body weight, knee circumferences, gross arthritis score, inflammatory tissue prostaglandin (PG) $E_2$ levels were monitored with cartilage collagen components and glucosaminoglycans compositions - chondroitin sulphate, heparan sulphate and hyaluronic acid in the present study. Results As results of FCA treatment, classic rheumatoid arthritis featuring dramatical decreases on the body weights, cartilage collagen contents and bone glucosaminoglycans-chondroitin sulphate, heparan sulphate and hyaluronic acid contents, with increases on the knee circumferences, gross arthritis scores and inflammatory tissue $PGE_2$ levels. However, these changes from FCA-induced rheumatoid arthritis were clearly reduced by treatment of dexamethasone and both two different dosages of Samki-eum ($s\bar{a}nq\grave{i}-y\check{i}n$) 300 and 150 mg/kg in the present study. Although FCA-induced arthritis were more favorably inhibited by treatment of dexamethasone 15 mg/kg as compared with Samki-eum ($s\bar{a}nq\grave{i}-y\check{i}n$) 300 mg/kg, marked decreases of body weights were detected in dexamethasone 15 mg/kg treated rats, and Samki-eum ($s\bar{a}nq\grave{i}-y\check{i}n$) 300 mg/kg showed similar preserve effects on the cartilage glucosaminoglycan compositions in this study. Conclusions The results obtained in this study suggest that over 300 and 150 mg/kg of Samki-eum ($s\bar{a}nq\grave{i}-y\check{i}n$) showed favorable anti-arthritic effects on the FCA-induced arthritis mediated by suppression of $PGE_2$, a inflammatory mediator. However, detail mechanism studies should be conduced in future with the screening of the biological active compounds in this herb. Although overall anti-inflammatory effects Samki-eum ($s\bar{a}nq\grave{i}-y\check{i}n$) 300 mg/kg were lowered than those of dexamethasone 15 mg/kg treated rats, Samki-eum ($s\bar{a}nq\grave{i}-y\check{i}n$) 300 mg/kg treated rats showed similar preserve effects on the cartilage glucosaminoglycan compositions in this experiment.

The life and medical idea of Yoo Chang (유창(喩昌)의 생애(生涯)와 의학사상(醫學思想))

  • Kim, Soo-Yeol;Yoon, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.4
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    • pp.101-126
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    • 1990
  • At early Cheong (淸) dynasty, in medical aspect by dependent on practical studying attitude that must found a theory only by an evidence, there had been a tendancy that hoped direct research of sages' mind-eye by escaping the theory of individual classes since Geum-Won (金-元) dynasty. Yoo Chang (喩昌), born in Man-Ryeok (萬曆) 12th year of Myung (明) dynasty (A.D.1583) and dead in Gang-Hee (康熙) 3rd year of Cheong (淸) dynasty (A.D.1664). The results were as follows after studying his practical idea of medicine. 1. Yoo Chang, by recognizing the ${\ll}$Sang-Han-Ro${\gg}$ has lost its true meaning after commented by Wang Hee (王熙), Lim Eog (林億), Seong Moo-I (成無巳), etc. according to Bang Yoo-Jip's (方有執) Chak-Gan-Jung-Jeong (錯簡重訂) theory, he diversified the protocal of ${\ll}$Sang-Han-Ro${\gg}$ 397 method and arranged under Six Meridian part. (六經) 2. The theory of Sam-Gang-Jeong-Rip (三綱鼎立) can be summerized Gye-Ji (桂枝) syndrome which is the case of Wind (風) has injured Wi (衛) stage, Ma-hwang (麻黃) syndrome which is the case of Cold (寒) has injured Yeong (榮) stage, Dae-Cheong-Ryong (大靑龍) syndrome which is the case both of Wind-Cold (風寒) has injured Yeong-Wi (榮衛) stage, and there has been Sam-Gang-Jeong-Rip theory by anterior medical practitioners already but the person who formally used its Sam-Gang-Jeong-Rip term is Yoo Chang. 3. Yoo Chang seized the On Byeng (溫病) by dividing three category and in Byon-Jeung-Si-Chi (辨證施治) he influenced to many aspect of establishment of later Byon-Jeung system On-Byong (溫病의 辨證體系) pertaining to Triple-Warmer by O-Dang (吳瑭) introducing Triple-Wanner Theory. (三焦理論) 4. At Chu-Jo-Ron (秋燥論) of ${\ll}$EUi-Moon-Beop-Ryo${\gg}$, while ${\ll}$Nae-Gyeong${\gg}$ describing if humidity injury Lung, then occur a disorder in it, Yoo Chang recognized that of au tuam when dryness injure Lung there occure a disorder is it so he insisted that at this case, must use Cheong-Joe-Goo-Pye method (淸操救肺法) withherbs, pertaing to Gam-Yoo-Ja-Yoon(甘柔滋潤性) property and he invented Cheong-Joe-Goo-Pye-Tang. (淸操救肺湯) 5. Yoo Chang', so called, Dae-Gi (大氣) indicates Yang-Gi (陽氣) of chest, he insisted that man's creation and every physiological activity depends on maintainence of Dae-Gi, and it integrate Yeong-Gi (榮氣), Wea-Gi (衛氣), Jong-Gi (宗氣), Jang-Boo-Ji-Gi (臟腑之氣), Gyeong-Rak-Ji-Gi. (經絡之氣) 6. Yoo Chang's expression about partical function and character of stomach, not only bolster its theory of historical physician's expression, that is stomach is. foundatness of postnatal period, but also it has corresponding aspect with modern medicine and clinic. 7. Yoo Chang emphasized "if one cure a disease, be must understood the character of disease first and use drugs later" (先議病 後用藥) phrase about of drug usage, and his theory of Geup-Rew-Man-Joo method (急流挽舟) and three therapy of Simple Ascite (單腹腸) are all unique opinion based upon this phrase mentioned above. 8. Yoo Chang's practical idea of medicine greatly influenced to Jang Ro (張璐), Hwang Won-A (黃元御), Oh Eui-Rak (吳儀洛), Joo Yang-Joon (周揚俊), etc. and theory of Sam-Gang-Jeng-Rip (三綱鼎立), Triple Warmer Theory of On Byong (溫疫의 三焦論治), Chu-Jo-Ron (秋燥論), Dae-Gi-Ron (大氣論) etc. became important object to student of Sang-Han (傷寒) and On-Byeng. (溫病) 9. Yoo Chang's Writings has more practical meaning than other physician's, especially, later the idea of Sang-Han (傷寒) and On-Byong (溫病) greatly contributed to development of Sang-Han theory and formation of On-Byong theory.

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A Documentational Study on the Development of Chi-Kung-Hak (기공학(氣功學) 발달(發達)에 관한 문헌적(文獻的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Woo Ho;Hong, Won Sik
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.4
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    • pp.19-73
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    • 1990
  • Today, many people are more interested in preventing the disease than curing it. Chi-Kung (氣功) is the way of Life-Cultivation (養生法) peculiar to the orient, it is reported in china that Chi-Kung has an excellent curative value not only in curing the disease but also in preventing it. But the full-scale study of Chi-Kung is not be made up to now in Korea, so I studied the developmental history of chinese Chi-Kung through the oriental medical books. From this study, I reached the following conclusions ; 1. Chi-Kung is naturally derived from the self-preservation instinct to adapt oneself to circumstances of the nature, but in the investigation from the documentational records, it is originated in the treatment method of the Sam-Huang-O-Jae (三皇五帝 )period to cure the abnormal circulation of the vital force and blood caused by damp (濕). 2. As the principle and the method of the Life-Cultivation of the Chun-chu-Jeon-Kook (春秋戰國) periods were recorded in Huang-Jae-Nai-Gyung (黃帝內徑) detailly and the remedy examples by ancient Chi-Kung such as Tao-Yin (導引), Haeng-Chi (行氣) were presented, we considered that theoretical basis of the development of Life-cultivation and Chi-Kung study was furnished in that period. 3. A famous doctor, Hwa-Ta (華陀) lived in Han dynasty, researched the theory and practice of Tao-Yin transmitted from the former generations, as that result, he formed a kind of medical gymnastics what is called O-Keum-Hi (五禽戱). It is considered that 'O-Keum-Hi' is a Tao-Yin method developed more practically and systemetically than the Tao-Yin appeared in the 'Jang-Ja' (莊子) or 'Hoy-Nam-Ja' (淮南子). 4. In Wui-Jin-Nambook Jo (魏晋南北朝) periods, the contents of Chi-Kung were more abundant under the influence of Buddhism (佛敎) and Taoism (道敎). Galhong (葛洪), the author of 'Po-Bak-Ja' (抱朴子) arranged the ancient Chi-Kung method systematically first of all, Tao-Goeng-Gyung (陶宏景), the author of 'Yang-Seong-Yeun-Myung-Rok' (養性延命錄) recorded the 'Yook-Ja-Geul' (六字訣) first time. 5. There is a new development of Chi-Kung therapy in Soo-Tang-Odae (隋唐五代) pefiods, especially So-Won-Bang (巢元方), the author of 'Jey-Byung-Won-Hwu-Ron' (諸病源候論) collected aimost all of the Chi-Kung method, for curing the disease formed before soo (隋) period. From that fact, we supposed that Chi-Kung was utilized more widely in curing the disease. 6. 'So-Ju-Cheon-Hwa-Hu-Peob' (小周天火候法) was adopted as the best orthodox approach under the influence of Nae-Tan-Taoist (道敎內丹學派) in Song-Keum-Won (宋金元) periods, especially in the song dynasty, 'Pal-Dan-Geum' (八段錦) was appeared and assignment of six-Chi (六氣) for bowel and viscera in the 'Yook-Ja-Geul' (六字訣) was decided firmly, that is to say Lung-Si (肺-呬), Heart-Kha (心-呵), Spleen-Hoa (脾-呼), Liver-Hoe (肝-噓), Kidneychui (賢-吹), Three-Burner-shi (三焦-嘻). 7. In Myung-Cheong (明淸) periods, The general practitioner applied the principle of 'Byun-Jeng-Ron-Chi' (辨證論治) to the Chi-Kung field, and after Myeong dynasty the style of doing 'Yook-Ja-Gyel' (六字訣) was developed to the moving style. 8. Today, in china, the study on the Chi-Kung is being progressed constantly under the positive assistance of government, Chi-Kung-Hak (氣功學) has taking its place as a branch of study step by step. It is considered that the establishment of Chi-Kung-Hak Classroom (氣功學教室) and Medical Chi-Kung Center (氣功療法室) for special and systematic research are needed, at the same time the settlement of institutional system for training the Chi-Kung technician (氣功師) is also needed.

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A Study to Determine the Effectsiveness of Severance Hospice Home Care Program (호스피스케어에 대한 평가 연구 - 세브란스호스피스 중심으로)

  • Kingsley, Marian R.N.;Cho, Won-Jung;Kim, Cho-Ja;Lee, Won-Hee;Yoo, Ji-Soo
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.51-72
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study was to determine whether Severance Hospice Home Care Pro gram was able to meet its objectives. This was done in order to show in detail the effects of hospice home care on the quality of life of terminally ill patients and to provide rationale for setting up more hospice home care programs in korea. The results of the study were as follows: The subjects of the study were 100 terminally ill patients who hnd died 'while in the hospice program and 64 family members who were registered with Severance Hospice Home Care Program between march 1988 and Feb. 1990. The nursing needs of these terminally ill patients were assessed by the nursing records of these patients. The need for pain control(82%) was the highest nursing need so far as the physical aspects were concerned. This was followed by poor appetite(37%), 8 dyspnea(34%), nausea and vomiting(30%) in that order of frequency. In reqard to spiritual needs, the need for religious' support was also high at 72%. Their main psychological symptoms were anxiety and fear(34% ). Burn-out was a major problem for 44% of the family members. The psychological process experiencel by the terminal ill patients was compared to the dying process, described by Kiibler Ross. In comparison of the five stages outlined by kubler Ross with the dying process of the subjects it was found that the subjects not only experienced the five stages but also experienced denial and doubt-fulness or denial with acceptance or acceptance with the expectation of a miracle. But rather than acceptance of the dying process, giving up was a frequent end point of the psychological process, of the subjects. However, when the combination of states was observed, most of the patients reached the state of acceptance in the dying process. It was difficult to identify a definite pattern of change in the psychological process of the subjects. Also it was difficult to identify the factors that influenced the psychological process. The symptoms of the terminally j]] subjects just before dying, that is, 3-4 days before dying included apparent signs of dying. These were a reduction of intake(77%), reduction of the amount of urination(63%), increase in sleeping time (64%) and acceptance of dying by patients and their families who had been unaccepting be before that time(66%). The primary care givers(family member's) degree of satisfaction with the care given to the patient by the hospice was 88.7%. The results of this study show that Severance Hospice Home Care Program had a positie effeet on the quality of life of the terminally ill patients and their family members as they faced the death of the patient. It can be seen from this study that there is an urgent need to extend hospice programs - in order to provide quality of care for terminally ill patient and their families. Based upon the reesults of this study several suggestions are presente as follows: 1) A follow up study should be carried out to identify the dying process as it is unique to Korea. 2) A comparison should be made of other hospice care programs. 3) A comparison study should- be made with subjects who do not receive any hospice care as compared to those who do by use of an experimental and control group methodology. 4) There is a need to determine a scientific method to adequeto measure the interventions carried out to meet the hospice patients nursing care needs. 5) A study should be made using quality research methodology to evaluate effects of hospiec care from the patients, their family members and the nurrse's perspective.

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Development of Protein-rich Food Mixtures for Infants and Growing Children in Korea -(4) Nutritional and Biochemical Evaluation of Formulas F-P-5, F-P-6, F-P-7 and storage stability of F-P-4- (유유아(乳幼兒) 및 성장기아동을 위한 영양식품 개발에 관한 연구 -(4) F-P-5, F-P-6 및 F-P-7의 영양학적, 생화학적 검토 및 그 저장성-)

  • Kwon, Tai-Wan;Cheigh, Hong-Sik;Kim, Sook-He;Lee, Hyun-Keum
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 1970
  • From the previous studies, F-P-4 formula was found to be comparable to full fat dry milk in its nutritive value and feeding performance. However, an attempt was made in order to make sure whether or not any possibility might exist, by which further improvement of nutritive quality and simultaneous reduction of product costs may be achieved. Using F-P-4 as a control, modifications were made in new formulas, F-P-5, F-P-6 and F-P-7 by reducing FPC, eliminating yeast from the mixture, and by enriching with methionine as needed. In particular, F-P-7 is completely free of FPC, hydrogenated oil and yeast. Yet, levels of total protein and fat were kept equal to those of F-P-4 in all formulas. An animal feeding test for all formulas using 10 female rats per group for 8 weeks and an infant feeding trial for F-P-5 and F-P-6 with 5 of each female infants under age of one for one month were conducted along with F-P-4 as a control. Almost the same results were obtained with F-P-4, 5 and 6, but F-P-7 showed the lowest body weight gain. FER of F-P-5 and 6 was 0.20 as was with F-P-4, while that of F-P-7 was 0.16. Acceptability to infants was excellent; growth, appearance and biochemical data were normal. As an example F-P-4 packed in 0.04mm polyethylene bags was used for storage study at $25^{\circ}C$ and relative humidity of $65{\sim}85%$ for 8 months. Although viable bacterial counts and vitamin C contents were reduced, peroxide and TBA values were increased gradually during such storage. Since there are also significant changes in color and organoleptic quality, the expected shelf life under the given conditions is considered to be about 2 months and thus further works are needed both on the product and packaging in order to improve the storage stability. Either elimination of yeast form F-P-4, that is F-P-5, or partial replacement of FPC with methionine, that is F-P-6 may well reduce material costs about 10%. Considering blending process of ingredients, F-P-5 is thus found to be the best formula developed. While F-P-7 free of FPC is inferior in its nutritive quality than that of others, but significantly superior than of rice. Furthermore, the material cost of the product can be reduced about 20% from that of F-P-4. And thus this vegetable blend is considered to be useful as a low cost supplementary food mixture for growing children.

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우리나라 어린이 건강 및 영양상태의 현황과 문제점

  • Yun, Deok-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1979
  • 성장발육하는 시기에 영양과 성장하는 아동들의 체위와는 밀접한 관계가 있고 또한 영양부족과 그로 말미암아 자라나는 이학적 소견과도 불가분의 관계가 있기 때문에 그동안 우리나라에서 부분적, 단편적으로 연구 발표된 문헌을 중심으로 그를 검토 고찰하여 보았다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 우리나라 아동들이 출생후 6개월까지는 주로 모유에 의존하고, 약간이 인공영양에 의존하고 있는데, 이 시기에는 다른 선진제국의 어린이들의 성장발육과의 별 차이가 없었다. 그러나 이유기인 $6{\sim}30$개월 사이에는 우리나라 어머니들의 이유에 대한 지식이 빈약하고 이들 음식물을 그대로 아기들에게 적용하기 힘든 이유등으로 아이들에게 보급해서 주는 음식물이 빈약함으로 말미암아 다른 선진제국 아이들에 비해서 이 시기에 체위가 많이 떨어지고 빈혈현상을 나타내는 것을 볼 수 있다. 이때 고양군에서 농민의 아동들에 대해서 시행한 영양조사 내용을 보면, 전체 칼로리도 부족되고 특히 단백질, 철분, 칼슘, 비타민 A, B복합제가 전반적으로 부족되는 것을 알았다. 이는 어머니들의 육아와 이유식에 대한 지식의 결집도 중요한 역할을 했겠거니와 더욱더 중요한것은 우리나라 어른들의 식습관이, 민족적 전통적으로 짜고, 매웁고, 딱딱해서 이를 아기들에게 그대로 적응해서 먹이기가 힘든 것도 더 중요한 이유가 된다. 어른들을 위한 음식물에도 맵지 않고, 짜지 않으며, 아기들도 즐겨 먹을 수 있는 유동식 혹은 반유동식으로 된 영양가치가 좋은 음식물을 발전시켜 애용하도록 하는 것이 민족적인 긴급한 과제라고 하겠다. 그렇지 않으면 선진제국 모양으로 이유기에 있는 아이들을 위해서 아이들이 즐겨 먹을 수 있는 이유식을 크게 발전시켜서 이유기의 아이들에게 저렴하게 공급할 수 있는 생산공장과 제도의 마련이 긴급하다고 하겠다. 우리 민족의 체위를 향상 시키는데 영양학자와 영양사들에게 기대 하는 바가 크다. 육아하는 어머니의 교육정도와경제적인 면이 아기 체위에 주는 영향에 대한 연구에서는 교육정도가 높고, 경제적으로 좋은 위치에 있는 엄마가, 교육정도가 낮고 경제적으로 가난한 위치에 있는 어머니보다 아이들 체위에 훨씬 좋게 기를 수 있다는 것을 알았다. 특히 이유기에 들어간 6개월 이후에 체위 격차가 심한 것을 볼 때 보충해 주는 음식물의 적절한 보급이 얼마나 필요한가를 말해 주는 것이며 이에는 어머니의 교양과 열의와 경제적 뒷받침이 얼마나 필요하다는 것을 말해주는 것이다. 지역별로 서울에서 부유층 가정과 학교 아동, 농촌 지역 가정과 학교아동, 강원도 산간지역 가정과 학교 아등으로 나누어서 자라나는 아동들의 체위와 이학적 소친을 연구 조사한 바로는 서울 부유층이 제일 좋고 그 다음이 서울 빈한층, 강원도 산간지역 아동의 순으로 좋았으며 농촌지역 아종은 체위가 가장 떨어졌다. 구각증, 구내염등은 강원도 산간지역 아동에 제일 많고, 다음이 농촌지역, 서울 판자촌지역의 순으로 많으며 서울부유충지역이 가장 적어서 이는 산간일수록 또 는 빈한할수록 등물성단백질이 부족되는 것을 말해 주는 것이다. 지역별 혈색소치는 109gm/100ml 이하인 경우가 서울 빈한층가정 아동에 제일 많아서 51.7%나 되며 다음이 산간지역가정, 농촌지역가정의 순으로 많으며 서울부유층가정 아동은 2.2%에 지나지 않는다. 한국아등의 체위와 일본아동의 체위를 비교해 본 바로는 출생 후 약 12개월까지는 별차가 없지만 그후로는 점차로 그 격차가 심해져서 $12{\sim}15$세 사이에 평균체중면에서 5kg정도, 신장면에서 5cm정도의 큰 격차를 나타냈다. 그러나 그후로 성인이 되어감에 따라서 그 격차는 좁아졌다. 이는 일본국이 경제적으로 우리보다 우위에 있음에 따라서 아이들 성장에 필요한 영양분을 적기에 적당하게 공급해 주었기 때문이며 우리는 많은아이들이 가만하기 때문에 그 나이에 맞는 영양분 보급을 적당히 하지 못한 결과로 생각할 수 밖에 없다. 한국 아동의 발육표준치를 1965년초에 측정한 것과 1975년도에 측정한 것을 비교해 본 결과 1975년 치는 1965년도치에 비해 체중과 신장 면에서 상당히 증가하였다. 이는 우리라라 경제상태가 좋아지면서 굶는 아이들이 적어지거나 없어졌을 뿐만 아니라 식품 내용이 개선된 때문으로 해석된다. 따라서 민족의 체위가 개선되고 향상되려면 제일 먼저 해결되어야 할 문제는 국가의 경제력이 향상될뿐만 아니라 빈부의 격차가 적어져서 우리나라에 생을 받은 사람은 누구나 굶는 자가 없이 균형 있는 영양분을 충분히 섭취 할 수 있는기회를 갖도록 되어야 하겠다. 영양학자와 식품관리자들은 우러나라 아이들이 타고난 체위의 잠재성을 충분히 키우기 위해서 어떠한 음식물이 얼마나 필요한지 계산하여 이를 작물로 충분히 충당할 수 있도륵 계획해서 농수산물을 생산하도록 해야겠다. 영양학자들은 우리 민족의 음식물을 개선해서 아기들이 즐겨 먹을 수 있는 어른들의 음식물, 영양식을 발전시켜 이유기에 받는 우리 어린아기들의 수난을 조속히 극복하는 것이 바람직하다. 또한 영양에 대한 교육을 국민학교, 중학교 교과과정에 많이 넣어서 교육하고 영양에 대한 교육과 보급을 조직적으로, 신문, 라디오, 텔레비젼등을 통해서 성인교육을 강화해서 모든 국민들이 적은 돈을 가지고도 보다 나은 영양물을 구해서 섭취할 수 있는 지혜를 가지도록 해야겠다. 국민학교 재학중 및 졸업시기를 전후딘서 체위가 많이 떨어지며 그 영향이 일생동안 간다는 것을 감안할 때 국민학교에서 점심 한끼라도 영양식을 보급해서 우리 국민체위 향상을 위해서 나라에서 직접적으로 공헌하는 바가 있었으면 한다.

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A Pressure Adjustment Protocol for Programmable Valves

  • Kim, Kyoung-Hun;Yeo, In-Seoung;Yi, Jin-Seok;Lee, Hyung-Jin;Yang, Ji-Ho;Lee, Il-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.370-377
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    • 2009
  • Objective : There is no definite adjustment protocol for patients shunted with programmable valves. Therefore, we attempted to find an appropriate method to adjust the valve, initial valve-opening pressure, adjustment scale, adjustment time interval, and final valve-opening pressure of a programmable valve. Methods : Seventy patients with hydrocephalus of various etiologies were shunted with programmable shunting devices (Micro Valve with $RICKHAM^{(R)}$ Reservoir). The most common initial diseases were subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and head trauma. Sixty-six patients had a communicating type of hydrocephalus, and 4 had an obstructive type of hydrocephalus. Fifty-one patients had normal pressure-type hydrocephalus and 19 patients had high pressure-type hydrocephalus. We set the initial valve pressure to $10-30\;mmH_2O$, which is lower than the preoperative lumbar tapping pressure or the intraoperative ventricular tapping pressure, conducted brain computerized tomographic (CT) scans every 2 to 3 weeks, correlated results with clinical symptoms, and reset valve-opening pressures. Results : Initial valve-opening pressures varied from 30 to $180\;mmH_2O$ (mean, $102{\pm}27.5\;mmH_2O$). In high pressure-type hydrocephalus patients, we have set the initial valve-opening pressure from 100 to $180\;mmH_2O$. We decreased the valve-opening pressure $20-30\;mmH_2O$ at every 2- or 3-week interval, until hydrocephalus-related symptoms improved and the size of the ventricle was normalized. There were 154 adjustments in 81 operations (mean, 1.9 times). In 19 high pressure-type patients, final valve-opening pressures were $30-160\;mmH_2O$, and 16 (84%) patients' symptoms had nearly improved completely. However, in 51 normal pressure-type patients, only 31 (61%) had improved. Surprisingly, in 22 of the 31 normal pressure-type improved patients, final valve-opening pressures were $30\;mmH_2O$ (16 patients) and $40\;mmH_2O$ (6 patients). Furthermore, when final valve-opening pressures were adjusted to $30\;mmH_2O$, 14 patients symptom was improved just at the point. There were 18 (22%) major complications : 7 subdural hygroma, 6 shunt obstructions, and 5 shunt infections. Conclusion : In normal pressure-type hydrocephalus, most patients improved when the final valve-opening pressure was $30\;mmH_2O$. We suggest that all normal pressure-type hydrocephalus patients be shunted with programmable valves, and their initial valve-opening pressures set to $10-30\;mmH_2O$ below their preoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressures. If final valve-opening pressures are lowered in 20 or $30\;mmH_2O$ scale at 2- or 3-week intervals, reaching a final pressure of $30\;mmH_2O$, we believe that there is a low risk of overdrainage syndromes.

Dietary behaviors of female marriage immigrants residing in Gwangju, Korea (광주지역에 거주하는 결혼이주 여성의 식생활 조사)

  • Yang, Eun Ju
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This cross-sectional study aimed to document the dietary behaviors, dietary changes, and health status of female marriage immigrants residing in Gwangju, Korea. Methods: The survey included 92 female immigrants attending Korean language class at a multi-cultural family support center. General characteristics, health status, anthropometric data, dietary behaviors, and dietary changes were collected. Results: Mean age of subjects was 31.3 years, and home countries of subjects were Vietnam (50.0%), China (26.0%), Philippines (12.0%), and others (12.0%). Frequently reported chronic diseases were digestive diseases (13.2%), anemia (12.1%), and neuropsychiatry disorder (8.9%). Seventeen percent of the subjects was obese ($BMI{\geq}25kg/m^2$). Dietary score by Mini Dietary Assessment was 3.45 out of 5 points. Dietary scores for dairy foods, meat/fish/egg/bean intake, meal regularity, and food variety were low, and those for fried foods and high fat meat intake were also low. Thirty-three percent of subjects answered that they have changed their diet and increased their consumption of fruits and vegetables after immigration. Length of residence in Korea was positively associated with BMI and waist circumference. Length of residence tends to be positively associated with dietary changes and obesity as well as inversely associated with disease prevalence. Conclusion: The study shows that length of residence is inversely related to disease prevalence. However, this association is thought to be due to the relatively short period of residence in Korea and thus the transitional phase to adapting to dietary practices. As the length of residence increases, disease patterns related to obesity are subject to change. Healthy dietary behaviors and adaptation to dietary practices in Korea in female marriage immigrants will not only benefit individuals but also their families and social structure. Therefore, varied, long-term, and target-specific studies on female marriage immigrants are highly needed.

Estimated dietary intake of vitamin A in Korean adults: Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007~2012 (우리나라 성인의 비타민 A 섭취현황 : 2007~2012년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Kim, Seong-Ah;Jun, Shinyoung;Joung, Hyojee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.258-268
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to estimate dietary vitamin A intake and examine major food sources of vitamin A in Korean adults. Methods: Using data from the 2007~2012 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a total of 33,069 subjects over 19-years-old were included in this study. We estimated individual daily intakes of retinol, carotenoids such as ${\alpha}$-carotene, ${\beta}$-carotene, ${\beta}$-cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin, and lycopene, and vitamin A by linking food consumption data with the vitamin A database of commonly consumed foods. We compared individual vitamin A intakes with the reference value of Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans. Results: Average dietary vitamin A intakes of study subjects were $864.3{\mu}g$ retinol equivalent/day ($495.7{\mu}g$ retinol activity equivalent/day) in men and $715.0{\mu}g$ retinol equivalent/day ($403.6{\mu}g$ retinol activity equivalent/day) in women. Exactly 42.9% and 70.6% of total subjects consumed less vitamin A than the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) based on retinol equivalent and retinol activity equivalent, respectively. The major food sources of vitamin A were Korean radish leaves, carrot, red pepper, and laver, and the top 20 foods provided about 80% of total vitamin A intake. Conclusion: This study provides basic data for estimation of vitamin A intake in Korean adults. Further research will be needed to analyze the association of insufficient or excess intakes of vitamin A and health problems in the Korean population.

Preliminary Landscape Improvement Plan for Gu-ryong Village (구룡 해안마을 경관형성 기본계획)

  • Kim, Yun-Geum;Choi, Jung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2012
  • This Study is about the "Comprehensive Landscape Improvement Plan for Gu-ryoung Seaside Village that was one of most exhibited projects for developing sea villages." The formulations of the plan were supervised by the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs and were executed by the Goheung Country. Rather than proposing renovations for the landscape, this study maintains the existing order and attempts to examine the plan by scrutinizing the vernacular design language of the landscape. In the study, community members had the opportunity to express their opinions and ideas about the community through workshops composed of community participation programs, and participated in the decision-making process through consultation meetings. The conclusion of this study was relevant to the activities of the committee on landscape improvement. The Comprehensive Landscape Improvement Plan has three objectives: (1) resorting and modifying the natural landscape, (2) restructuring the roadways, and (3) modifying key spaces. In the end, the role of Gu-ryong Mountain as a background of the landscape was focused on tree planting drives that were undertaken, and accessibility to the sea front was improved. Second, in restructuring the roadways, rough roads were restored and unconnected roads were connected to ensure a network of roads along the sea front, inner roads in the village, roads at the Fringes Mountains, and stone roads on the mud flat. In addition, roads were named according to the character of the landscape and signs were installed. Finally, the existing key spaces, in which community members came together, were restored and new key spaces were created for the outdoor activities of the inhabitants and the diverse experience of visitors. A guideline was also created to regulate private areas such as roofs, walls, fences of residential buildings, and private container boxes and fishing gear along the sea front. The strength of this study is that it is seeking to determine the greatest potential of the landscape and set the plan by examining the lives of community members. Some problems were found during the development of this study. Further, there were problems in the community's understanding as elaborated below. First is the gap between community members' awareness and practice. Even though they were aware of the problems with the village landscape, they hesitated to implement improvements. Second, community members have misunderstandings about the landscape the improvement plan. The local government and the residents have understood this plan as a development project; for example, new building construction or the extension of roads. Third, residents are not aware that continuous attention and improvements are required for the upkeep of the landscape in the sea village. The plan to improve the landscape should promote a balance between making the area as a tourist attraction and maintaining the lives and cultural activities, because the sea village system incorporates settlements, economy, and culture.