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A Retrospective Herb-Drug Interaction Study of Oryeong-san (Wuling-san) Co-administration in Type 2 Diabetes Patients Receiving Hypoglycemic Treatment (표준 치료를 받고 있는 제2형 당뇨병 환자에서 오령산 병용 투여의 후향적 약물 상호작용 연구)

  • Mee-ryoung Song;Woo-nyoung Jung;Yeon-joo Yoo;Min-seong Lee;Young-min Ahn;Se-young Ahn;Byung-cheol Lee
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.602-614
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study investigated the effects of Korean medicine Oryeong-san (五苓散) on blood glucose levels and evaluated its safety in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: A total of 87 patients aged 19 years and older, hospitalized for at least three days at the Kyung Hee University Korean Medical Hospital from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023 and continuously consumed Oryeong-san for a minimum of three days, were included. Their clinical characteristics and laboratory tests were reviewed retrospectively. The effects of Oryeong-san on fasting (FBS) and 2-hour postprandial (PP2) blood glucose were assessed by comparing the averages of measurements taken before and after the treatment. To evaluate the safety of the herbal extract, liver function test and kidney function test results were compared, including aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (Cr), and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Results: The average duration of Oryeong-san consumption was 17.71±26.82 days. Although the FBS decreased and the PP2 slightly increased, these changes were not statistically significant (p>0.05). Safety assessments showed that the average levels of AST decreased, while the level of ALT increased, without statistical significance. The BUN levels also significantly decreased, while Cr and eGFR levels remained stable. Conclusion: This study indicates that Oryeong-san is safe for use in type 2 diabetes patients without significant impact on blood glucose and that it has a positive safety profile.

Characteristics of scenario text reading fluency in middle school students with poor reading skills (중학교 읽기부진 학생의 시나리오 글 읽기 유창성 특성)

  • Jihye Park;Cheoljae Seong
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2024
  • Reading fluency refers to the ability to read sentences or paragraphs accurately, quickly, and with appropriate prosodic expression. Most reading fluency assessments exclude expressive ability because it is difficult to objectively measure. Therefore, in this study, we examined all elements of reading fluency by analyzing prosodic characteristics of reading scenario texts to maximize expressive reading. The subjects were 30 male students in the first and second grades of middle school (15 normal and 15 poor readers). To analyze the accuracy aspect, error types at the syllable level were analyzed for each group, and related acoustic variables were measured and examined in terms of prosodic aspects. The reading accuracy analysis showed that the poor reading group had a higher error rate than the normal. In terms of error types, the normal group showed the order of 'substitution>omission>correction>insertion>repetition', whereas the poor reading group was in the order of 'correction>substitution>repetition/insertion>omission'. For the speech tempo, the dyslexic students were slower than the typical students for all sentence types. The prosodic variables also showed a high frequency of accentual phrases (AP) and intonation phrases (IP) in sentences along with a wide intensity range.

A Theoretical Model for Effective Public Diplomacy (효과적인 공공외교 분석을 위한 이론적 모형)

  • Kisuk Cho;Hwajung Kim
    • Public Diplomacy: Theory and Practice
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2022
  • Since the seminal publication of Joseph Nye's Soft Power, soft power became the central concept to public diplomacy. However, over-emphasis on soft power, which is still controversial, deterred academics from producing valuable knowledge that can be applied to practices in the field. Soft power is a cause and effect at the same time and thus it makes systematic analysis almost implausible because it is not only a tool for successful public diplomacy, but it is a result of successful diplomacy. This study aims at offering a theoretical framework linking soft power and public diplomacy by including various factors that may affect the outcomes of effective public diplomacy. This theoretical framework assessing the effectiveness of public diplomacy will make it possible to explore how and when new public diplomacy was adopted in a certain country and examine hard and soft power resources. The model also includes political system variables such as ideas and values, institutions, governance, leadership, and communication system, which are expected to influence public diplomacy effectiveness rather than soft power itself. The model yields the effectiveness of public diplomacy by assessing outcome and impact relative to input and output that are applicable to practices. The model is expected to enable both quantitative and qualitative studies generating possible propositions from the model with some preliminary outcomes of comparative case studies.

Research Trends of CV23 Electroacupuncture: A Literature Review Focusing on PubMed and Domestic Studies (염천(CV23)의 전침치료 연구 동향 : Pubmed와 국내논문을 중심으로)

  • Chae-Rim Yoon;Su-Hyun Choi;Nahyun Jeong;Dahee Jeong;Yoohyun Sim;Hae-in Jeong;Na-Yeon Ha;Jinsung Kim
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.663-680
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the research trends of electroacupuncture (EA) at CV23. Methods: Studies published until July 2024 were searched on PubMed and domestic databases (OASIS, ScienceON, RISS, KISS, KCI, KMbase, and DBpia) using the keywords "CV23", "lianquan", "electroacupuncture", "염천", "전침", and "전기자극". Results: A total of 16 studies were selected. There were 6 randomized controlled trials, 1 case report, and 9 experimental studies. Of the 16 papers selected, 15 examined the effect of EA at CV23 on improving swallowing function. Clinical studies found that EA at CV23 was effective in improving dysphagia, aphasia, and drooling symptoms through mechanisms such as increased hyolaryngeal movement, normalization of pathologically elevated NO, ET, and improvement of excitement of the swallowing motor cortex. According to experimental studies, EA at CV23 activates the brain region associated with swallowing function, promotes the swallowing reflex by increasing neurotransmitters, improves electromyography of the swallowing muscles, and improves blood flow around CV23. Conclusion: Electroacupuncture at CV23 may be an effective and safe method for post-stroke dysphagia, post-stroke aphasia, and post-stroke drooling. In the future, research should be conducted in different diseases and high-quality studies should be conducted.

A Study on the Methodology for Assessment of Safe Operating Envelope on Light Aircraft Carrier Using CFD Modeling Database of Flight Deck Air-wake (함재기 안전임무수행범주 평가를 위한 함정갑판 공기유동의 CFD 모델링 DB 활용연구)

  • Jae Hwan Jung;Dong-Min Park;Seok-Kyu Cho;Sa Young Hong
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.61 no.5
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    • pp.312-323
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to evaluate the safe operating envelope (SOE) for light aircraft carriers using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling database of flight deck air-wake. Assessing the SOE is crucial for ensuring the safe operation of carrier-based aircraft, particularly during take-off and landing maneuvers. Traditional methods that only consider relative wind envelopes (RWE) provide basic information but fail to account for the complex airflow patterns over the flight deck. To address this limitation, this research utilizes CFD to analyze the air-wake and integrate these findings into the SOE assessment. Various studies on CFD modeling of airflow around naval ships and aircraft carriers were reviewed, confirming the importance of accurate airflow databases for operational safety. This study employs the KRISO-CVX1 model, a light aircraft carrier designed by the Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO), to demonstrate the application of CFD data in SOE evaluations. The methodology involves a detailed analysis of turbulent flow and thermal fields around the carrier deck under different wind speed, direction, and ship speed conditions. The results indicate significant variations in air-wake characteristics depending on the relative wind speed and direction, impacting the operational safety of carrier-based aircraft. This study emphasizes the need for incorporating CFD-based airflow data into SOE assessments to enhance the accuracy and reliability of operational safety evaluations for aircraft carriers. In conclusion, the integration of CFD air-wake modeling databases provides a more comprehensive approach to assessing the SOE, offering improved safety margins for carrier-based aircraft operations. This research is expected to contribute to the development of more robust and precise operational guidelines for naval aviation.

Development of Methanol Synthesis Process viaCatalytic Conversion of Simulated Steel Mill Gases for Optimal Productivity (제철 부생가스 모사가스를 활용한 메탄올 합성공정 개발)

  • Geunjae Kwak
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.410-417
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    • 2024
  • Steel mill gases, including coke oven gas (COG), blast furnace gas (BFG), and Linz-Donawitz gas (LDG), are mainly used as fuels within steel plants, resulting in substantial CO2 emissions. This combustion process accounts for 10% of South Korea's total CO2 emissions. These off-gases, rich in CO, CH4, and hydrogen, have the potential to be converted into valuable chemicals through catalytic processes, thereby reducing CO2 emissions and increasing their economic value. This study investigates the conversion of steel mill gases into methanol, an important platform chemical and cleaner transportation fuel. By using COG and LDG as sources of CO and H2, respectively, a novel process was developed. In this process, H2-rich COG from a simple single-step membrane separation and raw LDG are converted into methanol with high selectivity using a Cu-Zn-Al catalyst. The study identified the optimal gas compositions for methanol production through experimental results, demonstrating efficient methanol synthesis from various compositions of LDG, COG, pure hydrogen, and H2-rich COG. This innovative approach not only aims to reduce specific CO2 emissions from steel plants but also enhances the economic value of the byproduct gases. Thus, the study provides a sustainable and economically advantageous solution for the steel industry.

A Study on Value Properties and Repair Status of Stone Structures in Royal Palace and Tomb Heritages of the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 궁능 석축의 가치속성 및 수리실태 연구)

  • Jo, Heok-Jun;Kim, Min-Seon;Kim, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to evaluate the repair status of stone structures, which are landscape heritage, focusing on cultural heritage repair norms. The study reviewed 296 repair reports published by the Cultural Heritage Administration and selected 8 cases of stone structure repairs. The repair status of these stone structures was evaluated based on three value attributes in the repair norms applied to cultural heritage both domestically and internationally: form and design, materials and quality, and tradition and technology. The results are as follows. First, in terms of form and design, changes were mainly focused on the foundation and backfill stones, which are non-visible structures, rather than the visible face stones. Second, in terms of materials and quality, there were numerous cases of inadequate verification and historical investigation. Despite significant differences in the strength and color of stones depending on their origin, which greatly impact the value attributes of the stone structures, the process of verifying the origin of replacement materials was omitted. Third, crucial elements such as tools, instruments, and techniques, which are vital for maintaining the value attributes of tradition and technology, were not recorded. Adherence to cultural heritage repair norms in the repair of stone structures was low. To enhance the repair quality of stone heritage, it is essential to strengthen compliance standards for maintaining the value attributes of non-visible structures, improve the historical investigation and verification of material origins, and establish detailed recording methods for the repair techniques and procedures used.

Impact of Complete Revascularization for Acute Myocardial Infarction In Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease Patients With Diabetes Mellitus

  • Jeehoon Kang;Sungjoon Park;Minju Han;Kyung Woo Park;Jung-Kyu Han;Han-Mo Yang;Hyun-Jae Kang;Bon-Kwon Koo;Hyo-Soo Kim
    • Korean Circulation Journal
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    • v.54 no.10
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    • pp.603-615
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    • 2024
  • Background and Objectives: The clinical benefits of complete revascularization (CR) in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients are unclear. Moreover, the benefit of CR is unknown in AMI with diabetes mellitus (DM) patients. We sought to compare the prognosis of CR and incomplete revascularization (IR) in patients with AMI and multivessel disease, according to the presence of DM. Methods: A total of 2,150 AMI patients with multivessel coronary artery disease were analyzed. CR was defined based on the angiographic image. The primary endpoint of this study was the patient-oriented composite outcome (POCO) defined as a composite of all-cause death, any myocardial infarction, and any revascularization within 3 years. Results: Overall, 3-year POCO was significantly lower in patients receiving angiographic CR (985 patients, 45.8%) compared with IR (1,165 patients, 54.2%). When divided into subgroups according to the presence of DM, CR reduced 3-year clinical outcomes in the non-DM group but not in the DM group (POCO: 11.7% vs. 23.2%, p<0.001, any revascularization: 7.2% vs. 10.8%, p=0.024 in the non-DM group, POCO: 24.3% vs. 27.8%, p=0.295, any revascularization: 13.3% vs. 11.3%, p=0.448 in the DM group, for CR vs. IR). Multivariate analysis showed that CR significantly reduced 3-year POCO (hazard ratio, 0.52; 95% confidence interval, 0.36-0.75) only in the non-DM group. Conclusions: In AMI patients with multivessel disease, CR may have less clinical benefit in DM patients than in non-DM patients.

A Case Report of the Treatment of Chest Pain, Palpitations, Dyspnea, and Morphea with Korean Medicine after Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (대동맥 판막 치환술 후 발생한 흉통(胸痛), 심계(心悸), 천증(喘證) 및 국소 경피증에 대한 한의 치험 1례)

  • Kibeom Ku;Seyeon Lee;Irang Nam;Mariah Kim;Haeun Kim;In Lee;Jinwoo Hong;Junyong Choi;Youngju Yun;Soyeon Kim;Changwoo Han;Sojung Park;Jungnam Kwon
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.1044-1053
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    • 2024
  • Objective: This study reports improvements in chest pain, palpitations, dyspnea, and morphea following surgical aortic valve replacement following treatment with Korean medicine. Methods: A patient received Korean medicine treatment, including acupuncture, moxibustion, and herbal formulas such as Chilgi-tang, Insamyangyoung-tang, and Bojungikki-tang-gamibang. The patient's improvement was evaluated using the numeric rating scale (NRS), the modified localized scleroderma skin severity index (mLoSSI), and antinuclear antibody (ANA) tests. Results: After receiving Korean medicine treatment, the patient showed improvement in the NRS, mLoSSI, and ANA results. Conclusion: This case suggests that Korean medicine may be effective in treating chest pain, palpitations, dyspnea, and morphea following surgical aortic valve replacement.

A Case Report of Functional Dyspepsia in a Patient with Herniated Intervertebral Cervical Disc with Korean Medicine (경추추간판탈출증을 동반한 기능성 소화불량 환자에 대한 한방 치료 1례)

  • Yu-jin Lee;Gil-geun Baek;Sang-hun Yun;Ju-heon Park;Na-kyoung Lee;Hyung-chul Lee;Man-ho Kang;Sung-hwan Park
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.859-867
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    • 2024
  • Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of comprehensive Korean medicine treatments, including Banhabaekchulchunma-tang, acupuncture, and chuna therapy, in managing functional dyspepsia in a patient with cervical disc herniation. Given the connection between cervical spine disorders and gastrointestinal dysfunction, this study also explored the importance of addressing cervical disc herniation to achieve optimal outcomes in treating functional dyspepsia. Methods: A hospitalized patient presenting with functional dyspepsia and cervical disc herniation received comprehensive Korean medicine treatments, including herbal medicine (Banhabaekchulchunma-tang), acupuncture, and chuna therapy. The treatments aimed at improving gastrointestinal symptoms while addressing the underlying cervical spine pathology. The effectiveness of these treatments on functional dyspepsia was assessed using the gastrointestinal symptom score (GIS), while cervical pain and overall health status were evaluated using the numerical rating scale (NRS) and the EuroQoL 5 dimensions (EQ-5D). Results: After integrated treatments targeting both cervical disc herniation and functional dyspepsia, the patient's NRS and EQ-5D scores showed significant improvement. Changes in GIS scores indicated relief of functional dyspepsia symptoms, while the treatment of cervical spine pathology also contributed to improved gastrointestinal function and overall well-being. Conclusion: This case study suggests that comprehensive Korean medicine treatments, including Banhabaekchulchunma-tang, acupuncture, and chuna therapy, may be effective in treating functional dyspepsia, particularly in patients with cervical disc herniation. The findings indicate that while addressing gastrointestinal dysfunction is crucial, considering the treatment of cervical spine disorders may also be beneficial, highlighting the potential value of an integrated therapeutic approach.