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Differences in serum ferritin and vitamin D levels of Korean women with obesity and severe obesity (비만과 고도비만 한국 여성의 혈청 페리틴과 비타민 D 수준의 비교)

  • Kang, Nan Hui;Park, Ji Sook;Lee, Hongchan;Yim, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study examined the relationships among serum ferritin, vitamin D, folate, iron, and vitamin B12 as indicators of obesity. The results provide the basic data for the prevention and treatment of obese and severely obese people. Methods: This study selected 44 people from 18 years of age or older to 59 years. This study used the indicators of the body mass index (BMI) to analyze obesity as the obesity group (BMI of 25.0-29.9 kg/㎡) and as the severe obesity group (BMI ≥ 30.0 kg/㎡). Of the 44 subjects, 23 and 21 subjects were in the obesity and severe obesity groups, respectively. Their height, weight, body fat, skeletal muscle mass measured using bioimpedance analysis, and measured serum nutrients and biochemical parameters. Results: The obesity group showed a significantly lower age, body weight, BMI and body composition, body fat mass, and body fat percentage, and the height was significantly lower in the severe obesity group. The results of the biochemical parameters of the subjects showed that the levels of aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, hemoglobin A1c, total cholesterol, and triglyceride were within the normal range, and there was no significant difference between the 2 groups. The levels of folate, vitamin B12, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, iron, and ferritin were almost normal, and there was no significant difference between the 2 groups. Conclusion: This study revealed an association with the serum nutrients and obesity, but there was no difference between the obesity group and severe obesity group. Observations of the nutrient levels in not only the blood in obesity and severe obesity but also in red blood cells and tissues will be necessary.

Effects of Nordic Walking Exercise on muscular strength, Flexibility, Balance and Pain in Older Woman with Knee Osteoarthritis (노르딕 워킹이 퇴행성 무릎 관절염 노인여성의 근력과 유연성, 균형 및 통증에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Yoo-Sung;Kim, Ji-sun;Jang, Woo-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1312-1326
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine whether the 12-week Nordic walking can improve the physical function and arthritis pain of elderly women with osteoarthritis This study were divided into randomly assigned Nordic Walking Exercise Group (n=9) and Control Group (n=7) for 16 Elderly women diagnosed with Osteoarthritis (age: 73±3.79 year, height: 154.3±4.09 cm). The exercise group used Nordic sticks to carry out 30 minutes of Nordic walking exercise three times a week for 12 weeks, and the kinetic intensity was set at 40-60% of HRR. The control group maintained daily life for the same period. Body composition (weight, percentage body fat, skeletal muscle mass), muscular strength, Flexibility (muscular strength of upper and lower limbs, flexibility of upper and lower limbs), balance ability (static balance, dynamic balance) and pain level were measured as subordinate variables. These indicators were measured twice before and after the exercise program. The study shows that percentage body fat and skeletal muscle mass in the body composition function over 12 weeks of Nordic walking exercise have significant effects after the exercise than before (p=004)(p=.003), and it also shows significant interaction effects between the groups and timings(p=.018)(p=.005). In muscular strength, Flexibility factors, there were significant effects between the groups and timings in the upper limb muscular strength and the lower limb flexibility (p=.009)(p=.036), and a significant difference between the exercise group and the control group(p=.006) in the lower limb muscular strength. In addition, in the upper limb flexibility, there was a more significant difference after the exercise than before(p=.020). There were improvement effects after the exercise than before in the balance ability and the static balance(p=.016), but no difference in the dynamic balance(p>.05). In pain, there was a significant improvement after the exercise than before(p=.022), and a significant difference between the exercise group and the control group(p=.013). In conclusion, the 12-week Nordic walking exercise has positive effects on the body composition functions of the elderly women with Osteoarthritis, and has a positive effect on the improvement of upper limb muscular strength and lower limb flexibility in the health fitness factors. These effects are believed to have contributed effectively to the improvement of the level of pain by contributing to the improvement of physical and motor functions of the elderly women with Osteoarthritis. Therefore, it is considered that Nordic walking exercise, which enhances stability and balance of the patients with Osteoarthritis by using poles, is an effective exercise method for the improvement of the body and motor functions by lowering the pain of the joints and reducing the muscular strength and percentage body fat.

The Analysis for the Regulation related to Chinese Online Game Review -Focused on NHN Chinese Game- (중국 온라인 게임 심의에 관한 규제 분석 -중국 NHN 게임을 중심으로-)

  • Song, Seung-Keun;Kim, Chee-Yong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study is to uncover the standard and procedure of the review for the online game to export to China and try to find a plan how to solve a problem such as regulation for the online game imported into China depending on a protective policy for homemade game. The literatures related to the policy of China online game industry and the present condition of the wholistic restriction are reviewed and the standard and procedure of the review of China online game which is veiled was able to find definitely by using the case study on Korean company which was a great success as localization in China. As a result of this study, we found that the key factor on the review standard of China online game is the anti-social personality, such as 'the overthrow of Chinese socialist system', 'the territorial issue as the eviction of Hong Kong or the acknowledgment of Taiwan government', 'independence problem of the minorities', and 'damage to property as national treasure', et cetera. While the review of the homemade game in China takes about a month through just two steps in review process on online game, that of foreign game is required over at least three months through four steps in it. Moreover, it is difficult for foreign games to obtain the license due to total amount regulation for online game by 'General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's the Republic of China'. In the case of the joint-venture company, it is most important to the smooth communication between Korean company and Chinese company in order to overcome these strong regulation for online game review in China. Furthermore, as Chinese company in outward appearance it is need to be positioned absolutely in Chinese marketplace. The definite positioning strategy enables foreign companies to avoid the strong regulation about the foreign game in China. To understand, finally, deeply politics, society, and culture presented in Chinese ethics textbook permits the foreign companies to predict the exact standard of the review for online game. Therefore, this study is concluded with key implications to sustain guidelines on the deliberation for foreign companies which want to export online game to China to improve the predictability and accountableness about the review of the online game in China.

A study on the Regulatory Environment of the French Distribution Industry and the Intermarche's Management strategies

  • Choi, In-Sik;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2012
  • Despite the enforcement of SSM control laws such as 'the Law of Developing the Distribution Industry (LDDI)' and 'the Law of Promoting Mutual Cooperation between Large and Small/medium Enterprises (LPMC)' stipulating the business adjustment system, the number of super-supermarkets (SSMs) has ever been expanding in Korea. In France, however, Super Centers are being regulated most strongly and directly in the whole Europe viewing that there is not a single SSM in Paris, which is emphasized to be the outcome from French government's regulation exerted on the opening of large scale retail stores. In France, the authority to approve store opening is deeply centralized and the store opening regulation is a socio-economic regulation driven by economic laws whereas EU strongly regulates the distribution industry. To control the French distribution industry, such seven laws and regulations as Commission départementale d'urbanisme commercial guidelines (CDLIC) (1969), the Royer Law (1973), the Doubin Law (1990), the Sapin Law (1993), the Raffarin Law (1996), solidarite et renouvellement urbains (SRU) (2000), and Loi de modernisation de l'économie (LME) (2009) have been promulgated one by one since the amendment of the Fontanet guidelines, through which commercial adjustment laws and regulations have been complemented and reinforced while regulatory measures have been taken. Even in the course of forming such strong regulatory laws, InterMarche, the largest supermarket chain in France, has been in existence as a global enterprise specialized in retail distribution with over 4,000 stores in Europe. InterMarche's business can be divided largely into two segments of food and non-food. As a supermarket chain, InterMarche's food segment has 2,300 stores in Europe and as a hard-discounter store chain in France, Netto has 420 stores. Restaumarch is a chain of traditional family restaurants and the steak house restaurant chain of Poivre Rouge has 4 restaurants currently. In addition, there are others like Ecomarche which is a supermarket chain for small and medium cities. In the non-food segment, the DIY and gardening chain of Bricomarche has a total of 620 stores in Europe. And the car-related chain of Roady has a total of 158 stores in Europe. There is the clothing chain of Veti as well. In view of InterMarche's management strategies, since its distribution strategy is to sell goods at cheap prices, buying goods cheap only is not enough. In other words, in order to sell goods cheap, it is all important to buy goods cheap, manage them cheap, systemize them cheap, and transport them cheap. In quality assurance, InterMarche has guaranteed the purchase safety for consumers by providing its own private brand products. InterMarche has 90 private brands of its own, thus being the retailer with the largest number of distributor brands in France. In view of its IT service strategy, InterMarche is utilizing a high performance IT system so as to obtainas much of the market information as possible and also to find out the best locations for opening stores. In its global expansion strategy of international alliance, InterMarche has established the ALDIS group together with the distribution enterprises of both Spain and Germany in order to expand its food purchase, whereas in the non-food segment, it has established the ARENA group in alliance with 11 international distribution enterprises. Such strategies of InterMarche have been intended to find out the consumer needs for both price and quality of goods and to secure the purchase and supply networks which are closely localized. It is necessary to cope promptly with the constantly changing circumstances through being unified with relevant regions and by providing diversified customer services as well. In view of the InterMarche's positive policy for promoting local partnerships as well as the assistance for enhancing the local economic structure, implications are existing for those retail distributors of our country.

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A Study of the Factors Influencing Behavioral Intention for Organic Food: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior (유기농식품에 대한 소비자의 구매의도 영향요인 분석 계획적 행동이론을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hwa-Sun;Lee, Kwang-Keun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2012
  • Well-being is a reflection of current sociocultural trends that focus on the quality of life based on economic growth. Furthermore, organic food is believed to help people maintain good health and therefore leads to increased consumption of organic foods. Therefore, consumer interest in organic food is increasing, causing its market to grow, and this trend will be maintained in the future. The abuse of agricultural pesticides, gene manipulation, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy has caused consumers to worry about food safety. The well-being trend has also contributed to consumers' growing interest inorganic food and organic agricultural products. A consumer's choice offood is a complex processes affected by various factors. In particular, organic food is considered an individualistic merit good, considering the consumers' preferences related to certification policies. Therefore, various factors such as personal characteristics and sense of value could affect consumers' decisions. This research focused on an analysis of the factors influencing consumers' purchasing intention for organic food on the basis of an increase in organic food consumption. The research method was based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Factors such as consumer characteristics regarding food consumption, purchasing frequency, and other factors affecting purchasing intention were presented. The hypothesis was set using advanced research and stated that it is easier to forecast purchasing intentions by combining the theory of planned behavior and personal characteristics of consumer. The results show that two dimensions, attitude and perceived behavioral control, have statistically significant influence on the purchasing intention. It can be said that a positive attitude toward organic foods in particular increases the possibility of purchasing intention. In addition, consumers who consume more organic food products are more likely to have positive attitudes, and, in the past, purchasing frequency has positively influenced purchasing intention of organic foods. Consumers' negative feelings about the non-purchase of organic foods also showed a negative influence on purchasing intentions. In other words, even though consumers feel uncomfortable when not consuming organic food products, they do not try to purchase such products because of this feeling of discomfort. Furthermore, the subjective norm and the behavioral control of food-related involvement do not have a statistically significant influence on the purchasing intention or attitudes. This research verified the influence of factors related to purchasing intention. This study has several limitations: (1) even though consumers' responses can change based on the type of food, the types of food were not classified in this study; (2) future studies are necessary to analyze the attitudes of consumers on the basis of their purchasing experiences with organic foods.

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Cases of Ethical Violation in Research Publications: Through Editorial Decision Making Process (편집심사업무 관점에서 학술지 윤리강화를 위한 표절 검증사례)

  • Hwang, Hee-Joong;Lee, Jung-Wan;Kim, Dong-Ho;Shin, Dong-Jin;Kim, Byoung-Goo;Kim, Tae-Joong;Lee, Yong-Ki;Kim, Wan-Ki;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.49-52
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - To improve and strengthen existing publication and research ethics, KODISA has identified and presented various cases which have violated publication and research ethics and principles in recent years. The editorial office of KODISA has been providing and continues to provide advice and feedback on publication ethics to researchers during peer review and editorial decision making process. Providing advice and feedback on publication ethics will ensure researchers to have an opportunity to correct their mistakes or make appropriate decisions and avoid any violations in research ethics. The purpose of this paper is to identify different cases of ethical violation in research and inform and educate researchers to avoid any violations in publication and research ethics. Furthermore, this article will demonstrate how KODISA journals identify and penalize ethical violations and strengthens its publication ethics and practices. Research design, data and methodology - This paper examines different types of ethical violation in publication and research ethics. The paper identifies and analyzes all ethical violations in research and combines them into five general categories. Those five general types of ethical violations are thoroughly examined and discussed. Results - Ethical violations of research occur in various forms at regular intervals; in other words, unethical researchers tend to commit different types of ethical violations repeatedly at same time. The five categories of ethical violation in research are as follows: (1) Arbitrary changes or additions in author(s) happen frequently in thesis/dissertation related publications. (2) Self plagiarism, submitting same work or mixture of previous works with or without using proper citations, also occurs frequently, but the most common type of plagiarism is changing the statistical results and using them to present as the results of the empirical analysis; (3) Translation plagiarism, another ethical violation in publication, is difficult to detect but occurs frequently; (4) Fabrication of data or statistical analysis also occurs frequently. KODISA requires authors to submit the results of the empirical analysis of the paper (the output of the statistical program) to prevent this type of ethical violation; (5) Mashup or aggregator plagiarism, submitting a mix of several different works with or without proper citations without alterations, is very difficult to detect, and KODISA journals consider this type of plagiarism as the worst ethical violation. Conclusions - There are some individual cases of ethical violation in research and publication that could not be included in the five categories presented throughout the paper. KODISA and its editorial office should continue to develop, revise, and strengthen their publication ethics, to learn and share different ways to detect any ethical violations in research and publication, to train and educate its editorial members and researchers, and to analyze and share different cases of ethical violations with the scholarly community.

Future Development Strategies for KODISA Journals: Overview of 2016 and Strategic Plans for the Future (KODISA 학술지 성장전략: 2016 개관 및 미래 성장개요)

  • Hwang, Hee-Joong;Lee, Jung-Wan;Youn, Myoung-Kil;Kim, Dong-Ho;Lee, Jong-Ho;Shin, Dong-Jin;Kim, Byung-Goo;Kim, Tae-Joong;Lee, Yong-Ki;Kim, Wan-Ki
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - With the rise of the fourth industrial revolution, it has converged with the existing industrial revolution to give shape to increased accessibility of knowledge and information. As a result, it has become easier for scholars to actively persue and compile research in various fields. This current study aims to focus and assess the current standing of KODISA: the Journal of Distribution Science (JDS), International Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business(IJIDB), the East Asian Journal of Business Management (EAJBM), the Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB) in a rapidly evolving era. Novel strategies for creating the future vision of KODISA 2020 will also be examined. Research design, data, and methodology - The current research will analyze published journals of KODISA in order to offer a vision for the KODISA 2020 future. In part 1, this paper will observe the current address of the KODISA journal and its overview of past achievements. Next, part 2 will discuss the activities that will be needed for journals of KODISA, JDS, IJIDB, EAJBM, JAFEB to branch out internationally and significant journals will be statistically analyzed in part 3. The last part 4 will offer strategies for the continued growth of KODISA and visions for KODISA 2020. Results - Among the KODISA publications, IJIDB was second, JDS was 23rd (in economic publications of 54 journals), and EAJBM was 22nd (out of 79 publications in management field journals). This shows the high quality of the KODISA publication journals. According to 2016 publication analysis, JDS, IJIDB, etc. each had 157 publications, 15 publications, 16 publications, and 28 publications. In the case of JDS, it showed an increase of 14% compared to last year. Additionally, JAFEB showed a significant increase of 68%. This shows that compared to other journals, it had a higher rate of paper submission. IJIDB and EAJBM did not show any significant increases. In JDS, it showed many studies related to the distribution, management of distribution, and consumer behavior. In order to increase the status of the KODISA journal to a SCI status, many more international conferences will open to increase its international recognition levels. Second, the systematic functions of the journal will be developed further to increase its stability. Third, future graduate schools will open to foster future potential leaders in this field and build a platform for innovators and leaders. Conclusions - In KODISA, JDS was first published in 1999, and has been registered in SCOPUS February 2017. Other sister publications within the KODISA are preparing for SCOPUS registration as well. KODISA journals will prepare to be an innovative journal for 2020 and the future beyond.

Early Changes after Death of Plaice, Paralichthys olivaceus Muscle -6. Effect of Killing Methods on Morphological Changes of Myofibrills and Histological Changes of Muscle- (넙치 (Paralichthys olivaceus)육의 사후조기변화 -6. 치사 방법이 근원섬유의 형태학적 및 육의 조직학적인 변화에 미치는 영향-)

  • CHO Young-Je;LEE Nam-Geoul;KIM Yuck-Yong;KIM Jae-Hyun;LEE Keun-Woo;KIM Geon-Bae;CHOI Young-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.327-334
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    • 1994
  • This study was undertaken to clarify the effect of killing methods on the morphological and histological changes of plaice, Paralichthys olivaceus muscle at early stage after killing. Killed samples by the three different methods were stored at $5^{\circ}$, and the changes in breaking strength of muscle, morphological observation of myofibrils and histological observation of extracellular spaces through storage were monitored. Samples killed by electrifying in sea water showed the maximum value of breakin strength immediately after killing and then it dropped significantly(p<0.05) until 2.5hrs passed. Breaking strength of samples killed by spiking at the head instantly and dipping in sea water including anesthetic rose steadily over 10hrs and 15hrs after killing, respectively. In myofibrills prepared from dorsal muscles immediately after spiking at the head instantly, A-band, H-band, I-band, and Z-line in sarcomere were clearly distinguishable each other. Due to muscle contraction by electrical stimulation, it was impossible to distinguish H-band from I-band observed in sarcomere immediately after killing for samples killed by electrifying. But, in the cases of samples killed by spiking and dipping, H-band could be observed dimly until 10hrs and 15hrs storage. No extracellular space was observed among muscle cells immediately after spiking at the head instantly. Samples killed by spiking at the head instantly and dipping in sea water including anesthetic showed extracellular spaces among all muscle cells after 15hrs and 25hrs storage, respectively. The other hand, samples killed by electrifying in sea water (110V, 30sec.) showed a few extracellular spaces immediately after killing and then it showed extracellular spaces among all muscle cells after 2.5hrs storage.

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Numerical Simulation of the Formation of Oxygen Deficient Water-masses in Jinhae Bay (진해만의 빈산소 수괴 형성에 관한 수치실험)

  • CHOI Woo-Jeung;PARK Chung-Kill;LEE Suk-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.413-433
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    • 1994
  • Jinhae Bay once was a productive area of fisheries. It is, however, now notorious for its red tides; and oxygen deficient water-masses extensively develop at present in summer. Therefore the shellfish production of the bay has been decreasing and mass mortality often occurs. Under these circumstances, the three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic and the material cycle models, which were developed by the Institute for Resources and Environment of Japan, were applied to analyze the processes affecting the oxygen depletion and also to evaluate the environment capacity for the reception of pollutant loads without dissolved oxygen depletion. In field surveys, oxygen deficient water-masses were formed with concentrations of below 2.0mg/l at the bottom layer in Masan Bay and the western part of Jinhae Bay during the summer. Current directions, computed by the $M_2$ constituent, were mainly toward the western part of Jinhae Bay during flood flows and in opposite directions during ebb flows. Tidal currents velocities during the ebb tide were stronger than that of the flood tide. The comparision between the simulated and observed tidal ellipses showed fairly good agreement. The residual currents, which were obtained by averaging the simulated tidal currents over 1 tidal cycle, showed the presence of counterclockwise eddies in the central part of Jinhae Bay. Density driven currents were generated southward at surface and northward at the bottom in Masan Bay and Jindong Bay, where the fresh water of rivers entered. The material cycle model was calibrated with the data surveyed in the field of the study area from June to July, 1992. The calibrated results are in fairly good agreement with measured values within relative error of $28\%$. The simulated dissolved oxygen distributions of bottom layer were relatively high with the concentration of $6.0{\sim}8.0mg/l$ at the boundaries, but an oxygen deficient water-masses were formed within the concentration of 2.0mg/l at the inner part of Masan Bay and the western part of Jinhae Bay. The results of sensitivity analyses showed that sediment oxygen demand(SOD) was one of the most important influence on the formation of oxygen depletion. Therefore, to control the oxygen deficient water-masses and to conserve the coastal environment, it is an effective method to reduce the SOD by improving the polluted sediment. As the results of simulations, in Masan Bay, oxygen deficient water-masses recovered to 5.0mg/l when the $50\%$ reduction in input COD loads from Masan basin and $70\%$ reduction in SOD was conducted. In the western part of Jinhae Bay, oxygen deficient water-masses recovered to 5.0mg/l when the $95\%$ reduction in SOD and $90\%$ reduction in culturing ground fecal loads was conducted.

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Spatial Distribution of Pigment Concentration Around the East Korean Warm Current Region Derived from Satellite Data - Satellite Observation in May 1980 - (위성원격탐사에 의한 동한난류 주변 해역의 색소농도 공간적 분포 -1980년 5월 관측을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Sang Woo;Saitoh Sei-ich;Kim Dong Sun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2002
  • Spatial distribution of Phytoplankton Pigment Concentration (PPC) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) around the East Korean Warm Current (EKWC) was described, using both Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) images and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) images in May, 1980. Water mass in this region can be classified into five categories in the horizontal profile of PPC and SST, nLw (normalized water-leaving radiance) images: (1) coastal cold water region associated with concentrations of dissolved organic material or yellow colored substances and suspended sediments, (2) cold water region of thermal frontal occurred by a combination of phytoplankton absorption and suspended materials, (3) warm water overlay region by the phytoplankton absorption than the suspended materials; (4) warm water region occurred by the low phytoplankton absorption, and (5) offshore region occurred by the high phytoplankton absorption. In particular, the highest PPC (>2.0 mg/m^3) area appeared in the CZCS and AVHRR images with a band shaped distribution of the thermal front and ocean color front region, which is located the coastal cold waters alonB western thermal front of the warm streamer of the EKWC. In this region, the highest PPC occurred by a combination of the high absorption of the phytoplankton (443 nm) and highest reflectance of suspended materials (550 nm). Another high PPC ($\simeq$$6\;mg/m^3$) appeared in the warm water overlay region inside warm streamer. High phytoplankton pigment concentration of this region was corresponding to the short wavelength of 443 nm, which represented phytoplankton absorption of the CZCS image.