• 제목/요약/키워드: $N_2$ purification

검색결과 609건 처리시간 0.027초


  • Kim, Joong-Kyun;Park, Kyoung-Joo;Cho, Kyoung-Sook;Nam, Soo-Wan;Kim, Yong-Ha
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.227-238
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    • 2005
  • The characteristics of nitrogen removal by the free cell and the immobilized cell of R. capsulatus were investigated. Denitrification by R. capsulatus cells resulted in reduction of ORP with the rapid depletion of DO and the increase of pH. Without accumulation of nitrite, the removal efficiencies of ${NO_3}^-$-N for the free cell and the immobilized cell were 99.1 and 99.3%, respectively. During the three-month experiment of goldfish breeding equipped with a water-purification biofilter, the average values of pH and total cell numbers present in an aquarium were not significantly different between water-purification system and the control. The average concentrations of ${NH_4}^+$-N and ${PO_4}^{2-}$-P in water-purification system were relatively low, compared to that in the control. Goldfish died at $11^{th}$, $16^{th}$, $43^{rd}$, and $67^{th}$ days in the control, while goldfish died at $10^{th}$, $20^{th}$, and $39^{th}$ days in the water-purification system. On the days of goldfish's death, the total concentrations of nitrogenous compounds except for ${NO_2}^--N$ were higher than those on the other days of the experiment, especially with the concentrations of ${NH_4}^+$-N ranging from 7.4 to 13.5 mg/L. The water-purification system also showed the less turbidity of water with more active movement of goldfish than the control. PVA gel beads showed almost the full denitrifying ability even after the long-term experiment. As a result, the water-purification system was effective to remove nitrogenous compounds with better survival of goldfish.

Al-isopropoxide로부터 AlN 소결체의 입계상 거동 및 열처리 효과 (Grain Boundary Behavior and Heat Treatment Effect of AlN Ceramics Prepared from Al-isopropoxide)

  • 황해진;이홍림
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 1991
  • Fine AlN powder was synthesized by carbothermal reduction and nitridation of alumimun hydroxide prepared from Al-isopropoxide. AlN ceramics with Y2O3 and CaO were prepared by hot-pressing under the pressure of 30 MPa at 180$0^{\circ}C$ for 1 h in N2 atmosphere. Grain boundary behavior and purification mechanism of AlN lattice were examined by heat treatment of AlN ceramics at 185$0^{\circ}C$ for 1-6 h in N2 atmosphere. AlN ceramics without sintering additives showed poor sinterability. However, Y2O3-doped and CaO-doped AlN ceramics were fully densified nearly to theoretical density. As the heat treatment time increased, c-axis lattice parameter increased. This is attributed to the removal of Al2O3 in AlN lattice. This purification effect of AlN attice depended upon the quantity of secondary oxide phase in the inintial stage of heat treatment and the heat treatment time.

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Simple Purification of Escherichia coli-Derived Recombinant Human Interleukin-2 Expressed with N-terminus Fusion of Glucagon

  • Won Hye-Soon;Lee Jeewon;Kim In-Ho;Park Young-Hoon
    • Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 2000
  • Simple procedures have been devised for purifying recombinant human interleukin-2 (hIL-2), which was expressed in Escberichia coli using sequences of glucagon molecules and enterokinase cleavage site as an N-terminus fusion partner. The insoluble aggregates of recombinant fusion protein produced in E. coli cytoplasm were easily dissolved by simple alkaline pH shift $(8\rightarrow12\rightarrow8)$. Following enterokinase cleavage, the recombinant hIL-2 was finally purified by one-step reversed-phase HPLC with high purity. The ease and high efficiency of this simple purification process seem to mainly result from the role of used glucagon fusion partner, which could be applied to the production of other therapeutically important proteins.

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가잠에서 분리된 새로운 미포자충 K79의 병리학적 연구 I. 미포자충 포자의 정제 및 식별 (Pathological Studies on the New Microsporidia K79 Isolated from the Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. I. Purification and Serological Discrimination of Microsporidian Spores.)

  • 윤재수;임종성
    • 한국잠사곤충학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1984
  • 미포자충 포자의 정제법을 개발하고 포자표면의 혈청학적 반응을 구명하기 위하여 수행한 시험결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 미포자충 포자의 분리정제는 예비원심-percoll 평형밀도원심-세척의 3단계법이 우수하였고, 분리정제된 포자는 극사추출에 나쁜 영향도 받지 않았다. 2. 포자의 형태는 K79 포자가 장타원형(장단경비 2.76)이고 N. bombycis는 단타원형(장단경비 2.07)으로 양포자가 상이하였다. 3. 형광항체 간접법에 의하여 항 N. bombycis 포자혈청에 대하여는 N. bomvycis 포자만이 강한 형광을 발현하였으나 항 K79 포자의 혈청에 대하여는 10배희석구에서는 양포자 모두 강하게, 20배 이상 희석구에서는 약하게 형광을 발현하였고 K79 포자의 특이항체가 포자외각에 인정되었다.

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황-요오드 수소 제조 공정에서 분젠 반응 생성물의 정제 (Purification of Bunsen Reaction Products in Sulfur-Iodine Hydrogen Production Process)

  • 차광서;김영호;강영한;김효섭;박주식;배기광
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.158-166
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    • 2010
  • The purification of two liquid phases ($H_2SO_4$ phase and HIx phase) formed from a Bunsen reaction in Sulfur-Iodine (SI) hydrogen production process was investigated in order to operate SI process efficiently. The each synthetic solution for two liquid phases contained impurities was prepared on the basis of a proper composition obtained from Bunsen reaction. The purification of each solution was performed by counter-current flow using a packed column at different temperatures and $N_2$ flow rates. As the results of purification, impurities existed in each phase were decreased with increasing the temperature and the $N_2$ flow rate. In particular, the increase of the $N_2$ flow rate at the lower temperatures was effective to remove impurities by a reverse Bunsen reaction without side reactions. On the whole, it may be concluded that the purification of each phase is accomplished by mixing effects of the stripping, the evaporation, and the reverse Bunsen reaction.

황-요오드 열화학 수소체조 공정에서 2 액상 정체 특성 (2 Liquid Phase Purification Characteristics for Sulfur-Iodine Thermochemical Hydrogen Production)

  • 이광진;차광서;강영한;박주식;배기광;김영호
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2007년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.69-72
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this work was to study the properties of purification of two liquid phase for exclusion of impurities in each phase. The experiments for process variables were carried out in the temperature range($H_{2}SO_{4}$ phase: $413{\sim}513$ K, $HI_{x}$ phase: $353{\sim}453$ K) and in the $N_{2}$ flow rate range($H_{2}SO_{4}$, $HI_{x}$ phase: $50{\sim}200$ mL/min). As the results, it is appeared that the principles of $H_{2}SO_{4}$ phase purification was due to stripping, evaporation and reverse bunsen reaction and $HI_{x}$ phase purification was due to stripping and reverse bunsen reaction. In purification of $H_{2}SO_{4}$ phase, the concentration rate of $H_{2}SO_{4}$ phase was controled by temperature but the temperature had few effects on yield of $H_{2}SO_{4}$. In purification of $HI_{x}$ phase, we observed products of side reactions($H_{2}S$, S) over 433 K. The purity of $HI_{x}$ phase was increased with increasing $N_{2}$ flow rate because impurites were decreased with increasing conversion of reverse reaction.

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비점오염 부하 저감을 위한 식생 매트의 수질정화능 평가 (Assessment of Water Purification Capacity of Vegetation Mats for the Reduction of Nonpoint-Source Pollution Loads)

  • 송규성;한상훈
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구의 목적은 하천과 호소로 유입되는 비점오염을 저감하기 위해 자연형 하천조성기술 중에서 활용성이 증가되고 있는 식생 매트에 충진재를 적용하여 수질정화기능을 향상하는데 있다. 본 연구에서는 우수한 충진재 선별을 위하여 제올라이트, 규조토 그리고 이들을 혼합하여 소성한 발포여재에 대한 수질정화기능 실내 평가실험과 제방사면조건에서 강우 유출수를 대상으로 한 식생 매트의 수질정화능 검증 현장실험을 진행하였다. 충진재별 수질정화기능은 발포여재가 SS 46.3%, T-N 29.9%, T-P 33.3%로서 다른 충진재보다 수질정화기능이 우수하였다. 식생 매트의 현장 실험에서는 수질정화능은 SS가 60.1%, T-N이 32.2%, T-P가 20.2%으로서 식생 매트의 우수한 오염저감 능력을 확인할 수 있었다.

접촉분해경유 중의 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene (2,6-DMN)의 고순도 정제 - 결정화에 의한 DMN 이성체 농축액 중의 2,6-DMN의 정제 - (High-Purity Purification of 2,6-Dimethylnaphthalene (2,6-DMN) in Light Cycle Oil - Purification of 2,6-DMN from Concentrate of DMN Isomers by Crystallization -)

  • 김수진;정화진
    • 공업화학
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2008
  • 증류-추출의 조합에 의해 접촉분해경유(LCO)로부터 회수한 dimethylnaphthalene (DMN) 이성체 농축액을 원료로 사용하여 결정화조작을 행해 2,6-DMN의 정제를 검토했다. 2,6-DMN의 정제에 적합한 용매의 선정을 위해 13종의 용매(acetone, cyclohexanone, ethanol, ethyl ether, ethyl acetate, isopropyl ether, methanol, n-hexane, n-heptane, pyridine, THF, toluene, methanol과 acetone의 혼합용매)를 사용하여 결정화조작을 행한 결과, 60 vol% methanol과 40 vol% acetone의 혼합용매(M/A = 1.5)가 2,6-DMN의 순도 및 수율의 측면에서 우수한 정제성능을 보였다. 결정화 온도의 상승 및 용매(M/A = 1.5)/원료(농축액)의 체적비의 증가는 2,6-DMN의 순도를 향상시켰으나, 역으로 수율의 저하를 초래시켰다. DMN 이성체 농축액을 원료(10.43 wt% 2,6-DMN)로 사용한 결정화를 통해 회수한 결정(76 wt% 2,6-DMN)을 원료로 사용하여 재차 결정화조작을 행한 결과, 40%의 수율로 99.7 wt% 2,6-DMN의 결정을 얻을 수 있었다.

Purification and Charactedrization of Cysteine Desulfhydrase from Streptomyces albidoflavus SMF301

  • Ryu, Jae-Gon;Kang, Sung-Gyun;Kim, In-Seop;Rho, Young-Taik;Lee, Sang-Hee;Lee, Kye-Joon
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 1997
  • Cysteine desulfhydrase (EC was purified from the culture supernatant of Streptomyces albidoflavus SMF301 by hydroxyapatite, gel filtration and Resource Q ion-exchange chromatography with a purification fold of six identical subunits. The enzyme was stabilized by dithiothreitol and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate during the purification procedures. The optimum pH and temperature were pH 8.6 and 35$^{\circ}C$, respectively. The N-terminal amino acid sequence was identified as A-P-L-P-T-A-D-V-R-S-D-P-G-Y-R-E-W-L-G-E-A-V. The purified cystein desulfhydrase had a high substrate specificity toward cysteine, and exhibited no cystahionine $\gamma$-lyase activity. The $K_m$ value for cysteine was determined to be 0.37 mM.

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수변공간을 활용한 오염부하 저감 및 차단 융복합 기술의 하천 적용성 평가 (Assessment of the Applicability of Convergence Technology for Reducing and Blocking Pollution Loads to Rivers through the Utilization of Waterfront Spaces)

  • 김봉균;서대석;오종민;박재로
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.238-246
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구에서는 그동안 방치되어 왔던 하천 제방 및 둔치 등의 수변공간에 저류지, 인공습지 및 생태호안의 세가지 요소기술을 연계 활용한 수질정화시설을 제조하여 설치한 뒤 강우시 및 비강우시에 따라 성능을 분석하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면 강우시에는 SS, BOD, T-N, T-P에 대하여 평균 48.6%, 30.5%, 18.4%, 27.3%의 제거효율을 보였으며, 비강우시에는 33.2%, 28.6%, 13.7%, 17.3%로 나타났다. 그러므로 본 연구에서 수변공간을 활용하여 설치한 수질정화시설은 강우시 및 비강우시의 운전방법에 따라서 충분한 제거효율을 보이는 것으로 나타났다.