• Title/Summary/Keyword: $NO_x$ and Soot Emissions

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A Study on Effects of Recirculated Exhaust Gas upon $NO_x$ and Soot Emissions of a Marine Diesel Engine with Scrubber EGR System (박용 디젤기관의 $NO_x$ 및 매연 배출물에 미치는 스크러버형 EGR 시스템 재순환배기의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 배명환;하정호
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2000
  • The effects of recirculated exhaust gas on the characteristics of ;$NO_x$ and soot emissions under a wide range of engine load have been experimentally investigated by a water-cooled, four-cylinder, indirect injection, four cycle and marine diesel engine operating at two kinds of engine speeds. The purpose of the present study is to develop the EGR control system for reducing $NO_x$ and soot emissions simultaneously in diesel engines. The EGR system is used to reduce NOx emissions, and a novel diesel soot removal apparatus with a cylinder-type scrubber for the experiment system which has 6 water injectors(A water injector is made up 144 nozzles with 1.0mm in diameter) is specially designed and manufactured to reduce the soot contents in the recirculated exhaust gas to intake system of the engines. The intake oxygen concentration obtained by the intake air flow and the oxygen concentration in the recirculated exhaust gas, and the exhaust oxygen concentration measured in exhaust manifold are used to analyse and discuss the influences of EGR on NOx and soot emissions. The experiments are performed at the fixed fuel injection timing of $15.3^{\circ}$ BTDC regardless of experimental conditions. It is found that $NO_x$ emissions decrease and soot emissions increase owing to the drop of intake oxygen concentration and exhaust oxygen concentration as EGR rate rises. Also, one can conclude that it is sufficient for the scrubber EGR system with a novel diesel soot removal apparatus to reduce $NO_x$ emissions, but not to reduce soot emissions.

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A Study on the Effect of Recirculated Exhaust Gas with Scrubber EGR System upon Exhaust Emissions in Diesel Engines (디젤기관의 배기 배출물에 미치는 스크러버형 EGR 시스템 재순환 배기의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Myung-Whan;Ha, Jung-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.1247-1254
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    • 2000
  • The effects of recirculated exhaust gas on the characteristics of $NO_x$ and soot emissions under a wide range of engine load have been experimentally investigated by a water-cooled, four-cylinder, indirect injection, four cycle and marine diesel engine operating at two kinds of engine speeds. The simultaneous control of $NO_x$ and soot emissions in diesel engines is targeted in this study. The EGR system is used to reduce $NO_x$ emissions, and a novel diesel soot removal device with a cylinder-type scrubber for the experiment system which has 6 water injectors(A water injector has 144 nozzles in 1.0 mm diameter) is specially designed and manufactured to reduce the soot contents in the recirculated exhaust gas to intake system of the engines. The intake oxygen concentration and the mean equivalence ratio calculated by the intake air flow and fuel consumption rate, and the exhaust oxygen concentration measured are used to analyse and discuss the influences of EGR rate on $NO_x$ and soot emissions. The experiments are performed at the fixed fuel injection timing of $15.3^{\circ}$ BTDC regardless of experimental conditions. It is found that $NO_x$ emissions are decreased and soot emissions are increased owing to the drop of intake oxygen concentration and exhaust oxygen concentration, and the rise of equivalence ratio as the EGR rate rises.

A Study on Effect of Intake Mixture Temperature upon Fuel Economy and Exhaust Emissions in Diesel Engines with a Scrubber EGR System

  • Bae, Myung--Whan;Ryu, Chang-Seong;Yoshihiro Mochimaru;Jeon, Hyo-Joong
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.315-331
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    • 2004
  • The effects of intake mixture temperature on performance and exhaust emissions under four kinds of engine loads were experimentally investigated by using a four-cycle. four-cylinder. swirl chamber type. water-cooled diesel engine with scrubber EGR system operating at three kinds of engine speeds. The purpose of this study is to develop the scrubber exhaust gas Recirculation (EGR) control system for reducing $\textrm{NO}_{x}$ and soot emissions simultaneously in diesel engines. The EGR system is used to reduce $\textrm{NO}_{x}$ emissions. And a novel diesel soot-removal device of cylinder-type scrubber with five water injection nozzles is specially designed and manufactured to reduce soot contents in the recirculated exhaust gas to the intake system of the engine. The influences of cooled EGR and water injection. however. would be included within those of scrubber EGR system. In order to survey the effects of cooled EGR and moisture on $\textrm{NO}_{x}$ and soot emissions. the intake mixtures of fresh air and recirculated exhaust gas are heated up using a heater with five heating coils equipped in a steel drum. It is found that intake and exhaust oxygen concentrations are decreased, especially at higher loads. as EGR rate and intake mixture temperature are increased at the same conditions of engine speed and load. and that $\textrm{NO}_{x}$ emissions are decreased. while soot emissions are increased owing to the decrease in intake and exhaust oxygen concentrations and the increase in equivalence ratio. Thus ond can conclude that $\textrm{NO}_{x}$ and soot emissions are considerably influenced by the cooled EGR.

A Study on Effect of Environmental Characteristics by Intake Mixture Temperature in Scrubber EGR System Diesel Engines

  • Bae, Myung-Whan;Ryu, Chang-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society Of Semiconductor Equipment Technology
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.100-111
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    • 2002
  • The effects of intake mixture temperature on performance and exhaust emissions under four kinds of engine loads were experimentally investigated by using a four-cycle, four-cylinder, swirl chamber type, water-cooled diesel engine with scrubber EGR system operating at three kinds of engine speeds. The purpose of this study is to develop the scrubber exhaust gas recirculation(EGR) control system for reducing $NO_x$ and soot emissions simultaneously in diesel engines. The EGR system is used to reduce $NO_x$ emissions. And a novel diesel soot-removal device of cylinder-type scrubber with five water injection nozzles is specially designed and manufactured to reduce soot contents in the recirculated exhaust gas to the intake system of the engine. The influences of cooled EGR and water injection, however, would be included within those of scrubber EGR system. In order to survey the effect of intake mixture temperature on performance and exhaust emissions, the intake mixtures of fresh air and recirculated exhaust gas are heated by a heating device with five heating coils made of a steel drum. It is found that the specific fuel consumption rate is considerably elevated by the increase of intake mixture temperature, and that $NO_x$ emissions are markedly decreased as EGR rates are increased and intake mixture temperature is dropped, while soot emissions are increased with increasing EGR rates and intake mixture temperature. Thus one can conclude that the performance and exhaust emissions are considerably influenced by the cooled EGR.

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Combustion characteristics of DI diesel engine according to various timings of split injection (분할 분사시기 변화에 따른 직분식 디젤엔진의 연소 특성)

  • Youn, In-Mo;Roh, Hyun-Gu;Lee, Chang-Sik
    • 한국연소학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes the effect of the split injection on combustion and emission characteristics in a common rail diesel engine at various operating conditions. The combustion pressures and exhaust emissions such as $NO_x$ and soot were measured at various split injection timings. The experimental apparatus of this study is composed of 4 cylinder engine installed with piezoelectric pressure sensor, EC dynamometer, and exhaust gas analyzer for the measurement of $NO_x$, CO, HC and soot emissions. Results show that the split injection has a great effect on reducing the rapid premixed combustion and $NO_x$ emissions.

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A Study on Characteristics of an Integrated Urea-SCR Catalytic Filter System for Simultaneous Reduction of Soot and NOX Emissions in ECU Common-rail Diesel Engines (ECU 커먼레일 디젤기관에 있어서 매연 및 NOX 배출물 동시 저감용 일체형 요소-SCR 촉매필터 시스템의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Myung-Whan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study is to develop an integrated urea-SCR catalytic filter system for reducing soot and $NO_X$ emissions simultaneously in diesel engines. In this study, the characteristics of exhaust emissions relative to reactive activation temperature under four kinds of engine loads are experimentally investigated by using a four-cycle, four-cylinder, direct injection type, water-cooled turbo intercooler ECU common-rail diesel engine with the integrated urea-SCR $MnO_2-V_2O_5-WO_3/TiO_2/SiC$ catalytic filter system operating at three kinds of engine speeds. The urea-SCR reactor is used to reduce $NO_X$ emissions, and the catalytic filter system is used to reduce soot emissions. The reactive activation temperature is very important for reacting a reducing agent with exhaust emissions. The reactive activation temperatures in this experiment is applied to 523, 573 and 623 K. The fuel is sprayed by the pilot and main injections at the variable injection timing between BTDC $15^{\circ}$ and ATDC $1^{\circ}$ according to experimental conditions. It is found that the $NO_X$ conversion rate is the highest as 83.9% at the reactive activation temperature of 523 K in all experimental conditions of engine speed and load, and the soot emissions shown by the average reduction rate of approximately 93.3% are almost decreased below 0.6% in all experimental conditions regardless of reactive activation temperatures. Also, the THC and CO emissions by oxidation reaction of Mn, V and Ti are shown in the average reduction rates of 70.3% and 38% regardless of all experimental conditions.

Effect of Recirculated Exhaust Gas Temperature on Performance and Exhaust Emissions in Diesel Engines with Scrubber EGR System (스크러버형 EGR시스템 디젤기관의 성능 및 배기 배출물에 미치는 재순환 배기온도의 영향)

  • 배명환;하태용;류창성;하정호;박재윤
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Marine Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2002
  • The effects of intake mixture temperature on performance and exhaust emissions under four kinds of engine loads were experimentally investigated by using a four-cycle four-cylinder, swirl chamber type, water-cooled diesel engine with scrubber EGR system operating at three kinds of engine speeds. The purpose of this study is to develop the scrubber exhaust gas recirculation(EGR) control system for reducing $NO_x$ and soot emissions simultaneously in diesel engines. The EGR system is used to reduce NOx emissions. And a novel diesel soot-removal device with a cylinder-type scrubber which has five water injection nozzles is specially designed and manufactured to reduce soot contents in the recirculated exhaust gas to the intake system of the engine. The influences of cooled EGR and water injection, however, would be included within those of scrubber EGR system. In order to study the effect of intake mixture temperature, a intake mixture heating device which has five heating coils is made of a steel drum. It is found that the specific fuel consumption rate is considerably elevated by the increase of intake mixture temperature, and that NOx emissions are markedly decreased as EGR rates are increased and intake mixture temperature is dropped, while soot emissions are increased with increasing EGR rates and intake mixture temperature.

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Effects of Fuel Injection Timing on Exhaust Emissions Characteristics in Diesel Engine (디젤기관의 연료분사시기가 배기배출물 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • 임재근;최순열
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Marine Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2001
  • A study on the exhaust emissions of diesel engine with various fuel injection timing is peformed experimentally. In this paper, fuel injection timing is changed from BTDC $14^{\circ}$ to $20^{\circ}$ by $2^{\circ}$ intervals, the experiments are performed at engine speed 1800rpm and from load 25% to 100% by 25% intervals, and main measured parameters are fuel consumption rate, Soot, NOx. HC and CO emissions etc. The obtained conclusions are as follows (1) Specific fuel consumption is indicated the least value at BTDC $18^{\circ}$ of fuel injection timing and it is increased in case of leading the injection timing. (2) Soot emission is decreased in case of leading fuel injection timing and it is increased in the form of convex downwards with increasing the load. (3) $NO_x$ emission is increased in case of leading fuel injection timing and it is increased in the form of straight line nearly with increasing the load. (4) HC and CO emissions are decreased in case of leading fuel injection timing and they are changed in the form of convex downwards with increasing the load.

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Combustion and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of DME in a Common-rail Diesel Engine (커먼레일 디젤엔진에서 DME의 연소 및 배기 특성)

  • An, Sang-Gyu;Kim, Myung-Yoon;Yoon, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Je-Hyung;Lee, Chang-Sik
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2007
  • An experiment was conducted with a common-rail direct injection diesel engine operated with neat dimethyl ether (DME). In order to investigate the effect of combustion characteristics and emission reduction of DME fuel, the experiment was performed at various injection pressure from 35 MPa to 50MPa. Also, the exhaust emissions from the engine were compared with that of diesel fuel. In this work, Cooled EGR was implemented to reduce $NO_x$ exhaust emissions. The results showed that DME has shorter ignition delay than that of diesel fuel. Despite of the increased $NO_x$ emissions with DME at an equal engine power compared to the case of fueling diesel, the engine emitted zero soot emissions all over the operating conditions in this work. $NO_x$ emission can be decreased greatly by adopting 45% of EGR while maintaining zero soot emission. Judging from the result of engine test, DME is a suitable fuel for common-rail diesel engine due to it's clean emission characteristics.

Control Measures for Air Pollutant Emissions from In-Use Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles Regarding their Emission Control Technologies (배출허용기준 대응기술을 고려한 국내 소형 경유 운행차의 대기오염물질 관리 방안)

  • Lee, Taewoo;Park, Hana;Park, Junhong;Jeon, Sangzin;Kim, Jeongsoo;Choi, Kwangho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to enhance the effectiveness of Korean Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) program. Three main tasks are: to measure pollutant emissions of in-use light-duty diesel vehicles (LDVs); to evaluate the validity of existing smoke control scheme for low-smoke-emitting vehicles, which have diesel particulate filters, DPF, to meet stringent Euro-5 emission limits; and to assess the necessity and the benefit of $NO_x$ inspection, which is not involved in current I/M program. We measured second-by-second smoke, particulate and gaseous emissions of 27 LDVs using opacity smoke meter, photo-acoustic soot sensor, and portable emissions measurement system, respectively, under the Korean I/M test driving cycle, KD-147. We find that the DPF plays a key role in controlling soot, which can be considered as black carbon contained in particulate matter. Thus, from an I/M perspective, we believe smoke inspection strategies for Euro-5 diesel vehicles should be more focused on the capability of detecting DPF malfunctions or failures, in order to keep DPF properly functional. Fleet averaged distance-specific $NO_x$ emissions are consistently higher than corresponding emission limits, and the values are similar among pre-Euro-3, Euro-3, and Euro-4 vehicle fleets. These findings indicate that the $NO_x$ inspection should be incorporated into current I/M program in order to manage urban $NO_x$ emissions. This research allows the Korean I/M program keep pace with developments in vehicle technologies, as well as the increased emphasis on $NO_x$ with respect to air quality and human health.