• Title/Summary/Keyword: $In_2O_3$

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Pedogenesis of Forest Soils(Kandiustalfs) Derived from Granite Gneiss in Southern Part of Korea (우리나라 남부지역(南部地域) 화강편마암질(花崗片麻巖質) 삼림토양(森林土壤)의 토양생성(土壤生成))

  • Cho, Hi Doo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.2
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    • pp.186-199
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    • 1997
  • The soils derived from granite gneiss occupy almost one third of the land area in Korea. The soils under forest vegetation, formed on granite gneiss, in Sun chon-shi, Chollanam-do in southern part of Korea, were studied to evaluate the weathering and the transformation of primary minerals into secondary minerals, clay minerals. The studied soils contained large amounts of ferromagnesian minerals, weathered biotites and were well weathered, strongly acid and low in organic matters and in ration exchange capacity. The clay contents in the Bt horizon were almost two times higher than those in the C horizon. The O horizon had a thin layer which consisted of a little decomposed plant components with a granic fabric and high porosity, and showed the micromorphological characteristics of moder humus. The related distribution pattern of the E horizon were enaulic and large amounts of silts and small amounts of sand grains were another characteristics of the E horizon. The most striking micromorphological features were multilaminated clay coating and infillings in the voids in the Bt and C horizons, and generally limpid ferriargillans ejected from the biotites and imparted red color to the soils in the Bt horizon. High clay contents in the Bt horizon was not only due to clay translocation, but also due to intensive in situ mineral weathering in this horizon. The most significant pedogenic process, revealed by the petrographic microscope and SEM, was the formation of iron oxides from biotites, the formation of tubular halloysites and the weathering models of biotites; wedge weathering and layer weathering. The thick coating on the weathering biotites showed the characteristics of the weathering process and the synthetic hematites were revealed in clays by TEM. Total chemical analysis of clays revealed extensive loss of Ca, and Na and the concentration of Fe and Al. Mineralogical studies of clays by XRD showed that micas were almost completely weathered to kaolinite, vermiculite-kaolinite intergrade, hematite, gibbsite, while halloysites from other primary minerals. Some dioctahedral mica appeared to be resistant in the soils. Parent rock of the soils contained a considerable amounts of biotites and this forest soils showed especially a dominant characteristics of biotite weathering.

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Evaluation of Heavy Metal Contamination in Streams within Samsanjeil and Sambong Cu Mining Area (삼산제일.삼봉 동광산 주변 수계의 중금속 오염도 평가)

  • Kim, Soon-Oh;Jung, Young-Il;Cho, Hyen-Goo
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3 s.49
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    • pp.171-187
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    • 2006
  • The status of heavy metal contamination was investigated using chemical analyses of stream waters and sediments obtained from Samsanjeil and Sambong Cu mining area in Goseong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do. In addition, the degree and the environmental risk of heavy metal contamination in stream sediments was assessed through pollution index (Pl) and danger index (DI) based on total digestion by aqua regia and fractionation of heavy metal contaminants by sequential extraction, respectively. Not only the degree of heavy metal contamination was significantly higher in Samsanjeil area than in Sambong area, but its environmental risk was also revealed much more serious in Samsanjeil area than in Sambong area. The differences in status and level of contamination and environmental risk between both two mining areas may be attributed to existence of contamination source and geology. Acid mine drainage is continuously discharged and flows into the stream in Samsanjeil mining area, and it makes the heavy metal contamination in the stream more deteriorated than in Sambong mining area in which acid mine drainage is not produced. In addition, the geology of Samsanjeil mining area is mainly comprised of andesitic rocks including a small amount of calcite and having lower pH buffering capacity fer acid mine drainage, and it is likely that the heavy metal contamination cannot be naturally attenuated in streams. On the contrary, the main geology of Sambong mining area consists of pyroclastic sedimentary Goseong formation containing a high content of carbonates, particularly calcite, and it seems that these carbonates of high pH buffering capacity prevent the heavy metal contamination from proceeding downstream in stream within that area.

Dosimetric Verification of Dynamic Conformal Arc Radiotherapy (입체조형 동적회전조사 방사선치료의 선량 검증)

  • Kim Tae Hyun;Shin Dong Ho;Lee Doo Hyun;Park Sung Yong;Yun Myung Guen;Shin Kyung Hwan;Py Hong Ryull;Kim Joo-Young;Kim Dae Yong;Cho Kwan Ho;Yang Dae-Sik;Kim Chul-Yong
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the optimization method for adjusting the film isocenter shift and to suggest the quantitative acceptable criteria for film dosimetry after optimization In the dynamic conformal arc radiation therapy (DCAR). The DCAR planning was peformed In 7 patients with brain metastasis. Both absolute dosimetry with ion chamber and relative film dosimetry were peformed throughout the DCAR using BrainLab's micro-multileaf collimator. An optimization method for obtaining the global minimum was used to adjust for the error in the film isocenter shift, which is the largest pan of systemic errors. The mean of point dose difference between measured value using ion chamber and calculated value acquired from planning system was $0.51{\pm}0.43\%$ and maximum was $1.14\%$ with absolute dosimetry These results were within the AAPM criteria of below $5\%$. The translation values of film isocenter shift with optimization were within ${\pm}$1 mm in all patients. The mean of average dose difference before and after optimization was $1.70{\pm}0.35\%$ and $1.34{\pm}0.20\%$, respectively, and the mean ratios over $5\%$ dose difference was $4.54{\pm}3.94\%$ and $0.11{\pm}0.12\%$, respectively. After optimization, the dose differences decreased dramatically and a ratio over $5\%$ dose difference and average dose difference was less than $2\%$. This optimization method is effective in adjusting the error of the film isocenter shift, which Is the largest part of systemic errors, and the results of this research suggested the quantitative acceptable criteria could be accurate and useful in clinical application of dosimetric verification using film dosimetry as follows; film isocenter shift with optimization should be within ${\pm}$1 mm, and a ratio over $5\%$ dose difference and average dose difference were less than $2\%$.

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The Effect of Retinal and Perceived Motion Trajectory of Visual Motion Stimulus on Estimated Speed of Motion (운동자극의 망막상 운동거리와 지각된 운동거리가 운동속도 추정에 미치는 영향)

  • Park Jong-Jin;Hyng-Chul O. Li;ShinWoo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.181-196
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    • 2023
  • Size, velocity, and time equivalence are mechanisms that allow us to perceive objects in three-dimensional space consistently, despite errors on the two-dimensional retinal image. These mechanisms work on common cues, suggesting that the perception of motion distance, motion speed, and motion time may share common processing. This can lead to the hypothesis that, despite the spatial nature of visual stimuli distorting temporal perception, the perception of motion speed and the perception of motion duration will tend to oppose each other, as observed for objects moving in the environment. To test this hypothesis, the present study measured perceived speed using Müller-Lyer illusion stimulus to determine the relationship between the time-perception consequences of motion stimuli observed in previous studies and the speed perception measured in the present study. Experiment 1 manipulated the perceived motion trajectory while controlling for the retinal motion trajectory, and Experiment 2 manipulated the retinal motion trajectory while controlling for the perceived motion trajectory. The result is that the speed of the inward stimulus, which is perceived to be shorter, is estimated to be higher than that of the outward stimulus, which is perceived to be longer than the actual distance traveled. Taken together with previous time perception findings, namely that time perception is expanded for outward stimuli and contracted for inward stimuli, this suggests that when the perceived trajectory of a stimulus manipulated by the Müller-Lyer illusion is controlled for, perceived speed decreases with increasing duration and increases with decreasing duration when the perceived distance of the stimulus is constant. This relationship suggests that the relationship between time and speed perceived by spatial cues corresponds to the properties of objects moving in the environment, i.e, an increase in time decreases speed and a decrease in time increases speed when distance remains the same.

The Role of NF-${\kappa}B$ in the TNF-$\alpha$-induced Apoptosis of Lung Cancer Cell Line (폐암세포주의 TNF-$\alpha$ 유발 apoptosis에서 NF-${\kappa}B$의 역할)

  • Kim, J.Y.;Lee, S.H.;HwangBo, B.;Lee, C.T.;Kim, O.H.;Han, S.K.;Shim, O.S.;Yoo, C.G.
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.166-179
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    • 2000
  • Background: The main reason for the failure of anti-cancer chemotherapy is the build up of resistance by cancer cells to apoptosis. The activation of NF-${\kappa}B$ in many cancer cell lines is reported to be underlying mechanism behind the build up of resistance of cancer cells to apoptosis. However, this relationship varied depending on the cells used in the experiments. In this study, the role of NF-${\kappa}B$ activation in the TNF-$\alpha$-induced apoptosis in lung cancer cell line was evaluated. Methods: NCI-H157 cells were used in all experiments. Cells were exposed to a high dose of TNF-$\alpha$(20 ng/ml) for 24 or 48 hours with or without blocking NF-${\kappa}B$ activation. TNF-$\alpha$-induced activation of NF-${\kappa}B$ was inhibited either by overexpression of $I{\kappa}B{\alpha}$-super repressor($I{\kappa}B{\alpha}$-SR) or by pre-treatment with proteasome inhibitor. Cell viability and apoptosis were evaluated with MTT assay and Western blot analysis for PARP fragment, respectively. Results: Cell viability of NCI-H157 cells was not affected by TNF-$\alpha$ treatment alone; however, combined treatment with TNF-$\alpha$ and cycloheximide reduced cell viability significantly, indicating that resistance to TNF-$\alpha$ is mediated by the new proteins synthesized after TNF-$\alpha$ stimulation. To evaluate the role of NF-${\kappa}B$ in the transcription of anti-apoptotic proteins. delete NF-${\kappa}B$ activation was inhibited before TNF-$\alpha$ stimulation. as described above. $AD5I{\kappa}B{\alpha}$-SR-transduction inhibited TNF-$\alpha$-induced nuclear translocation of p65. TNF-$\alpha$-induced cell death and apoptosis increased after inhibition of TNF-$\alpha$-induced activation of NF-${\kappa}$ by methods. Conclusion: These results suggest that TNF-$\alpha$-induced activation of NF-${\kappa}B$ may be closely related to the acquisition of the resistance to TNF-$\alpha$-induced apoptosis in lung cancer cells. Therefore. blocking of NF-${\kappa}B$ pathway can be a useful therapeutic modality in the treatment of lung cancer.

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Interaction in Model of Herbicide Combination Using Oxyfluorfen to Control Orchard Weeds (Oxyfluorfen을 주재(主材)로 한 과수원(果樹園) 제초제(除草劑) 조합처리(組合處理) 모형(模型)의 상호작용(相互作用) 효과(效果) 해석연구(解析硏究))

  • Guh, J.O.;Cho, Y.W.;Kwon, S.L.;Lee, W.Z.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 1984
  • The study was intended to analyze the interaction effects of paraquat and oxytluorfen as an orchard herbicide-mixture. Data were prepared from the former report of authors. The algebraic expression for the actions of paraquat and oxyfluorfen on the control percentages of peach orchard weeds, and their interactions were determined from the multiple regression polynomial and plotted in three-dimensional graphs. As a result of treatments by combination of paraquat and oxyfluorfen on the field which was dominated by perennial weeds, the most effective interactions were detected at combination rates of $245\;gHa^{-1}$ paraquat and $470-705\;gHa^{-1}$ oxyfluorfen. However, to develope the long-term weeding-efficacies, the combination rates of paraquat are expected to raise up to $500-700\;gHa^{-1}$, and oxyfluorfen to fit at lower limits of rates, respectively.

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Effect of Typhoon 'Rusa' on the Natural Yeon-gok Stream and Coastal Ecosystem in the Yeong-Dong Province (영동지방 자연형 하천(강릉 연곡천)과 인근 연안 생태계에 대한 태풍 루사의 영향)

  • Yoon Yi-Yong;Kim Hung-sub
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2004
  • The yeongok stream originates at the natural park, Mt. O-dae and flows to the East Sea of korea, normally maintaining I or II grade of water quality and its average water flux is 352,100 ㎥/d. However, the typhoon 'Rusa', which occured on 31 August 2002, changed its watercourse and configuration, and the ecosystem was deeply damaged. Moreover, the hydrological characteristics were once more transformed, and the ecosystem was secondarily damaged during repair-work of destroyed bridges and elevations. After the flood disaster, the species diversity diminished 17% for attached diatom and 44% for aquatic animals. However, the earth and sand, dug from river bed during intensive repair-work throughout the entire stream, made diversity drop to 32% for the diatom and the aquatic animals were wiped out. Especially, fishes were totally destroyed except for some species such as Moroco oxycephalus in the upper stream. The yeongok stream has little contamination source and short water residence time due to the short length and rapid slope, and consequently a temporary deterioration of water quality caused by repair-work may be rapidly recovered, but it needs a long time to restore the damaged ecosystem.

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Characterization of flaxseed and flaxseed oil as edible oil resources (아마인 및 아마인유의 유지자원으로서의 특성)

  • Kwon, O Jun
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.547-552
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this research was to find out the potential value of flaxseed as a dietary supplement as well as an edible oil resource. The characteristics of yellow flaxseed oil and brown flaxseed oil were compared to check which oil is better in the aspects of cooking purpose and of nutritional value. The quality of flaxseed oil was evaluated based on the composition of fatty acid, the content of phenolic compounds and the anti-oxidant activity. The total phenolics of yellow flaxseed oil and brown flaxseed oil were $10.78{\pm}0.46$ and $29.88{\pm}3.25mg/100g$, respectively. Their ${\gamma}$-tocopherol contents were 20.59 and 17.94 mg/100 g, respectively. Contents of linolenic acid were 56.60 and 31.38% and oleic acid were 18.24 and 39.16 %, respectively. Yellow flaxseed oil showed higher ratio of unsaturated fatty acid than brown flaxseed oil. However, brown flaxseed oil showed higher electron-donating abilities than brown flaxseed oil, which might be due to its higher content of phenolic compounds. In conclusion, flaxseed has a great potential as a good edible oil resource due to its high content of unsaturated fatty acid and anti-oxidant activity.

Integration of the 4.5

  • Lee, Sang-Yun;Koo, Bon-Won;Jeong, Eun-Jeong;Lee, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Sang-Yeol;Kim, Jung-Woo;Lee, Ho-Nyeon;Ko, Ick-Hwan;Lee, Young-Gu;Chun, Young-Tea;Park, Jun-Yong;Lee, Sung-Hoon;Song, In-Sung;Seo, O-Gweon;Hwang, Eok-Chae;Kang, Sung-Kee;Pu, Lyoung-Son;Kim, Jong-Min
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.537-539
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    • 2006
  • We developed an 4.5" $192{\times}64$ active matrix organic light-emitting diode display on a glass using organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) switching-arrays with two transistors and a capacitor in each sub-pixel. The OTFTs has bottom contact structure with a unique gate insulator and pentacene for the active layer. The width and length of the switching OTFT is $800{\mu}m$ and $10{\mu}m$ respectively and the driving OTFT has $1200{\mu}m$ channel width with the same channel length. On/off ratio, mobility, on-current of switching OTFT and on-current of driving OTFT were $10^6,0.3{\sim}0.5\;cm^2/V{\cdot}sec$, order of 10 ${\mu}A$ and over 100 ${\mu}A$, respectively. AMOLEDs composed of the OTFT switching arrays and OLEDs made using vacuum deposition method were fabricated and driven to make moving images, successfully.

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Effect of Guinea Pig Tracheal Epithelium on the Contraction of Rat Vascular Smooth Muscle (기니피그 기도상피세포가 백서의 혈관 평활근 수축에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, O-Jung;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Cho, Sang-Heon;Park, In-Won;Kim, Young-Whan;Han, Sung-Koo;Shim, Young-Soo;Kim, Keon-Youl;Han, Yong-Chol;Seoh, Seok-Hyo;Kim, Ki-Whan
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.270-279
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    • 1991
  • It has been well known that the integrity of airway epithelium is important in developing of bronchial hyperreactivity or bronchial asthma. But the mechanisms underlying this nonspecific airway hyperresponsiveness are not yet determined. To evaluate the ability of guinea pig trachea to release an epithelium derived relaxing factor (EpDRF) which relax rat vascular smooth muscle, we performed the coaxial bioassay using guinea pig trachea and rat aorta. And to evaluate the nature of EpDRF we investigate the influence of methylene blue and indomethacin on the coaxial bioassay. Results were as follows. 1) Vascular smooth muscle mounted into the epithelium intact trachea which was precontracted with phenylephrine was relaxed by addition of histamine or acetylcholine. But vascular smooth muscle mounted into epithelium denuded trachea failed to be relaxed. 2) Epithelium dependent relaxation of vascular smooth muscle was not affected by pretreatment of methylene blue or indomethacin. These results strongly suggests that guinea pig tracheal epithelium releases EpDRF which is able to relax rat vascular smooth muscle. And EpDRF released by airway epithelium is not related to endothelium derived relaxing factor (EDRF) or cyclooxygenase products.

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