• 제목/요약/키워드: $In_2O_3$

검색결과 30,736건 처리시간 0.082초

The Agricultural Utilization of Daecheong Lake Sediments and Algae (대청호(大淸湖) 저니(底泥) 및 조류(藻類)의 농업적(農業的) 활용(活用) 연구(硏究))

  • Chang, Ki-Woon;Lim, Jae-Shin;Lee, In-Bog
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.111-116
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    • 1994
  • These studies were carried out to investigate the possibility on the agricultural utilization of lake sediment collected in the Daecheong Lake. Several parameters to estimate the degree of maturity of compost by windrow system were tested during a 50 day periods, and the results were as follows : During the composting of Daecheong Lake sediment, C/N ratio decreased gradually from 18.9 at the beginning to 13.1 at the final, while CEC increased from 33.5me/100g to 62.5me/100g. The temperature of lake sediment pile was the highest as $52^{\circ}C$ at 15th day and then decreased slowly until $30^{\circ}C{\sim}40^{\circ}C$ after 50 days. The results may be suggested that Daecheong Lake sediment compost reaches an acceptable level of stability after about 50 days. In order to know the effect of the Lake sediment and its compost on the growth of tomato(Lycopersicum esculentum M.), pot experiments were performed. The appiication of lake sediment(AS) itself, sediment organic fertilizer(SOF), and NPK mixed with sediment organic fertilizer(NSF) was more effective for tomato plant height, fresh and dry weight, and chlorphyll content than those of control treatment. Also, the lake sediment compost improved the physico-chemical properties of soil such as pH, total carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorous and CEC.

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Effects of Improvement of Soil Physical Property & Diagnostic Fertilization on Yield and N-Use Efficiency in Puddled-Soil Drill Seeding of Rice (토양물리성개선(土壤物理性改善) 및 진단시비(診斷施肥)가 무논골뿌림직파(直播) 벼의 질소이용효율(窒素利用效率)과 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kang, Seung-Weon;Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Han, Sang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.254-260
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    • 1999
  • This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of improvement of soil physical property such as deep plowing and chiseling and diagnostic application of N, P, K fetilizers. Latex Coated Urea(LCU), compost, sillicate for increasing yielding and enchancing N-use efficiency in puddled-soil drill seeding of Rice. The soil physical properties, such as bulk density, hardness and porosity were increased by deep plowing and chiseling, as well as chemical propeties were highly enhanced soil productivity due to increase the content of organic matter, available $P_2O_5$ and K as compare with control. The amount of $NH_4-N$ in soil was highly increased by diagnostic fertilization and chiseling, while recovery rate of V fertilizer was the highest at LCU 80% applied with chiseling. The rice yield increased by 23% under the diagnositic application of LCU 80% applied base with chiseling.

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A Study on the Constructivist Multimedia-Assisted Instruction in Secondary School Geography (중등 지리과에서의 구성주의적 멀티미디어 활용 수업의 모형 개발과 효과 분석)

  • Bae, Sang-Woon;Jo, Wha-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.163-185
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the model of constructivist multimedia-assisted instruction(CMAI) and to analyze the effect of it in the secondary school geography. The main results are as follows : (1) The conceptual model of CMAI can be defined as an instruction aiming at making a person who has self-directed learning ability through constructivism and multimedia. The procedural model of CMAI based on PIDA instructional strategy is divided into four stages : prediction & explanation, inquiry activity, discussion & fixation, application & synthesis stage. (2) CMAI is typed by offline CMAI and online CMAI. that is, O/WCMAI(online CMAI by web-based courseware). Offline CMAI is subdivided into P/TCMAI(offline CMAI by presentation-based courseware) and C/RCMAI(offline CMAI by cd-rom based courseware) according to authoring tool and function. (3) Offline constructivist multimedia course-ware(offline courseware) was developed for 2 periods as the material to analyze the effect of CMAI. Offline courseware is received development level of it. (4) After offline courseware being applied to the class, the effect of it according the types of the CMAI instruction(lecture instruction, whole teaching, individualized learning, cooperative learning) was analyzed. As the result of analyzing the descriptive statistics of the level of learning achievement and instruction response, there isn't big relationship between them. As the result of analyzing the inferential statistics of the level of learning achievement, there wasn't significant difference between the types of CMAI instruction in whole student of the classes and certain students who improved their grades. But as the result of analyzing of the level of instruction response, there was significant difference between lecture instruction and other types of the CMAI instruction(whole teaching, individualized learning, cooperative learning).

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Different Physiological Activity of Selected Rice Cultivars to Diphenylether Herbicide, Oxyfluorfen - I. Differential Responses of the Calli, Cells and Protoplasts (Oxyfluorfen에 대한 내성(耐性) 및 감수성(感受性) 벼품종(品種)의 생리활성(生理活性) 기구(機構) - I. Callus, 단세포(單細胞) 및 원형질체(原形質體) 반응(反應))

  • Kuk, Y.I.;Guh, J.O.;Lee, E.K.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 1996
  • The tolerant and susceptible rice cultivars to oxyfluorfen were selected from 400 rice cultivars in a laboratory, and tested in comparison with barnyardgrass, a typical oxyfluorfen susceptible weed. The responses to oxyfluorfen in the different levels of calli, cells and protoplasts of the rice cultivars were investigated. $I_{50}$ value of the tolerant rice cultivars was about $10^{-4}M$, whereas that of the susceptible rice cultivars and barnyardgrass was about $10^{-6}M$, showing significant difference between the two groups. The growth rate of calli segregated from the tolerant rice cultivars was higher than that from the susceptible rice cultivars and barnyardgrass by treatment of oxyfluorfen to the calli. The growth rate of suspension-cultured cells of the tolerant rice cultivars was higher than that of the susceptible rice cultivars and barnyardgrass after treatment of oxyfluorfen. The viability of protoplasts from the tolerant rice cultivars was higher than that from the susceptible rice cultivars and barnyardgrass after one or two hours of oxyfluorfen treatment. The intactness of protoplasts from the tolerant rice cultivars was also higher than that form the susceptible rice cultivars and barnyardgrass.

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Investigation of the Effects of Wavelength Range and Absorption Cross-Section on Sulfur Dioxide Slant Column Density Retrieval Using Ground-Based UV Scattered Sunlight Measurement (지상 기반 태양 UV 산란광 관측을 이용한 이산화황 경사칼럼농도 산출 시 파장 구간 및 흡수단면적에 따른 영향 조사)

  • Gyeong Park;Buju Gong;Minji Kim;Hanlim Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.377-385
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    • 2024
  • We investigated the effect of spectral fitting wavelength interval variations and selection of absorption cross-section on the sulfur dioxide slant column density (SCD) retrievals from the scattered sunlight observation using a UV-Vis hyperspectral instrument. The sulfur dioxide slant column densities were retrieved from the combinations of multiple spectral fitting intervals and absorption cross-sections. The observation was carried out at the site 0.53 km away from a combustion site located in Gimhae from December 1, 2023, to January 23, 2024. The radiances were obtained on the line of measurement sight toward the stack of the combustion facility. The best spectral fitting intervals were found to be from 305.7 to 321.1 nm. In terms of the absorption cross-section dependency, the SO2 (293 K), O3 (223 K, 243 K) show the best spectral fitting for the observed radiances with both the smallest fitting residual and SCD error. The effects of the fitting interval and cross sections found in this study can be useful information for improving SO2 retrievals based on UV hyperspectral measurements.

A Study of Endothelium-dependent Pulmonary Arterial Relaxation and the Role of Nitric oxide on Acute Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction in Rats (흰쥐 폐동맥의 내피세포의존성 혈관이완과 급성 저산소성 폐동맥수축에서 산화질소의 역할)

  • In, Kwang-Ho;Lee, Jin-Goo;Cho, Jae-Youn;Shim, Jae-Jung;Kang, Kyung-Ho;Yoo, Se-Hwa
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제41권3호
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 1994
  • Backgroud: Since the demonstration of the fact that vascular relaxation by acetylcholine(Ach) results from the release of relaxing factor from the endothelium, the identity and physiology of this endothelium-derived relaxing factor(EDRF) has been the target for many researches. EDRF has been identified as nitric oxide(NO). With the recent evidences that EDRF is an important mediator of vascular tone, there have been increasing interests in defining the role of the EDRF as a potential mediator of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. But the role of EDRF in modulating the pulmonary circulation is not compeletely clarified. To investigate the endothelium-dependent pulmonary vasodilation and the role of EDRF during hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, we studied the effects of $N^G$-monomethyl-L-arginine(L-NMMA) and L-arginine on the precontracted pulmonary arterial rings of the rat in normoxia and hypoxia. Mothods: The pulmonary arteries of male Sprague Dawley(300~350g) were dissected free of surrounding tissue, and cut into rings. Rings were mounted over fine rigid wires, in organ chambers filled with 20ml of Krebs solution bubbled with 95 percent oxygen and 5 percent carbon dioxide and maintained at $37^{\circ}C$. Changes in isometric tension were recorded with a force transducer(FT.03 Grass, Quincy, USA) Results: 1) Precontraction of rat pulmonry artery with intact endothelium by phenylephrine(PE, $10^{-6}M$) was relaxed completely by acetylcholine(Ach, $10^{-9}-10^{-5}M$) and sodium nitroprusside(SN, $10^{-9}-10^{-5}M$), but relaxing response by Ach in rat pulmonary artery with denuded endothelium was significantly decreased. 2) L-NMMA($10^{-4}M$) pretreatment inhibited Ach($10^{-9}-10^{-5}M$)-induced relaxation, but L-NMMA ($10^{-4}M$) had no effect on relaxation induced by SN($10^{-9}-10^{-5}M$). 3) Pretreatment of the L-arginine($10^{-4}M$) significantly reversed the inhibition of the Ach ($10^{-9}-10^{-5}M$)-induced relaxation caused by L-NMMA($10^{-4}M$) 4) Pulmonary arterial contraction by PE($10^{-6}M$) was stronger in hypoxia than normoxia but relaxing response by Ach($10^{-9}-10^{-5}M$) was decreased, 5) With pretreatment of L-arginine($10^{-4}M$), pulmonary arterial relaxation by Ach($10^{-9}-10^{-5}M$) in hypoxia was reversed to the level of relaxation in normoxia. Conclusion: It is concluded that rat pulmonary arterial relaxation by Ach is dependent on the intact endothelium and is largely mediated by NO. Acute hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is related to the suppression on NO formation in the vascular endothelium.

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Quality Characteristics of Coffee Brewed from Green Beans Soaked in Mulberry (Morus bombycis) Extract (오디(Morus bombycis) 추출물 침지 커피의 품질 특성)

  • Lim, Hyun Hwa;Ji, Seokgeun;Kwak, Han Sub;Eom, Taekil;Kim, Misook;Lee, Youngseung;Do, Jae Wook;Yu, Sungryul;Choi, Geun Pyo;Jeong, Jin Il;Jeong, Yoonhwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • 제44권4호
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    • pp.579-585
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of coffee soaked in Morus bombycis extract. Green coffee beans were soaked in M. bombycis extract for 2, 4, and 6 hours (sample codes: 2H, 4H, and 6H) at $4^{\circ}C$. Soaked green beans were dried and roasted for coffee extraction. Two controls, roasted with the same amount of heat (C1) and showed the same weight after roasting (C2), were used. Physicochemical characteristics (pH, total acidity, color, browning index, and total soluble solids), DPPH free radical scavenging activity (DPPH), ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), total polyphenol content (TPC), and total flavonoid content (TFC) were investigated. Lower pH and higher total acidity were observed in 2H, 4H, and 6H (P<0.05), supporting evidence of sour taste. There were significant differences in DPPH between the controls (45.51~47.02%) and samples (50.67~55.25%, P<0.05), although 2H and 6H did not show significantly higher DPPH than the controls. 2H, 4H, and 6H showed significantly higher FRAP values ($0.320{\sim}0.331\;FeSO_4{\cdot}7H_2O\;mM\;FeSO_4/g$) than controls ($0.265{\sim}0.271\;mM\;FeSO_4/g$). ORAC values of samples [1,062.86~1,153.68 mM trolox equivalent (TE)/g] were significantly higher than those of controls (689.40~942.12 mM TE/g). 2H, 4H, and 6H showed significantly higher TPC [24.27~26.07 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g] and TFC [3.75~4.28 mg quercetin equivalent (QE)/g] than controls (19.79~22.77 mg GAE/g and 1.07~1.95 mg QE/g, respectively) (P<0.05). M. bombycis extracts soaked into green coffee beans showed polyphenol compounds from green coffee beans. Consumer acceptance of 4H (5.12) was the highest, followed by C2 (4.92). C1 (4.14) showed the lowest consumer acceptance. Consumers were segmented into two groups, those who preferred M. bombycis extract-soaked coffee (approximately 61%) and controls (approximately 39%).

Comparison of Seasonal Nutrient Variations and Productivity between Rice Fields Conventionally Managed and Recommended Fertilized in Large-Scale Environment-Friendly Agricultural Districts (광역친환경 벼 농업 단지 내 관행구와 추천시비구의 시기별 무기성분과 생산성 비교)

  • Lee, Ju-Ryeong;Choi, Hyun-Sug;Jung, Seok-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.173-191
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    • 2019
  • The study was initiated to compare seasonal nutrient variations and rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity in each of leading rice farm with conventionally managed and recommended fertilized of the large-scale environment-friendly agricultural districts in Jangheung, Suncheon, and Okcheon provinces in 2017. Suncheon rice experimental farm plots included a recommended fertilization plot that had been additionally sown hairy vetch in the fall of previous year, while Okcheon rice farm included a recommended fertilization plot applying half amount of the compost in the conventional plot. A Jangheung rice farm only practiced crop-livestock farming system. Soil pH and EC in all experimental plots were suitable levels for rice growth to cultivate. Seasonal soil pH from March to September was the highest for Suncheon rice farm, and seasonal soil EC was the highest for Jangheung rice farm. Seasonal soil T-N increased in all the plots from March to June in particular for Suncheon rice farm, and Jangheung rice farm had the lowest seasonal soil P. Seasonal soil K decreased in all the plots, with the lowest levels observed for Okcheon farm. Seasonal soil NH4+ mostly increased by up to 90 mg/kg in Jangheung rice farm from March to June. Seasonal plant T-N, P and K concentrations were the highest for Jangheung rice farm. Seasonal plant T-N and P concentrations decreased from June to September, but K leveles were fluctuated between 2.0% and 2.5%. Seasonal SPAD value was the lowest in Suncheon conventional plot. Jangheung rice farm plot produced 6,303 kg of rice per ha, which was approximately two times higher than those of Okcheon recommended plot. The seasonal T-N, P and K balance was the highest in Okcheon conventional plot, with the lowest values observed for Suncheon conventional plot. As a result, Suncheon recommended plot showed relatively low levels of seasonal macro-nutrient balance and the highest rice production, which could be the most environmentally friendly farm practiced conducted in this study.

Study on Spring Cocoon Crops with the Leaf Produced in the Mulberry Field close to the Totacco Field (개량 Mulching 담배밭 부근뽕잎이 춘잠작에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 이상풍;김정배;김계명;박광준
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 1974
  • The studies are to know how much cocoon crops is damaged by the stained leaf with nicotine produced from the tobacco field cultivated in mulching system in spring season and by residual nicotine in autumn season. Furthermore, the new knowledges are to make both industries keep up with their development. In spring season mulberry Held is located higher on the West-North of tobacco held below 20 degrees of slope and with 36 per cent of East-South wind and 18 per cent of South wind blowing from tobacco fold to the mulberry fold. In addition, silkworm larvae are fed with the mulberry leaf produced in the different plots placing by the different distances, l0m, 25m, 50m, 80m, and loom far from the tobacco Held as a control and it is also considered that narcotic larvae including the dead larvae are not observed. On the other hand, it is noted that better leaf quality and abundant growth of mulberry tree is produced from the mulberry fold closer to the tobacco field and with a low slope. 1) Maximum weight of larval body at the 5th stage is damaged by the stained leaf with the nicotine up to 25m far from the tobacco held. 2) The larvae fed with the mulberry leaf in mulberry Held up to 25m far from the tobacco fold produce small number of the fresh cocoons per 1 liter. 3) Low single cocoon weight and low cocoon shell weight are produced by the poison damaged larvae fed with the mulberry. leaf up to 25m far from the tobacco field and weight of cocoon shell is damaged higher than the single cocoon weight. It is resulted in low percentage of cocoon shell. 4) Cocoon yield including the double cocoon from 10,000 larvae is decreased by the larvae fed with the stained leaf in the mulberry fold up to 25m far from the tobacco fold and 19 per cent of cocoon yield is decreased with 2.4kg of cocoon yield in l0m plot and with 2.5kg of cocoon yield in 25m plot at the first season and at the 2nd season with 1.8kg o( cocoon yield in l0m plot and with 11.5kg of cocoon yield in 25m plot, 11 per cent and 9 per cent of cocoon yield including double cocoon from 10,000 larvae is decreased, as compared with the control, respectively. With these results, it is observed that nicotine damage is occurred to the silkworm larvae if the larvae are fed with the leaf in the mulberry Held within 25m-50m far from the tobacco field.

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Nature of Suppressiveness and Conduciveness of Some plant pathogens in Soils (토양내(土壤內) 식물(植物) 병원균(病原菌)의 발병억제(發病抑制) 및 유발성질(誘發性質))

  • Shim, Jae-Ouk;Lee, Min-Woong
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.164-177
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    • 1990
  • This study was carried out to obtain some useful data for increasing an effective ginseng production. There was a direct relationship (r=0.2645) between spore germination of Fusarium solani and soil pH, and (r=0.315) between Cylindrocarpon destructans and soil pH. On the other hand, there was a direct relationship (r=0.19) between relative hyphal growth of Rhizoctonia solani and soil pH. There was a direct relationship (r=0.21) between number of total bacteria and F. solani, (r=0.37) between actinomycetes and F. solani and (r=0.20) between celluloytic bacteria and F. solani. However, there was an inverse relationship (r=-0.20) between number of total fungi and F. solani. There was a direct relationship (r=0.24) between number of actinomycetes and R. solani. Each ginseng pathogen-suppressive soil screened was 40 in F. solani, 20 in C. destructans and 9 soil samples in R. solani among 146 soil samples, respectively. The mean contents of K, Ca and Mg were fairly lower in each ginseng pathogen-suppressive soil than conducive soil, whereas Na were somewhat lower. The mean contents of organic matter were over 2 times higher in each ginseng pathogen-suppressive soil than conducive soil. The mean contents of phosphate were fairly lower in F. solani and R. solani-suppressive soil than conducive soil and, on the other hand, were somewhat higher in C. destructans-suppressive soil than conducive soil. The mean soil pH was somewhat lower in each ginseng pathogen-suppressive soil than conducive soil. The mean contents of sand were about 2 times higher in each ginseng pathogen­suppressive soil than conducive soil, whereas silt and clay were somewhat lower. The microbial numbers of total bacteria, total fungi and celluloytic fungi were higher in F. solani-suppressive soil than conducive soil, whereas actinomycetes and celluloytic bacteria were lower. Each microbial number of total bacteria or total fungi indicated a significant difference (p=0.05) between F. solani­suppressive and conducive soil, and the microbial number of actinomycetes was a highly significant difference (p=0.01) between F. solani-suppressive and conducive soil. The microbial numbers of total bacteria, total fungi, actinomycetes and celluloytic fungi were higher in C. destructans-suppressive soil than conducive soil, whereas celluloytic bacteria were about 2 times lower. On the other hand, the microbial numbers of total fungi were higher in R. solani-suppressive soil than conducive soil, whereas total bacteria, actinomycetes, celluloytic bacteria and celluloytic fungi were lower. Fourteen of 16 F. solani-suppressive soils tested were suppressive to ginseng root rot, whereas fifteen of 16 C. destructans-suppressive soils were suppressive. Ginseng root rots of ginseng disease-suppressive soils were in the range of 1.0-17.4% in F. solani-suppressive soil and 0.2-20.4% in C. destructans-suppressive soil, respectively.

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