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Calculation of Unit Hydrograph from Discharge Curve, Determination of Sluice Dimension and Tidal Computation for Determination of the Closure curve (단위유량도와 비수갑문 단면 및 방조제 축조곡선 결정을 위한 조속계산)

  • 최귀열
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.861-876
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    • 1965
  • During my stay in the Netherlands, I have studied the following, primarily in relation to the Mokpo Yong-san project which had been studied by the NEDECO for a feasibility report. 1. Unit hydrograph at Naju There are many ways to make unit hydrograph, but I want explain here to make unit hydrograph from the- actual run of curve at Naju. A discharge curve made from one rain storm depends on rainfall intensity per houre After finriing hydrograph every two hours, we will get two-hour unit hydrograph to devide each ordinate of the two-hour hydrograph by the rainfall intensity. I have used one storm from June 24 to June 26, 1963, recording a rainfall intensity of average 9. 4 mm per hour for 12 hours. If several rain gage stations had already been established in the catchment area. above Naju prior to this storm, I could have gathered accurate data on rainfall intensity throughout the catchment area. As it was, I used I the automatic rain gage record of the Mokpo I moteorological station to determine the rainfall lntensity. In order. to develop the unit ~Ydrograph at Naju, I subtracted the basic flow from the total runoff flow. I also tried to keed the difference between the calculated discharge amount and the measured discharge less than 1O~ The discharge period. of an unit graph depends on the length of the catchment area. 2. Determination of sluice dimension Acoording to principles of design presently used in our country, a one-day storm with a frequency of 20 years must be discharged in 8 hours. These design criteria are not adequate, and several dams have washed out in the past years. The design of the spillway and sluice dimensions must be based on the maximun peak discharge flowing into the reservoir to avoid crop and structure damages. The total flow into the reservoir is the summation of flow described by the Mokpo hydrograph, the basic flow from all the catchment areas and the rainfall on the reservoir area. To calculate the amount of water discharged through the sluiceCper half hour), the average head during that interval must be known. This can be calculated from the known water level outside the sluiceCdetermined by the tide) and from an estimated water level inside the reservoir at the end of each time interval. The total amount of water discharged through the sluice can be calculated from this average head, the time interval and the cross-sectional area of' the sluice. From the inflow into the .reservoir and the outflow through the sluice gates I calculated the change in the volume of water stored in the reservoir at half-hour intervals. From the stored volume of water and the known storage capacity of the reservoir, I was able to calculate the water level in the reservoir. The Calculated water level in the reservoir must be the same as the estimated water level. Mean stand tide will be adequate to use for determining the sluice dimension because spring tide is worse case and neap tide is best condition for the I result of the calculatio 3. Tidal computation for determination of the closure curve. During the construction of a dam, whether by building up of a succession of horizontael layers or by building in from both sides, the velocity of the water flowinii through the closing gapwill increase, because of the gradual decrease in the cross sectional area of the gap. 1 calculated the . velocities in the closing gap during flood and ebb for the first mentioned method of construction until the cross-sectional area has been reduced to about 25% of the original area, the change in tidal movement within the reservoir being negligible. Up to that point, the increase of the velocity is more or less hyperbolic. During the closing of the last 25 % of the gap, less water can flow out of the reservoir. This causes a rise of the mean water level of the reservoir. The difference in hydraulic head is then no longer negligible and must be taken into account. When, during the course of construction. the submerged weir become a free weir the critical flow occurs. The critical flow is that point, during either ebb or flood, at which the velocity reaches a maximum. When the dam is raised further. the velocity decreases because of the decrease\ulcorner in the height of the water above the weir. The calculation of the currents and velocities for a stage in the closure of the final gap is done in the following manner; Using an average tide with a neglible daily quantity, I estimated the water level on the pustream side of. the dam (inner water level). I determined the current through the gap for each hour by multiplying the storage area by the increment of the rise in water level. The velocity at a given moment can be determined from the calcalated current in m3/sec, and the cross-sectional area at that moment. At the same time from the difference between inner water level and tidal level (outer water level) the velocity can be calculated with the formula $h= \frac{V^2}{2g}$ and must be equal to the velocity detertnined from the current. If there is a difference in velocity, a new estimate of the inner water level must be made and entire procedure should be repeated. When the higher water level is equal to or more than 2/3 times the difference between the lower water level and the crest of the dam, we speak of a "free weir." The flow over the weir is then dependent upon the higher water level and not on the difference between high and low water levels. When the weir is "submerged", that is, the higher water level is less than 2/3 times the difference between the lower water and the crest of the dam, the difference between the high and low levels being decisive. The free weir normally occurs first during ebb, and is due to. the fact that mean level in the estuary is higher than the mean level of . the tide in building dams with barges the maximum velocity in the closing gap may not be more than 3m/sec. As the maximum velocities are higher than this limit we must use other construction methods in closing the gap. This can be done by dump-cars from each side or by using a cable way.e or by using a cable way.

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Morphological Studies of the Central Neural Pathways to the Pancreas, Sanyinjiao(Sp6) and Yinlingquan(Sp9) using Pseudorabies Virus (Pseudorabies virus를 이용한 췌장과 삼음교(三陰交)(Sp6), 음릉천(陰陵泉)(Sp9)에서 투사되는 중추 신경로에 관한 형태학적 연구)

  • Kim, Cheol-Han;Lee, Su-Kyung;Yeom, Seung-Ryong;Kwon, Young-Dal;Song, Yung-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : The purpose of this morphological studies was to investigate the relations between Sanyinjiao(Sp6), Yinlingquan(Sp9) and pancreas of rats using peudorabies virus(PRV). Methods : We observed labeled neurons following the injection of PRV, Bartha strain, into the Sanyinjiao(Sp6), Yinlingquan(Sp9) and pancreas of rats. After survival times of 4 days following the injection of PRV, the rats were perfused, and their spinal ganglia, spinal cord and brain stem were frozen sectioned($35{\mu}m$). These sections were strained by PRV immunohistchemical staining methods and observed with light microscope. Results : The results were as follows. 1. In the spinal ganglia, the overlap areas of PRV labeled neurons projecting to Sanyinjiao(Sp6), Yinlingquan(Sp9) and pancreas were observed in T10-13 dorsal root ganglia. 2. In the spinal cord, the overlap areas of PRV labeled neurons projecting to Sanyinjiao(Sp6), Yinlingquan(Sp9) and pancreas were lamina I, IV, V, VII, IX, X, intermediolateral nucleus(IML), intermediomedial nucleus(IMM) in thoracic segments. In lumbar segments, the overlap areas of PRV labeled neuron were lamina I, IV, V, VI, IX, X and IMM. In sacral segments, the overlap areas of PRV labeled neuron were lamina I, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X. 3. In the brain, the overlap areas of PRV labeled neurons projecting to Sanyinjiao(Sp6), Yinlingquan(Sp9) and pancreas were area postrema, nucleus tractus solitarius, caudoventrolateral reticular nu., medullary reticular nu., lateral paragigantocellular nu., C3 adrenalin cells, gigantocellular nu., raphe pallidus nu., raphe obscurus nu., ambiguus nu., raphe magnus nu., pontine reticular formation, A5 cell group, subcoeruleus nu., locus coeruleus, Barringnton's nu., $K{\ddot{o}}lliker$-Fuse nu., dorsal raphe nu., Edinger-Westphal nu., central gray matter, perifornical nu., dorsomedial hypothalamic nu., arcuate nu., lateral hypothalamic nu., paraventricular hypothalamic nu., hindlimb area. Conclusions : In conclusion, these results suggest that the interrelationship of meridian(spleen meridian), acupoints(Sp6 and Sp9) and viscera(pancreas) may be related the central autonomic centers.

A Study on Superoxide Dismutase from various Tissue of the Tricarboxylic acid cycle blocked Rat (Tricarboxylic acid회로를 차단한 흰쥐의 조직에서 Superoxide Dismutase에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yil
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 1985
  • This study was carried out to observe the formation of superoxide radicals and the changes in the activities of superoxide dismutase (EC. from the various organs of a rat which was blocked tricarboxylic acid cycle. In order to block the tricarboxylic acid cycle, the beta-fluoroethylacetate was injected into peritoneal cavity of rat and removed the various tissues from the rat at internals of an hour. By tissue extracts being prepared by the method of Weigiger and Fridovich the activities of superoxide dismutase, aconitase, and contents of bliid glucose, citrates, and wuperoxide radicals were determined. The experimental results are summarized as follows: Accumulation of citrates if increased within three hours after treatment in the all tested tissues, especially, in the geart and spleen they are higher than one of other tissues as 12 and 20 times of control. The activities of aconitase are ingibited to 30-35% on an hour after beta-fluoroethylacetate treatment comparing with that of control rat. The content of blood glucose is increased to 1.6 fold of normal value after 5 hours of treatment. In all tested tissues, superoxide radicals are formed in the heart as 0.26 micromoles per gram tissue between one and three hours after treatment. The activities of total superoxide dismutase are increased between one and three hours after treatment in the all tested tissues and one of these enzymes in heart is highest. The activities of superoxide dismutase containing Mn are also increased with an increase of total superoxide dismutase activities.

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Seasonal Occurrence and Age Structure of Paromius exiguus (Distant) (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) on Major Host Plants (흑다리긴노린재[Paromius exiguus (Distant)](Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)의 발생소장과 주요 기주에서 시기별 연령분포)

  • Park, Chang-Gyu;Park, Hong-Hyun;Uhm, Ki-Baik;Lee, Joon-Ho
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2009
  • Paromius exiguus (Distant) has caused serious damage by pecky grains around Gimpo paddy fields in 2001. We conducted field and laboratory studies to determine the seasonal occurrence and age distribution of P. exiguus on the three major host plants. The overwintering P. exiguus was found mainly on the basal part of gramineae weeds in various localities. After overwintering, in mid-May, the adults aggregated on the grain parts of Imperata cylindrica, laid their eggs and nymphs developed into adults on the same host plants. By the time, the Calamagrostis epigeios colony had newly occupied I. cylindrica areas, the nymphs and adults of first generation had already moved to the second host. The second generation of P. exiguus, after having completed its life cycle on C. epigeios, the newly emerged adults migrated to the rice plants and other gramineae weeds in early August. Afterwards, they complete its third generation cycle where they can move to the overwintering site again. P. exiguus has the five nymphal stages and each nymphal stage could be determined by head or prothoracic width. On the I. cylindrica and O. sativa hosts, the age distribution of P. exiguus showed a simple structure as each stage ratio increased stepwise with time. But in case of C. epigeios, as the newly emerged adults and immature nymphs continuously migrate after a month from the I. cylindrica, the age structure became remarkably complex. The peak nymphal density was observed when the ratio of third and forth instar was the highest in the population. The finding about the specific age structure on each generation of the insect would be very useful in control decision making on the major host plants. It is also important to consider the host's specificity to pesticide sensitivity in relation to various nymphal stages.

Studies on the Heterosis Breeding in Rapeseed Using Cytoplasmic Genic Male Sterility 4. The Effects of Improved Domestic Lines as Pollen Parents for Fertility Restoration, Maintenance of MS Lines and the Heterosis Expression in Economic Characters in $F_1$'s. (세포질 유전자적 웅성불임 계통을 이용한 유채 Heterosis육성 개발에 관한 연구 제4보 양질유, 양질박 국내 육성계통을 화분친으로 이용한 $F_1$의 임성회복력과 MS 유지능력 및 $F_1$ 유용형질의 Heterosis 발현)

  • Jung-Il Lee;;Young-Am Chae
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 1980
  • To facilitate the heterosis breeding which utilizes cytoplasmic-genetic male sterile lines in rape (Brassica napus L.), 511 improved domestic lines were tested for their fertility restoration, maintaining ability and heterosis expression in agronomic characters. About 81 % of 511 lines showed complete fertility restoration and 11 lines could be used as maintainer of male sterility. All yield components except pod length showed greater heterotic effects than that of midparent in $F_1$. These heterotic effects resulted in extraordinary yielding ability as high as 5.6 T/ha in several $F_1$`s.

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Modeling the Competition Effect of Sagittaria trifolia and Monochoria vaginalis Weed Density on Rice in Transplanted Rice Cultivation (벼 기계이앙재배에서 벼와 물달개비 및 벗풀 경합에 따른 예측모델)

  • Moon, Byeong-Chul;Kwon, Oh-Do;Cho, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Sun-Gye;Won, Jong-Gun;Lee, In-Yong;Park, Jae-Eup;Kim, Do-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.188-194
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    • 2012
  • Field experiments were conducted to investigate the competition relationships of main paddy weeds with transplanted rice grown in paddy conditions. Data were used to predict crop yield as a function of weed density using a rectangular hyperbola model and determine weed economic threshold (ET) levels. The rectangular hyperbola (equation 2) was fitted to rice yield to estimate weed-free rice yield ($Y_o$) and weed competitivity (${\beta}$). Its competitivity for M. vaginalis was 0.0007445, 0.0005713, 0.000988 and 0.0008846 in Daejeon, Suwon, Iksan and Naju, respectively. The competitivity at harvest represented by parameter ${\beta}$ ranged from 0.001611 in Naju to 0.002437 in Iksan for S. trifolia. The ET levels of main paddy weeds in machine transplanted rice cultivation were well estimated based on the herbicides applied and its application cost. Therefore, our results can be used to support decision-making on herbicide application for weed management in transplanted rice cultivation.

An Efficient Buffer Page Replacement Strategy for System Software on Flash Memory (플래시 메모리상에서 시스템 소프트웨어의 효율적인 버퍼 페이지 교체 기법)

  • Park, Jong-Min;Park, Dong-Joo
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2007
  • Flash memory has penetrated our life in various forms. For example, flash memory is important storage component of ubiquitous computing or mobile products such as cell phone, MP3 player, PDA, and portable storage kits. Behind of the wide acceptance as memory is many advantages of flash memory: for instances, low power consumption, nonvolatile, stability and portability. In addition to mentioned strengths, the recent development of gigabyte range capacity flash memory makes a careful prediction that the flash memory might replace some of storage area dominated by hard disks. In order to have overwriting function, one block must be erased before overwriting is performed. This difference results in the cost of reading, writing and erasing in flash memory[1][5][6]. Since this difference has not been considered in traditional buffer replacement technologies adopted in system software such as OS and DBMS, a new buffer replacement strategy becomes necessary. In this paper, a new buffer replacement strategy, reflecting difference I/O cost and applicable to flash memory, suggest and compares with other buffer replacement strategies using workloads as Zipfian distribution and real data.

A Clinical Trial of Dextranase-Containing Mouthwash on the Inhibition of Plaque Formation and Gingivitis (Dextranase 함유 구강 세정액의 치태 억제 및 치은염 예방 효과에 관한 임상적 연구)

  • Song, Woo-Sung;Son, Eun-Ju;Kim, Do-Man;Chung, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.371-388
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    • 2001
  • A novel glucanhydrolase(DXAMase) from a mutant of Lipomyces starkeyi(KSM 22) has been shown effective in hydrolysis of mutan, reduction of mutan formation by Streptococcus mutans and removal pre-formed sucrose-dependentadherent microbial film and DXAMase has been strongly bound to hydroxyapatitie. These in vitro properties of Lipomyces starkeyi DXAMase are desirable for its application as a dental plaque control agent. This study was performed to determine the adjunctive oral hygiene benefits and safety of dextranase(Lipomyces starkeyi KSM 22 DXAMase)-containing mouthwash when used alongside normal tooth-brushing. This 6-month clinical trial was placebo-controlled double-blind design evaluating 1U/ml dextranase mouthwash and 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash. A total 39 systemically healthy subjects, who had moderate levels of plaque and gingivitis were included. At baseline, 1, 3 and 6 months, subjects were scored for plaque accumulation(Turesky modification of Quingley-Hein's plaque index), gingivitis status($L\ddot{o}e$ and Silness gingival index), and tooth stain(Area and severity index system by Lang et al). Additionally, oral mucosal examinations were performed and subjects questioned for adverse symptoms. Two weeks after pre-experiment examinations and a professional prophylaxis, the subjects provided with allocated mousewash and instructed to use 20-ml volumes for 30s twice daily after toothbrushing. All the groups showed significant increase in plaque accumulation since 1 month of experiment. During 6 months' period, the Dextranase mouthwash group showed the least increase in plaque accumulation, compared to the Chlorhexidine mouthwash and placebo groups. As for gingival inflammation, all the groups showed significant increase during 6 months of experiment. The Experimental group(Dextranase mouthwash) also showed the least increase in gingival index score, compared to the Positive control(Chlorhexidine mouthwash)as well as the Negative control(placebo)groups. Whereas the tooth stain was increased significantly in the Positive control group, compared to the baseline score and the Negative controlgroup since 3 months of mouthrinsing. It was significantly increased after 6 months in the Experimental group, still less severe than the Positive control group. As for the oral side effect, the Experimental group showed less tongue accumulation, bad taste, compared to the Positive control group. From these results, mouthrinsing with Lipomyces starkeyi KSM 22 dextranase provided adjunctive benefits to toothbrushing, comparable to 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash in inhibition of plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation and local side effects were if anything less frequent and less intense than chlorhexidine, with long-term use of the mouthwash. All data had provided positive evidence for Lipomyces starkeyi KSM 22 dextranase as an antiplaque agent and suggested that further development of dextranase formulations for plaque control are warranted.

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Anti-inflammatory Activity of Crinum asiaticum Linne var. Japonicum Extract and its Application as a Cosmeceutical Ingredient (문주란의 항염효과와 화장료적 특성)

  • Kim, Ki-Ho;Kim, Young-Heui;Kim, Ki-Soo;Park, Sun-Hee;Lee, Soo-Hee;Kim, Young-Jin;Kim, Young-Sil;Kim, Jong-Heon
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.32 no.1 s.55
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2006
  • Crinum asiaticum Linne var. japonicum has long been used as a rheumatic remedy, an anti-pyretic, an anti-ulcer treatment, and for the alleviation of local pain and fever in Korea and Malaysia. In order to investigate the possibility of Crinum asiaticum Linne var. japonicum extract as a cosmetic ingredient, we measured its anti-inflammatory effect by inhibition of iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase), and the release of PGE2, IL-6, and IL-8. HPLC experiment after extraction with 95% ethanol at pH 3.5 showed that Crinum asiaticum Linne var. japonicum was mainly composed of lycorine (up to 1%), a well-known immunosuppressant. The content of lycorine varied depending on the type of tissue analyzed and the extraction method. In anti-inflammatory assay for inhibition of nitric oxide formation on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- activated mouse macrophage RAW 264.7 cells, the ethanolic extract of Crinum asiaticum showed inhibitory activity of NO production in dose-dependent manner ($IC_{50} = 83.5 {\mu}g/mL$). Additional study by RT-PCR demonstrated that the extract of Crinum asiaticum significantly suppressed the expression of the iNOS gene. Moreover, the extract of Crinum asiaticum did not show my cytotoxicity, but did show cell proliferation effect against LPS ($10{\sim}60%$ increase of tell viability). In an assay to determine inhibition of the $H_2O_2$-activated release of PGE2, IL-6, and IL-8 in human normal fibroblast cell lines, the release of PGE2 and IL-6 was almost completely inhibited above concentrations of 0.05% and 1%, respectively. Moreover, the release of IL-8 was completely inhibited over the entire range of concentrations (> 0.0025%). The result showed that the extract of Crinum asiaticum Linne var. japonicum has sufficient anti-inflammatory effect. There-fore, Crinum asiaticum Linne var. japonicum extract may be useful as an ingredient of cosmetic products.

The recent essay of Bijeung - Study of III- (비증(痺證)에 대(對)한 최근(最近)의 제가학설(諸家學說) 연구(硏究) - 《비증전집(痺證專輯)》 에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) III -)

  • Yang, Tae-Hoon;Oh, Min-Suk
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.513-545
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    • 2000
  • I. Introduction Bi(痺) means blocking. It can reach at the joints or muscles or whole body and make pains. Numbness and movement disorders. BiJeung can be devided into SilBi and HeoBi. In SilBi there are PungHanSeupBi, YeolBi and WanBi. In HeoBi, there are GiHyeolHeoBi, EumHeoBi and YangHeoBi. The common principle for the treatment of BiJeung is devision of the chronic stage and the acute stage. In the acute stage, BiJeung is usually cured easily but in the chronic stage, it is difficult. In the terminal stage, BiJeung can reach at the internal organs. BiJeung is one kind of symptoms making muscles, bones and jonts feel pain, numbness or edema. For example it can be gout or SLE etc. Many famous doctors studied medical science by their fathers or teachers. So the history of medical science is long. So I studied ${\ll}Bijeungjujip{\gg}$. II. Final Decision 1. BanSuMun(斑秀文) thought that BiJeung can be cured by blocking of blood stream. So he insisted that the important thing to cure BiJeung is to improve the blood stream. He usually used DangGuiSaYeokTang(當歸四逆湯), DangGuiJakYakSanHapORyeongSan, DoHong-SaMulTang(桃紅四物湯), SaMyoSanHapHeuiDongTang and HwangGiGyeJiOMulTang. 2. JangGeonBu(張健夫) focused on soothing muscles and improving blood seam. So he used many herbs like WiRyeongSeon(威靈仙), GangHwal(羌活), DokHwal(獨活), WooSeul(牛膝), etc. Especially he pasted wastes of the boiled herbs. 3. OSeongNong(吳聖農) introduced four rules to treat arthritis. So he usually used SeoGak-SanGaGam(犀角散加減), BoYanHwanOTang(補陽還五湯), ODuTang(烏頭湯), HwangGiGyeJiOMulTang. 4. GongJiSin thought disk hernia as one kind of BiJeung. And he said that Pung can hurt upper limbs and Seup can hurt lower limbs. He used to use GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯). 5. LoJiJeong(路志正) introduced four principles to treat BiJeung. He used BangPungTang(防風湯), DaeJinGuTang) for PungBi(風痺), OPaeTang(烏貝湯) for HanBi(寒痺), YukGunJaTang(六君子湯) for SeupBi(濕痺) and SaMyoTang(四妙湯), SeonBiTang(宣痺湯), BaekHoGaGyeTang(白虎加桂湯) for YeolBi(熱痺). 6. GangChunHwa(姜春華) discussed herbs. He said SaengJiHwang(生地黃) is effective for PungSeupBi and WiRyungSun(威靈仙) is effective for the joints pain. He usually used SipJeonDaeBoTang(十全大補湯), DangGuiDaeBoTang(當歸大補湯), YoukGunJaTang(六君子湯) and YukMiJiHwanTang(六味地黃湯). 7. DongGeonHwa(董建華) said that the most important thing to treat BiJeung is how to use herbs. He usually used CheonO(川烏), MaHwang(麻黃) for HanBi, SeoGak(犀角) for YeolBi, BiHae) or JamSa(蠶沙) for SeupBi, SukJiHwang(熟地黃) or Vertebrae of Pigs for improving the function of kidney and liver, deer horn or DuChung(杜沖) for improving strength of body and HwangGi(黃?) or OGaPi(五加皮) for improving the function of heart. 8. YiSuSan(李壽山) devided BiJeung into two types(PungHanSeupBi, PungYeolSeupBi). And he used GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯) for the treatment of gout. And he liked to use HwanGiGyeJiOMulTangHapSinGiHwan 枝五物湯合腎氣丸) for the treat ment of WanBi(頑痺). 9. AnDukHyeong(顔德馨) made YongMaJeongTongDan(龍馬定痛丹)-(MaJeonJa(馬錢子) 30g, JiJaChung 3g, JiRyong(地龍) 3g, JeonGal(全蝎) 3g, JuSa(朱砂) 0.3g) 10. JangBaekYou(張伯臾) devided BiJeung into YeolBi and HanBi. And he focused on improving blood stream. 11. JinMuO(陳茂梧) introduced anti-wind and dampness prescription(HoJangGeun(虎杖根) 15g, CheonChoGeun 15g, SangGiSaeng(桑寄生) 15g, JamSa(蠶絲) 15g, JeMaJeonJa(制馬錢子) 3g). 12. YiChongBo(李總甫) explained basic prescriptions to treat BiJeung. He used SinJeongChuBiEum(新定推痺陰) for HaengBi(行痺), SinJeongHwaBiSan(新定化痺散) for TongBi(痛痺), SinJeongGaeBiTang(新定開痺湯) for ChakBi(着痺), SinJeongCheongBiEum(新定淸痺飮) for SeupYeolBi(濕熱痺), SinRyeokTang(腎瀝湯) for PoBi(胞痺), ORyeongSan for BuBi(腑痺), OBiTang(五痺湯) for JangBi(臟痺), SinChakTang(腎着湯) for SingChakByeong(腎着病). 13. HwangJeonGeuk(黃傳克) used SaMu1SaDeungHapJe(四物四藤合制) for the treatment of a acute arthritis, PalJinHpPalDeungTang(八珍合八藤湯) or BuGyeJiHwangTangHapTaDeungTang(附桂地黃湯合四藤湯) for the chronic stage and ByeolGapJeungAekTongRakEum(鱉甲增液通絡飮) for EumHeo(陰虛) 14. GaYeo(柯與參) used HwalRakJiTongTang(活絡止痛湯) for shoulder ache, SoJongJinTongHwalRakTank(消腫鎭痛活絡湯) for YeolBi(熱痺), LiGwanJeolTang(利關節湯) for ChakBi(着痺), SinBiTang(腎痺湯) for SinBi(腎痺) and SamGyoBoSinHwan(三膠補腎丸) for back ache. 15. JangGilJin(蔣길塵) liked to use hot-character herbs and insects. And he used SeoGeunLipAnTang(舒筋立安湯) as basic prescription. 16. RyuJangGeol(留章杰) used GuMiGangHwalTang(九味羌活湯) and BangPungTang(防風湯) at the acute stage, ODuTang(烏頭湯) or GyeJiJakYakJiMoTang(桂枝芍藥知母湯) for HanBi of internal organs, YangHwaHaeEungTang(陽和解凝湯) for HanBi, DokHwalGiSaengTang(獨活寄生湯), EuiYiInTang(薏苡仁湯) for SeupBi, YukGunJaTang(六君子湯) for GiHeoBi(氣虛痺) and SeongYouTang(聖兪湯) for HyeolHeoBi(血虛痺). 17. YangYuHak(楊有鶴) liked to use SoGyeongHwalHyelTang(疏經活血湯) and he would rather use DoIn(桃仁), HongHwa(紅花), DangGui(當歸), CheonGung(川芎) than insects. 18. SaHongDo(史鴻濤) made RyuPungSeupTang(類風濕湯)-((HwangGi 200g, JinGu 20g, BangGi(防己) 15g, HongHwa(紅花) 15g, DoIn(桃仁) 15g, CheongPungDeung(靑風藤) 20g, JiRyong(地龍) 15g, GyeJi(桂枝) 15g, WoSeul(牛膝) 15g, CheonSanGap(穿山甲) 15g, BaekJi(白芷) 15g, BaekSeonPi(白鮮皮) 15g, GamCho(甘草) 15g).

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