• Title/Summary/Keyword: $E_rC_{50}$

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Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for determination of compound K in human plasma and clinical application

  • Kim, Jung Soo;Kim, Yunjeong;Han, Song-Hee;Jeon, Ji-Young;Hwang, Minho;Im, Yong-Jin;Kim, Jung Hyun;Lee, Sun Young;Chae, Soo-Wan;Kim, Min-Gul
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2013
  • A rapid, sensitive and selective analytical method was developed and validated for the determination of compound K, a major intestinal bacterial metabolite of ginsenosides in human plasma. Liquid-liquid extraction was used for sample preparation and analysis, followed by liquid chromatography tandem spectrometric analysis and an electrospray-ionization interface. Compound K was analyzed on a Phenomenex Luna C18 column ($100{\times}2.00$ mm, 3 ${\mu}m$) with the mobile phase run isocratically with 10 mM ammonium acetate-methanol-acetonitrile (5:47.5:47.5, v/v/v) at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The method was validated for accuracy (relative error <12.63%), precision (coefficient of variation <9.14%), linearity, and recovery. The assay was linear over the entire range of calibration standards i.e., a concentration range of 1 ng/mL to 1,000 ng/mL ($r^2$ >0.9968). The recoveries of compound K after liquid-liquid extraction at 1, 2, 400, and 800 ng/mL were $106.00{\pm}0.08%$, $103.50{\pm}0.19%$, $111.45{\pm}5.21%$, and $89.62{\pm}34.46%$ for intra-day and $85.40{\pm}0.08%$, $94.50{\pm}0.09%$, $112.50{\pm}5.21%$, and $95.87{\pm}34.46%$ for inter-day, respectively. The lower limit of quantification of the analytical method of compound K was 1 ng/mL in human plasma. The developed method was successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic study of compound K after oral administration in ten of healthy human subjects.

Distribution Characteristic of Exploitable Macrobenthic Invertebrates of Beach Sediments in the Southern Coastal Water of Jeju Island (제주남부해역 사질대 유용생물 분포특성)

  • Ko, Jun-Cheol;Ko, Hyuck-Joon;Kim, Bo-Yeon;Cha, Hyung-Kee;Chang, Dae-Su
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.197-213
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed to know the community structure of macrobenthos and environmental factors at each 16 stations in the subtidal sandy bottoms of the southern coastal water of Jeju Island from July to November, 2011. Mean temperature and mean salinity were $20.2-22.7^{\circ}C$, 33.7-34.9 psu which shows stable water messes. Chlorophyll a concentrations of phytoplankton ranged from 0.71 to 1.71 mg/L (1.11 mg/L), showing higher July than September and November with a blooming in summer. The mean concentration values (the ranges in parentheses) of nitrate, phosphate, and silicate are 0.029-0.206 mg/L (0.101 mg/L), 0.001-0.027 mg/L (0.007 mg/L), 0.024-0.682 mg/L (0.454 mg/L), respectively. However, the values higher coastal zone due to influxes from the land. A total of 37 species was identified. of these mollusca comprised 29 secies (78.4%); Echinodermata 5 (13.5%); Arthropoda 3 (8.1%). density and biomass were estimated to be 550 ind./$m^2$ and 20,951.8 gwwt/$m^2$, respectively. Mollusca were the most dominant faunal group in terms of abundance (481 ind./$m^2$) and number of species as well, whereas bivalves were predominant in biomass (16,647.6 gwwt/$m^2$). The dominant species were Vasticardium burchardi, Oblimopa japonica, Mactar achatina, Bornatemishistrioiw akawai, Paphia vernicosa, Amusium japonicum, Glycymeris albolineata, Astriclypeus manni in 15-30 m. The seasonal variation appeared as distinct, Mollusca of individual and biomass. When summer was make a slow increase, after the highest decrease in autumn. The abundance of macrobenthic invertebrates showed significant correlation with environmental factors (Chlorophyll a, DIN, $SiO_2$, Fine sand, Very fine sand) in almost all sampling depths. The biodiversity, evenness richness index were appeared 1.56-2.50 (H'), 0.49-0.80 (E'), 4.12-4.67 (R) in each stations. The dominace index were appeared Highest in November and lowest in September.

Correlation Model between Growth Characteristics and Soil Factors of Tulipa edulis Habitat (산자고 자생지의 생육특성 및 토양요인간 상관모형)

  • You Ju-Han;Jung Sung-Gwan;Lee Cheol-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.180-188
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to offer the raw data on the method of cultivation and ecological characteristic by systematical analysing habitat environment of Tulipa edulis that was expected as medicinal and ornamental resource. The habitat environment was that the altitude was 245 m, the aspect of south, the size of approximately $49\;m^2$, and there was analyzed that Tulipa edulis grew wild in the dryly sunny spot. The vascular plants were summarized as 62 taxa; 28 families, 59 genera, 50 species, 11 varieties and 1 forms, and the resource plants were classified that there were 23 taxa of ornamental plants(37.1%), 43 taxa of edible plants(69.4%), 34 taxa of medicinal plants(54.8%) and 29 taxa of others(46.8%). In the results of soil factors analysis, there showed that acidity was pH 4.9, organic matter content of 4.9%, available $P_{2}O_{5}$ of 3.6 mg/kg, exchangeable $K^+$ of $0.5\;cmol^{+}/kg$, exchangeable $Ca^{2+}$ of $3.0\;cmol^{+}/kg$, exchangeable $Mg^{2+}$ of $0.8\;cmol^{+}/kg$, cation exchange capacity(C.E.C) of $12.3\;cmol^{+}/kg$ and electrical conductivity(EC) of 0.3 dS/m. In the results of correlation analysis between soil factors, exchangeable $Ca^{2+}$ and C.E.C were highly correlative. The growth characteristics of Tulipa edulis were surveyed that height was 7.6 cm, leaf width of 0.6 cm, leaf length of 12.7 cm, flower width of 2.8 cm, peduncle of 5.4 cm and chlorophyll of $34.7\;{\mu}g\;mg^{-1}$. In the results of correlation analysis between growth characteristics, height and peduncle were highly correlative. In the results of correlation analysis between soil factors and growth characteristics, exchangeable $K^{+}$ and leaf length were high relativity but they were confirmed negative relation. In the results of growth model analysis, R-square of leaf width and exchangeable $K^{+}$ was some 86.4% and that of chlorophyll and exchangeable $K^{+}$ was some 83.7%.

Derivation of the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Based on the Watershed Characteristics (유역특성에 의한 합성단위도의 유도에 관한 연구)

  • 서승덕
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.3642-3654
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    • 1975
  • The purpose of this thesis is to derive a unit hydrograph which may be applied to the ungaged watershed area from the relations between directly measurable unitgraph properties such as peak discharge(qp), time to peak discharge (Tp), and lag time (Lg) and watershed characteristics such as river length(L) from the given station to the upstream limits of the watershed area in km, river length from station to centroid of gravity of the watershed area in km (Lca), and main stream slope in meter per km (S). Other procedure based on routing a time-area diagram through catchment storage named Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph(IUH). Dimensionless unitgraph also analysed in brief. The basic data (1969 to 1973) used in these studies are 9 recording level gages and rating curves, 41 rain gages and pluviographs, and 40 observed unitgraphs through the 9 sub watersheds in Nak Oong River basin. The results summarized in these studies are as follows; 1. Time in hour from start of rise to peak rate (Tp) generally occured at the position of 0.3Tb (time base of hydrograph) with some indication of higher values for larger watershed. The base flow is comparelatively higher than the other small watershed area. 2. Te losses from rainfall were divided into initial loss and continuing loss. Initial loss may be defined as that portion of storm rainfall which is intercepted by vegetation, held in deppression storage or infiltrated at a high rate early in the storm and continuing loss is defined as the loss which continues at a constant rate throughout the duration of the storm after the initial loss has been satisfied. Tis continuing loss approximates the nearly constant rate of infiltration (${\Phi}$-index method). The loss rate from this analysis was estimated 50 Per cent to the rainfall excess approximately during the surface runoff occured. 3. Stream slope seems approximate, as is usual, to consider the mainstreamonly, not giving any specific consideration to tributary. It is desirable to develop a single measure of slope that is representative of the who1e stream. The mean slope of channel increment in 1 meter per 200 meters and 1 meter per 1400 meters were defined at Gazang and Jindong respectively. It is considered that the slopes are low slightly in the light of other river studies. Flood concentration rate might slightly be low in the Nak Dong river basin. 4. It found that the watershed lag (Lg, hrs) could be expressed by Lg=0.253 (L.Lca)0.4171 The product L.Lca is a measure of the size and shape of the watershed. For the logarithms, the correlation coefficient for Lg was 0.97 which defined that Lg is closely related with the watershed characteristics, L and Lca. 5. Expression for basin might be expected to take form containing theslope as {{{{ { L}_{g }=0.545 {( { L. { L}_{ca } } over { SQRT {s} } ) }^{0.346 } }}}} For the logarithms, the correlation coefficient for Lg was 0.97 which defined that Lg is closely related with the basin characteristics too. It should be needed to take care of analysis which relating to the mean slopes 6. Peak discharge per unit area of unitgraph for standard duration tr, ㎥/sec/$\textrm{km}^2$, was given by qp=10-0.52-0.0184Lg with a indication of lower values for watershed contrary to the higher lag time. For the logarithms, the correlation coefficient qp was 0.998 which defined high sign ificance. The peak discharge of the unitgraph for an area could therefore be expected to take the from Qp=qp. A(㎥/sec). 7. Using the unitgraph parameter Lg, the base length of the unitgraph, in days, was adopted as {{{{ {T}_{b } =0.73+2.073( { { L}_{g } } over {24 } )}}}} with high significant correlation coefficient, 0.92. The constant of the above equation are fixed by the procedure used to separate base flow from direct runoff. 8. The width W75 of the unitgraph at discharge equal to 75 per cent of the peak discharge, in hours and the width W50 at discharge equal to 50 Per cent of the peak discharge in hours, can be estimated from {{{{ { W}_{75 }= { 1.61} over { { q}_{b } ^{1.05 } } }}}} and {{{{ { W}_{50 }= { 2.5} over { { q}_{b } ^{1.05 } } }}}} respectively. This provides supplementary guide for sketching the unitgraph. 9. Above equations define the three factors necessary to construct the unitgraph for duration tr. For the duration tR, the lag is LgR=Lg+0.2(tR-tr) and this modified lag, LgRis used in qp and Tb It the tr happens to be equal to or close to tR, further assume qpR=qp. 10. Triangular hydrograph is a dimensionless unitgraph prepared from the 40 unitgraphs. The equation is shown as {{{{ { q}_{p } = { K.A.Q} over { { T}_{p } } }}}} or {{{{ { q}_{p } = { 0.21A.Q} over { { T}_{p } } }}}} The constant 0.21 is defined to Nak Dong River basin. 11. The base length of the time-area diagram for the IUH routing is {{{{C=0.9 {( { L. { L}_{ca } } over { SQRT { s} } ) }^{1/3 } }}}}. Correlation coefficient for C was 0.983 which defined a high significance. The base length of the T-AD was set to equal the time from the midpoint of rain fall excess to the point of contraflexure. The constant K, derived in this studies is K=8.32+0.0213 {{{{ { L} over { SQRT { s} } }}}} with correlation coefficient, 0.964. 12. In the light of the results analysed in these studies, average errors in the peak discharge of the Synthetic unitgraph, Triangular unitgraph, and IUH were estimated as 2.2, 7.7 and 6.4 per cent respectively to the peak of observed average unitgraph. Each ordinate of the Synthetic unitgraph was approached closely to the observed one.

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A Prediction Model for Forecast of the Onset Date of Changmas (장마 시작일 예측 모델)

  • Lee, Hyoun-Young;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.112-122
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    • 1993
  • Since more than 50${\%}$ of annual precipitation in Korea falls during Changma, the rainy season of early summer, and Late Changma, the rainy season of late summer, forcasting the onset days Changmas, and the amount related rainfalls would be necessary not only for agriculture but also for flood-control. In this study the authors attempted to build a prediction model for the forecast of the onset date of Changmas. The onset data of each Changma was derived out of daily rainfall data of 47 stations for 30 years(1961~1990) and weather maps over East Asia. Each station represent any of the 47 districts of local forecast under the Korea Meteorological Administration. The average onset dates of Changma during the period was from 21 through 26 June. The dates show a tendency to be delayed in El Ni${\~{n}}o years while they come earlier than the average in La Nina years. In 1982, the year of El Ni${\~{n}}o, the date was 9 Julu, two weeks late compared with the average. The relation of sea surface temperature(SST) over Pacific and Northern hemispheric 500mb height to the Changma onset dates was analyzed for the prediction model by polynomial regression. The onset date of Changma over Korea was correlated with SST in May(SST${_(5)}{^\circ}$C) of the district (8${^\circ}$~12${^\circ}S, 136${^\circ}~148${^\circ}W)of equatirial middle Pacific and the 500mb height in March (MB${_(3)}$"\;"m)over the district of the notrhern Hudson Bay. The relation between this two elements can be expressed by the regression: Onset=5.888SST${_5}"\;"+"\;"0.047MB${_(3)}$"\;"-251.241. This equation explains 77${\%}$ of variances at the 0.01${\%}$ singificance level. The onset dates of Late Changma come in accordance with the degeneration of the Subtro-pical High over northern Pacific. They were 18 August in average for the period showing positive correlation(r=0.71) with SST in May(SST)${_(i5)}{^\circ}$C) over district of IndiaN Ocean near west coast of Australia (24${^\circ}$~32${^\circ}$S, 104${^\circ}$~112${^\circ}$E), but negativ e with SST in May(SST${_(p5)}{^\circ}$ over district (12${^\circ}$~20${^\circ}$S,"\;"136${^\circ}$~148${^\circ}$W)of equatorial mid Pacific (r=-0.70) and with the 500mb height over district of northwestern Siberia (r=-0.62). The prediction model for Late Changma can be expressed by the regression: Onset=706.314-0.080 MB-3.972SST${_(p5)}+3.896 SST${_(i5)}, which explains 64${\%}$ of variances at the 0.01${\%}$ singificance level.

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Nematodes Associated with Rice in Korea I. Survey on White Tip Nematode (Aphelenchoides besseyi) Damage to Rice and Detection of the Nematode in Rice Seed (한국(韓國)에 있어서 벼기생선충에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) I. 벼이삭선충의 피해율(被害率) 및 침종(浸種)에 의한 선충분리율 조사(調査))

  • Choi, Y.E.;Choi, D.R.;Choi, Y.S.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.25 no.3 s.68
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 1986
  • White tip nematode damage to rice was surveyed at 111 $My{\check{o}}n$ from 36 Gun in Kyongsangnam-Do, $Ky{\check{o}}ngsangbuk-Do\;and\;Ch{\check{o}}llanam-Do$. Rate of damaged stem by the nematode was highest at $Ch'angny{\check{o}}ng-Gun\;in\;Ky{\check{o}}ngsangnam-Do$ as 28.3%, $Y{\check{o}}ngch'on-Gun\;in\;Ky{\check{o}}ngsangbuk-Do$ as 69.3% and $Pos{\check{o}}ng-Gun\;in\;Ch{\check{o}}llanam-Do$ as 40.6%. In pot experiment, no white tip symptoms were appeared in Tongil hybrids except $W{\check{o}}np'ung$ by 3.4% but a great number of the nematode was detected in seeds while symptom and a fair amount of the nematode were observed in Japonica cultivars. The number of nematode in Shingwang cultivar of Tongil hybrids and Dongin cultivar of Japonica was highest by 1997, by 1023 individuals per 10g of seed respectively. Detection rate of the nematode was different depended upon peeling of the husks. Less than 50% was detected from unhulling seed compared with hulled seed except 8 cultivars such as $Shins{\check{o}}nchal$, Hangangchal, $S{\check{o}}gwang,\;Y{\check{o}}ngpung$, Milyang 23, $Such{\check{o}}ng,\;Taech'{\check{o}}ng\;and\;S{\check{o}}nam$. More effective detection was oftained with temperature level at $25^{\circ}C$ and increased with immersing time regardless of peeling the husks.

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Effects of Topping Time and Split Fertilization on Growth and Root Yield of Scutellaria baicalensis G. (적심시기(摘芯時期)와 분시방법(分施方法)이 황금(黃芩)의 생육(生育) 및 근수량(根收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Myeong-Seok;Chung, Byeong-Jun;Park, Gyu-Chul;Park, Tae-Dong;Kim, Sang-Chul;Shim, Jae-Han
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.271-276
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    • 1998
  • This experiment was carried out to determine the effects of topping time and fertilizer split application on the growth and root yield of Scutellaria baicalensis G. In case of stem cutting at 25cm above the soil surface early in July and middle in August, plant height was reduced by 37cm compared with nontreatment, but stem diameter, the number of branch per plant and the growth of root increased. Topping treatment twice produced the highest dry root yield (182kg/10a) of all, 15% higher than nontreatment. When nitrogen and potassium were applied by the basal dressing with 60% and by the top dressing early in July and middle in August with 20% in each time, the growth of plant (both top and root) increased. The dry root yield per 10a in top dressing twice was 12% higher than once.

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A Study on Trust and Commitment between Buyer and Supplier of Industrial Parts, and Their Usage of Information Technology (산업재 부품 구매자와 공급자의 신뢰와 몰입, 그리고 정보기술의 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Hun;Yun, Hui-Taek
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.47-68
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to determine the association structure of the behavioral relationship variables, such as trust, commitment, cooperation, communication and coercive power, in the relationship between the buyers and suppliers of industrial parts. It also investigates the impact of the use of IT technologies on the relationships quality. Data was collected from 216 part suppliers of machinery, electronics and automobiles located in Incheon. Data supported all of the proposed hypotheses. First, it was confirmed that parts suppliers' trust in buyers leads to the commitment into relationships with buyers. Second, cooperation and communication showed a positive influence on parts suppliers' trust in buyers, and coercive power gave a negative influence on trust. Third, the use of IT technologies like Internet and E-Mail between parts suppliers and buyers was verified to have generally a positive influence on the quality of relationships. At the same time, cooperation and communication were confirmed to have a positive influence on each other, and cooperation and coercive power as well as communication and coercive power were confirmed to have negative influence on each other. This study is a pioneering attempt to examine the relationships between suppliers and buyers of industrial parts, and the influence IT technologies on the relationship quality. Also, the findings will be practically much helpful to find how to reinforce the relationships between parts suppliers and buyers.

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An Analysis of the Relationship between Climacteric Symptoms and Management of Menopause in Middle-aged Women (일 지역 중년여성의 폐경증상과 폐경관리와의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Ae-Ri
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.308-322
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between climacteric symptoms and management of menopause of middle -aged women. The subjects of this study were 261 women(40 to 60 years old). Data were collected from Jun. 1 to Jul. 15, 2001 by a structured questionnaire. The instruments employed were : 1) The Climacteric Symptoms Scale developed by Aeri Song and Eun soon Chung(1998). 2) The Management of Menopause Scale developed by Aeri Song(1997). The data were analyzed by the SPSS p.c. program using t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of the study were as follows : 1. Mean score of climacteric symptoms was $2.18{\pm}0.39$(Maximum 4, Minimum 1). The mean scores among the categories of climacteric symptoms, in descending order, were : a) physical and physiological reactions ($2.62{\pm}0.53$), b) social and family relationships ($2.23{\pm}0.50$), c) psychiatric and psychological reactions ($2.08{\pm}0.49$), d) relationship with sexual partner($1.73{\pm}0.54$), e) genitourinary reactions ($1.72{\pm}0.55$). 2. Mean score of management of menopause was $1.79{\pm}0.45$ (Maximum 4, Minimum 1). The mean scores among the categories of management of menopause, in descending order, were : a) dietary management($2.57{\pm}0.52$), b) self control ($2.24{\pm}0.57$), c) management of exercise and physical activity($2.14{\pm}0.75$), d) management of sex life($1.71{\pm}0.47$), e) management of professional health maintenance($1.61{\pm}0.59$). 3. There were statistically significant differences in the score of middle-aged women's self reported climacteric symptoms according to : a) occupation (t=-2.79, p<0.001) b) marriage state (t=-2.29, p<0.05) c) age of menarche (F=4.66, p<0.001) d) method of Sanhujori (post natal care & treatment) (F=4.22, p<0.001) e) hormone replacement therapy (t=-3.09, p<0.05). From the above statistics, several significant findings were noted : a) There were more climacteric symptoms from those who were unemployed, those who had no partner or were divorced and those who started a menarche earlier. b) There were less climacteric symptoms reported from those on hormone replacement therapy and those who followed their parents or parents-in-law advice regarding Sanhujori (postnatal care) 4. There were statistically significant differences in the score of middle-aged women's self reported management of menopause according to : The educational background (F=7.63, p<0.001), religion (F=3.74, p<0.001), income (F=3.65, p<0.001), number of parity (F=4.87, p<0.001), method of Sanhujori(postnatal care) (F=5.73, p<0.001), period of Sanhujori (postnatal care) (F=2.81, p<0.05), hormone replacement therapy (t=3.81, p<0.001). Women with higher educational background, strong religion, higher income, large number of parity, managed their post natal care well, were on HRT, managed their menopause significantly better than the others who took part in the survey. 5. It will be noted from the above that women's degree of climacteric symptoms showed a negative correlation to the management of menopause(r=-0.2146, p<0.001). The findings shown above suggest the need to develop a variable management of menopause, in order to improve climacteric symptoms of middle-aged women. It is hoped that the above findings will stimulate more detailed research into this matter, and thereby enable guidance to be given to women going through the menopause to cope with it in a less stressful way.

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Antibiotic Resistant Pattern of Helicobacter Pylori Infection Based on Molecular Tests in Laos

  • Vannarath, Sengdao;Vilaichone, Ratha-korn;Rasachak, Bouachanh;Mairiang, Pisaln;Yamaoka, Yoshio;Mahachai, Varocha
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.285-287
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    • 2016
  • Background: The efficacy of standard treatment of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is declining because of antibiotic resistance. Clarithromycin resistance is also increasing in many Asian countries. The aim of this study was to determine the antibiotic susceptibility patterns of H. pylori infection and clinical association in Laos. Materials and Methods: A total of 329 Lao dyspeptic patients who underwent gastroscopy at Mahosot Hospital, Vientiane, Laos during December 2010-March 2012 were enrolled in this study. During gastroscopy, 4 biopsies were collected (2 each from the antrum and body) for CLO-test and histopathology. Only the positive CLO-test gastric tissues was stored at $-80^{\circ}C$ in a freezer until DNA was extracted and a GenoType$^{(R)}$HelicoDR test was conducted for detecting mutations in the rrl gene encoding 23S rRNA (clarithromycin resistance) and mutations in gyrA gene (fluoroquinolone resistance). Results: Of the total, 119 Lao patients (36.2%) were infected with H. pylori including 59 males (49.6%) and 60 females (50.4%) with a mean age of 46 years. Clarithromycin and fluoroquinolone resistance of H. pylori infection was demonstrated in 15 (12.6%) and 16 strains (13.4%) respectively. In clarithromycin resistance, the number of patients who had education above primary school and $BMI{\geq}25kg/m^2$ were significantly higher than those who had education below primary school and BMI<$25kg/m^2$ (23.1% vs 7.5%, P-value= 0.036 and 20.5% vs 8%, P-value= 0.048, respectively). In fluoroquinolone resistance, the number of lowland Lao was significantly higher than those of non-lowland (highland and midland) Lao ethnic groups (16.7% vs 0%, P-value= 0.039). Conclusions: H. pylori infections remain common in Laos. Clarithromycin and fluoroquinolone resistance with H. pylori infection are growing problems. Education above primary school and $BMI{\geq}25kg/m^2$ might be predictors for clarithromycin resistance and lowland Lao ethnicity might be predictors for fluoroquinolone resistance with H. pylori infection in Laos.