• Title/Summary/Keyword: $AlF_3$

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Characterization of F- and Al-codoped ZnO Transparent Conducting Thin Film prepared by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Method

  • Nam, Gil Mo;Kwon, Myoung Seok
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제53권3호
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    • pp.338-342
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    • 2016
  • ZnO thin film co-doped with F and Al was prepared on a glass substrate via simple non-alkoxide sol-gel spin coating. For a fixed F concentration, the addition of Al co-dopant was shown to reduce the resistivity mainly due to an increase in electrical carrier density compared with ZnO doped with F only, especially after the second post-heat-treatment in a reducing environment. There was no effective positive contribution to the reduction in resistivity due to the mobility enhancement by the addition of Al co-dopant. Optical transmittance of the ZnO thin film co-doped with F and Al in the visible light domain was shown to be higher than that of the ZnO thin film doped with F only.

Al(OH)3-SiO2-AlF3계에서 기상-고상반응에 의한 뮬라이트 휘스커 합성 (Synthesis of Mullite Whiskers by Vapor-Solid Reaction in the System of Al(OH)3-SiO2-AlF3)

  • 이홍림;강종봉
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제43권6호
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    • pp.376-382
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    • 2006
  • In the $Al(OH)_3-SiO_2-AlF_3$ system, leaf-shaped fluorotopaz was first formed at $800^{\circ}C$ and mullite whisker was formed at $1,100^{\circ}C$. The mass transportation of Al and Si as gas phase, the fast reaction and growth, and the absence of liquid phase existence in mullite whisker showed that the formation and growth of mullite was from the solid-vapor reaction.

Hydroxyapatite와 Al2O3 혼합분말의 상압소결에 의한 TCP/Al2O3 및 Fluorapatite/Al2O3 복합재료의 In-Situ 제조 (In-Situ Fabrication of TCP/Al2O3 and Fluorapatite/Al2O3 Composites by Normal Sintering of Hydroxyapatite and Al2O3 Powder Mixtures)

  • 하정수;한유정
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2019
  • A powder mixture of 70 wt% $Al_2O_3$ and 30 wt% hydroxyapatite (HA) is sintered at $1300^{\circ}C$ or $1350^{\circ}C$ for 2 h at normal pressure. An $MgF_2$-added composition to make HA into fluorapatite (FA) is also prepared for comparison. The samples without $MgF_2$ show ${\alpha}$ & ${\beta}$-tricalcium phosphates (TCPs) and $Al_2O_3$ phases with no HA at either of the sintering temperatures. In the case of $1,350^{\circ}C$, a $CaAl_4O_7$ phase is also found. Densification values are 69 and 78 %, and strengths are 156 and 104 MPa for 1,300 and $1,350^{\circ}C$, respectively. Because the decomposition of HA produces a $H_2O$ vapor, fewer large pores of $5-6{\mu}m$ form at $1,300^{\circ}C$. The $MgF_2$-added samples show FA and $Al_2O_3$ phases with no TCP. Densification values are 79 and 87 %, and strengths are 104 and 143 MPa for 1,300 and $1,350^{\circ}C$, respectively. No large pores are observed, and the grain size of FA ($1-2{\mu}m$) is bigger than that of TCP ($0.7{\mu}m{\geq}$) in the samples without $MgF_2$. The resulting $TCP/Al_2O_3$ and $FA/Al_2O_3$ composites fabricated in situ exhibit strengths 6-10 times higher than monolithic TCP and HA.

급냉응고법으로 제조한 Zr-Ni-Cu-Al-Ti 합금의 열적, 기계적 성질 (Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Rapidly Solidified Zr-Ni-Cu-Al-Ti Alloy)

  • 최익석;한태교;지용권;임병문;김영환;김인배
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2001
  • 급냉응고방식으로 제조한 비정질 Z $r_{62-x}$N $i_{10}$C $u_{20}$A $l_{8}$ $Ti_{x}$ (x=3, 6, 9at%) 합금을 사용하여 열적, 기계적 성질을 조사하였다. 시효온도에 따른 결정화 거동은 Ti 3at%에서는 비정질$\longrightarrow$비정질+Z $r_2$A $l_3$+Zr+(Ni,Ti)$\longrightarrow$Z $r_2$Cu+Al+(Ni,Ti)의 결정화 거동을 나타내었으며, Ti 6at%에서는 비정질$\longrightarrow$비정질+Al$\longrightarrow$A $l_2$Ti+NiZr+CuTi, Ti 9at%에서는 비정질$\longrightarrow$비정질+Zr+Al$\longrightarrow$Zr+A $l_2$Zr+Al $Ti_3$+CuTi의 결정화 거동을 보였다. 시효온도가 증가할수록 비정질 모상에 석출상의 체적율( $V_{f}$ )이 증가하고 그에 따라 비커스 경도 ( $H_{v}$ )간이 증가하였다. 파괴인장강도($\sigma_{f}$ )는 $V_{f}$ 의 증가에 따라 증가하다가 Z $r_{59}$A $l_{10}$N $i_{20}$C $u_{8}$ $Ti_3$$V_{f}$ =38%에서 1219MPa의 최대값을 보이고, Z $r_{56}$A $l_{10}$N $i_{20}$C $u_{8}$ $Ti_{6}$$V_{f}$ =2%에서 1203MPa의 최대값을 보이고, Z $r_{53}$A $l_{10}$N $i_{20}$C $u_{8}$ $Ti_{9}$ $V_{f}$ =5%에서 1350MPa의 최대값을 나타낸 후 그 이상의 $V_{f}$ 에서는 급격히 감소하였다. $\sigma_{f}$ 가 급격히 감소하는 $V_{f}$ 와 연성 파면에서 취성파면으로 천이되는 $V_{f}$ 가 일치하였다.f/가 일치하였다.

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EMP시뮬레이션을 활용한 Sb2O3/Na3AlF6/Sb2O3/Cr 다층박막의 광 특성 (The Optical Properties of Sb2O3/Na3AlF6/Sb2O3/Cr Multi Layered Thin Films by EMP Simulation)

  • 김준식;장건익
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.376-380
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    • 2008
  • The optical properties of multi layered thin films with $Sb_2O_3/Na_3AlF_6/Sb_2O_3/Cr$ were simulated by using EMP(Essential Macleod Program). EMP is a comprehensive software package to design and analyse the optical characteristics of multi-layered thin film. $Sb_2O_3$ and $Na_3AlF_6$ were selected as a high refractive index and low refractive index material respectively. Additionally Cr was chosen as mid reflective material. Optical properties including color effect were systematically studied in terms of different optical thickness of low refractive index material. The optical thickness of $Na_3AlF_6$ was changed as 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and $1.0\lambda$. The film with 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and $1.0\lambda$ of optical thickness showed mixed color range between purple and red range, yellowish green and bluish green, purple and mixed color range of green and purple respectively.

ZnS/$Na_3AlF_6$/ZnS/Cr 다층 박막의 광학적 두께 변화에 따른 광특성 (The optical properties of ZnS/$Na_3AlF_6$/ZnS/Cr multi-layered thin film with different optical thickness)

  • 김준식;장강재;장건익
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2008년도 하계학술대회 논문집 Vol.9
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    • pp.535-536
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    • 2008
  • Multi-layered thin films of ZnS/$Na_3AlF_6$/ZnS/Cr were deposited on glass substrate by evaporation process. ZnS and $Na_3AlF_6$ were selected as high and low refractive index material, and additionally Cr was chosen as mid reflective layer respectively. The multi-layered thin films were prepared in terms of different optical thickness and different staking sequence and layers. The optical properties were systematically characterized with different optical thickness of $Na_3AlF_6$ especially $0.25\lambda$ and $0.5\lambda$. In order to expect the experimental result, the simulation program, the Essential Macleod Program(EMP) was adopted. Based on the results taken by spectrophotometer at viewing angle $45^{\circ}$, the ZnS/$Na_3AlF_6$/ZnS/Cr multi-layered thin film shows purple colour range in $0.25\lambda$, bluish green in $0.5\lambda$, red purple in $0.75\lambda$, and purple in $1.0\lambda$ respectively.

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불소운모 합성에 따른 $K_2O-MgO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-MgF_2$계의 연구 (The Study of $K_2O-MgO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-MgF_2$ System in Fluro-phlogopite Synthesis.)

  • 송경근;오근호;김대웅
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 1983
  • An attempt was made to derive a possible synthetic mechanism of Fluoro-phlogopite (Mica, 4Mg.$Al_2O_3$.$6SiO_2$.$K_2O$.$2MgF_2$) The pevention of fluorine vaporization turned out to be the key in the synthesis of Mica in question.l Consequently the quinary system of Mica was seperately synthesized ; frist 4MgO.$Al_2O_3-6SiO_2$(ternary system) was sintered at 135$0^{\circ}C$ and $K_2O$ and $MgF_2$ were added and second 4MgO.$Al_2O_3-6SiO_2$.$K_2O$ (quarternary system) was heat-treated at 135$0^{\circ}C$ and $MgF_2$ was added. The ternary system resulted in Proto-enstatite Cordierite and Spinel phases while Forsterite and Leucite were shown in the quarternay system . In both methods Fluoro-phlogopite was systhesized but the solid state reactions to form Mica from the ternary system and the quarternary system were different. High temperature reactions in the formation of Mica were investigated employing XRD, DTA and SEM The study of the synthesis of Mica indirectly suggested a method of phase analysis of quinary system(MgO-$Al_2O_3-SiO_2-K_2O-MgF_2$) and quarternary system(MgO-$Al_2O_3-SiO_2-K_2O-MgF_2$) at various temperatures.

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플라즈마-스프레이법에 의해 코팅한 옥시불화이트륨(YOF) 증착층의 플라즈마 내식성에 미치는 불화알루미늄(AlF3) 첨가 효과 (Effect of AlF3 addition to the plasma resistance behavior of YOF coating deposited by plasma-spraying method)

  • 김영주;박제홍;유시범;정승원;김강민;유정호
    • 한국결정성장학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.153-157
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    • 2023
  • 반도체 회로를 제조하기 위해서 에칭, 세척, 증착 등의 공정들이 반복적으로 진행된다. 따라서 이러한 공정이 진행되면 진공장비 내부는 부식성이 높은 가혹한 플라즈마 환경에 노출되게 된다. 따라서 반도체 공정 장비의 내부를 플라즈마 노출에 강한 재료를 사용하여 코팅층의 에칭과 오염 입자의 생성을 최소화하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 고상합성법에 의해 합성된 옥시불화이트륨 (YOF)를 이용한 증착층의 플라즈마 식각 특성을 향상시키기 위하여 YOF 분말에 AlF3 분말을 혼합하여 플라즈마 스프레이 공정으로 Al 금속위에 증착시키고 그 특성을 분석하였다. AlF3 혼합비율의 증가에 따른 증착층의 결정구조, 미세구조 및 화학조성 변화를 조사하고 증착된 코팅층의 플라즈마 식각율을 측정하여 AlF3 혼합비율과의 상관관계를 분석하였다.


    • 대한수학회논문집
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.723-729
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    • 2005
  • Let F be a non-trivial non-Archimedian field. The sequence spaces $\Gamma\;(F)\;and\;{\Gamma}^{\ast}(F)$ were defined and studied by Soma-sundaram[4], where these spaces denote the spaces of entire and analytic sequences defined over F, respectively. In 1997, these spaces were generalized by Mursaleen and Qamaruddin[1] by considering an arbitrary sequence $U\;=\;(U_k),\;U_k\;{\neq}\;0 \;(\;k\;=\;1,2,3,{\cdots})$. They characterized some classes of infinite matrices considering these new classes of sequences. In this paper, we further generalize the above mentioned spaces and define the spaces $\Gamma(u,\;F,\;{\Delta}),\;{\Gamma}^{\ast}(u,\;F,\;{\Delta}),\;l_p(u,\;F,\;{\Delta})$), and $b_v(u,\;F,\;{\Delta}$). We also study some matrix transformations on these new spaces.

${\gamma}-Al_2O_3$ 촉매상에서 가수분해와 산화반응에 의한 $SF_6$ 촉매분해 특성 (Catalytic Decomposition of $SF_6$ by Hydrolysis and Oxidation over ${\gamma}-Al_2O_3$)

  • 이선화;박노국;윤석훈;장원철;이태진
    • 청정기술
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.273-279
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    • 2009
  • 온실효과를 발생시킬 수 있는 $SF_6$는 고체 산 촉매상에서 물과 산소에 의해 가수분해 및 산화반응에서 황 및 불소화합물로 분해될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 $SF_6$ 제거를 위한 고체 산 촉매로 ${\gamma}-Al_2O_3$가 사용되었으며, 반응온도와 공간속도에 따른 촉매활성이 조사되었다. 가수분해에 의한 촉매환성은 $20,000\;ml/g_{-cat}{\cdot}h$의 공간속도와 973 K이상의 반응온도 조건에서 $SF_6$ 전화율이 거의 100% 달하는 최대 값에 도달하였다. 공간속도가 $45,000\;ml/g_{-cat}{\cdot}h$이하에서 $SF_6$ 전화율은 최대값이 유지되었다. 한편, 동일한 반응조건에서 산화반응에 의한 $SF_6$ 전화율은 약 20%정도였다. ${\gamma}-Al_2O_3$는 가수분해과정 에서 ${\alpha}-Al_2O_3$, 산화반응과정에서 $AlF_3$로 각각 변화됨을 SEM과 XRD분석에 의해 확인되었다. 산화반응 후 $AlF_3$$20\;{\mu}m$이상 성장되었고, 이들의 촉매활성은 낮은 표면적 때문에 매우 낮아졌다. 그러므로 $SF_6$의 분해를 위한 촉매반응은 산화반응보다는 가수분해가 유리하다고 판단된다.