• 제목/요약/키워드: $\beta$-glucans

검색결과 77건 처리시간 0.038초

분지 베타 글루칸의 저분자화 기술 연구 (Study on the Process to Decrease the molecular Weight of $\beta$-[1,6]-branched $\beta$-[1,3]-D-Glucans)

  • 신현재;이동철
    • KSBB Journal
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.352-355
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    • 2003
  • 분자량이 1 MDa 이상인 $\beta$-(1,6)-branched $\beta$-(1,3)-glucan의 효과적인 저분자화 방법을 물리적인 방법, 화학적인 방법, 효소적인 방법으로 나누어 고찰하였다. 물리적인 방법인 초음파처리의 경우엔, 저분자화가 진행됨에 따라 감소하는 저분자화의 효율로 인하여 산업적으로 일정 수준이하의 BBG을 수득하기에 난점이 있으며, 또한 3차 구조의 변성 문제도 주목해야 할 것이다. 화학적인 산 처리법의 경우, 분자량 100,000 Da 이하의 BBG을 산업적으로 수득하기에는 유리할 수 있으나, 약리적 효능에 결정적인 $\beta$-(1,6)-branch의 파괴가 단점이라 할 수 있다. 효소적인 방법이야말로 triple helix 3차 구조의 변성 문제나 $\beta$-(1,6)-branch의 감소 문제를 피하며, 효과적으로 분자량을 감소시킬 수 있음이 확인되었으나, 아직 분지도가 높은 $\beta$-(1,6)-branched $\beta$-(1,3)-glucan까지 효과적으로 가수분해 할 수 있는 효소를 screening 하지는 못하였다.

Immunomodulation of Fungal β-Glucan in Host Defense Signaling by Dectin-1

  • Batbayar, Sainkhuu;Lee, Dong-Hee;Kim, Ha-Won
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.433-445
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    • 2012
  • During the course of evolution, animals encountered the harmful effects of fungi, which are strong pathogens. Therefore, they have developed powerful mechanisms to protect themselves against these fungal invaders. ${\beta}$-Glucans are glucose polymers of a linear ${\beta}$(1,3)-glucan backbone with ${\beta}$(1,6)-linked side chains. The immunostimulatory and antitumor activities of ${\beta}$-glucans have been reported; however, their mechanisms have only begun to be elucidated. Fungal and particulate ${\beta}$-glucans, despite their large size, can be taken up by the M cells of Peyer's patches, and interact with macrophages or dendritic cells (DCs) and activate systemic immune responses to overcome the fungal infection. The sampled ${\beta}$-glucans function as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and are recognized by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on innate immune cells. Dectin-1 receptor systems have been incorporated as the PRRs of ${\beta}$-glucans in the innate immune cells of higher animal systems, which function on the front line against fungal infection, and have been exploited in cancer treatments to enhance systemic immune function. Dectin-1 on macrophages and DCs performs dual functions: internalization of ${\beta}$-glucan-containing particles and transmittance of its signals into the nucleus. This review will depict in detail how the physicochemical nature of ${\beta}$-glucan contributes to its immunostimulating effect in hosts and the potential uses of ${\beta}$-glucan by elucidating the dectin-1 signal transduction pathway. The elucidation of ${\beta}$-glucan and its signaling pathway will undoubtedly open a new research area on its potential therapeutic applications, including as immunostimulants for antifungal and anti-cancer regimens.

Effects of $\beta$-glucans from Coriolus versicolor on Macrophage Functions in Young and Aged mice

  • Jang, Seon-A;NamKoong, Seung;Sohn, Eun-Hwa
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.498-502
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    • 2010
  • The immune system may play an important role in aging and the changes in the immune status are associated with treatment of various immunomodulators. This study examined the effects of $\beta$-glucans isolated from mushroom fungi, Coriolus versicolor on macrophages functions in young (8-weeks-old) and aged (82-weeks-old) male C57BL/6 mice. When peritoneal macrophages were treated with various concentrations of $\beta$-glucan ($1-100\;{\mu}g/ml$) for 24 hrs, tumoricidal activity, NO production and phagocytic activity were significantly increased in the young mice, whereas there are no effects in the aged mice. These results suggest that $\beta$-glucans has differential effects on the macrophage functions in young and aged mice and age nutrition might need to be considered to select proper immunomodulator. In addition, $\beta$-glucan could be used clinically for the treatment of diseases such as cancer therapy in the young.

수용성 β-1,3-glucans의 면역 활성 효능에 대한 연구 (Immune Stimulating Efficacy of Soluble β-1,3-glucans)

  • 심정현;최원아;김종완;이해숙;백태웅;조민철;이경애;상병찬;윤도영
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 2003
  • Background: $\beta$-1,3-glucans are well known to enhance the immune reactions, resulting in antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, anticoagulatory and wound healing activities. $\beta$-1, 3-glucans have various activities depending on molecular weight, degree of branching, conformation, water-solubility and intermolecular association. However, the $\beta$-1,3-glucan linked backbone structure is essential and $\beta$-D-glucopyranosyl units are required for immuno-potentiating activities. Result: In this study, we tested the immunophamacological activities of soluble $\beta$-1,3-glucans and confirmed the following activities: (1) $IFN-{\gamma}$ production in PBMCs in the presence or the absence of PHA, LPS, or IL-18; (2) induction of various cytokines in the spleen and thymus; (3) adjuvant effect on the antibody production; (4) nitrogen oxide synthesis in macrophages; (5) the cytotoxic and antitumor effects on cell lines and ICR mice. Conclusion: These results strongly suggested that $\beta$-1,3-glucans possessed various immuno-pharmacological activities.

예쁜꼬마선충의 생육에 관한 장수상황버섯의 베타글루칸 함유 추출물의 영향 (Effect of Beta-glucans Extracted from Phellinus baumii on the Growth of Caenorhabditis elegans)

  • 김혜민;이동희
    • 한국균학회지
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2012
  • 한국에서 약용버섯으로 주로 재배되는 장수상황버섯은 목질진흙버섯 등 다른 부류의 진흙버섯류에 비해 생리활성 연구가 상대적으로 미흡하다. 본 연구는 예쁜꼬마선충을 사용하여 장수상황버섯의 베타글루칸 함유 추출물의 기능을 탄수화물이라는 영양소의 차원에서 연구하였다. 예쁜꼬마선충의 먹이인 OP50 대장균이 포함된 배지에 장수상황버섯의 베타글루칸 추출물과 버섯류에서 추출되는 lipopolysaccharide(LPS)를 일정한 비율로 혼합하여 예쁜 꼬마선충의 생장과 활성에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 베타 글루칸 또는 LPS를 OP50 없이 단독으로 사용한 경우 예쁜꼬마선충은 성장할 수 없음이 나타났다. 반면 두 가지 탄수화물을 1:1 또는 7:3[OP50:베타글루칸 또는 LPS, v/v]으로 예쁜꼬마선충의 배지를 조성할 경우, 예쁜꼬마선충의 생장과 활동성에 의미 있는 결과가 도출되었다. 혼합 비율이 7:3의 경우, 산자수가 가장 높았고, 1:1의 경우 두번째로 높은 산자수를 나타냈다. 이는 OP50의 단독 처리시보다, 각각 20%이상 높았다. 아울러, OP50에 혼합된 베타글루칸은 예쁜꼬마선충에 있어 지방 축적과 활동성에 많은 영향을 주었다. 이 경우 7:3의 비율로 배지에 있어 10-100 ${\mug}g/ml$ 의 범위 내에서 지방축적은 베타글루칸의 농도 의존적으로 감소하는 것으로 보였다. LPS의 경우는 해당 농도에서 대조군과 비교하여 큰 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 활동성에 있어 베타글루칸과 LPS는 공히 긍정적인 효과를 보였다. LPS와 베타글루칸을 OP50의 배지에 혼합하여 예쁜꼬마선충을 배양한 결과 해당 두 가지의 탄수화물은 매우 긍정적인 결과를 보였다. 예쁜꼬마선충의 동선을 비교한 결과 혼합물의 경우, 매우 긍정적인 결과가 나타났다. 결론적으로, 베타글루칸과 LPS라는 탄수화물은 OP50의 예쁜꼬마선충 배지에 혼합하여 사용할 경우 탄수화물의 원천 또는 생육을 조절할 수 있는 물질로 사용할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.

Immunomodulating Activity of Fungal $\beta$-Glucan through Dectin-1 and Toll-like Receptor on Murine Macrophage

  • Kim, Ha-Won
    • 한국응용약물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국응용약물학회 2006년도 Proceedings of The Convention
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2006
  • $\beta$-Glucan is a glucose polymer that has linkage of $\beta$-(1,3), -(1,4) and -(1,6). As exclusively found in fungal and bacterial cell wall, not in animal, $\beta$-glucans are recognized by innate immune system. Dendritic cells (DC) or macrophages possesses pattern recognition molecule (PRM) for binding $\beta$-glucan as pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP). Recently $\beta$-glucan receptor was cloned from DC and named as dectin-l which belongs to type II C-type lectin family. Human dectin-1 is consisted of 7 exons and 6 introns. The polypeptide of dectin-1 has 247 amino acids and has cytoplasmic, transmembrane, stalk and carbohydrate recognition domains. Dectin-1 could recognize variety of beta-1,3 and/or beta-1,6 glucan linkages, but not alpha-glucans. In our macrophage cell line culture system, dectin-1 mRNA was detected in RA W264.7 cells by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Dectin-1 was also detected in the murine organs of spleen, thymus, lung and intestines. Treatment of RA W264.7 cells with $\beta$-glucans of Ganoderma lucidum (GLG) resulted in increased expression of IL-6 and TNF-$\alpha$ in the presence of LPS. However, GLG alone did not increase IL-6 nor TNF-$\alpha$. These results suggest that receptor dectin-1 cooperate with CD14 to activate signal transduction that is very critical in immunoresponse.

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Characterization of Two Glucans Activating an Alternative Complement Pathway from the Fruiting Bodies of Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus

  • Kweon, Mee-Hyang;Lim, Wang-Jin;Yang, Han-Chul;Sung, Ha-Chin
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.267-271
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    • 2000
  • Abstract Two glucans (PONGa and PONGb) differing in their anomeric and glycosidic linkage structures were isolated from the water-insoluble materials (PON) of Pleurotus ostreatus basidiocarps, which activated the complement system and were almost soley composed of D-glucose. The isolatIon was achieved by repeated precipitations with ethanol and adsorption on concanavalin A (Con A) of paN suspension in thymol/NaCL Based on methylation analysis. IR, GLC-MS, $^1H,{\;}and{\;}^{13}C-NMR$ spectroscopies, PONGa was found to be a branched a-glucan composed of ${\alpha}-linked$ D-glucopyranose residues and ${\alpha}-linked$ units with 6-branching points, whereas PONGb was a linear ${\beta}-1,3-glucan$ composed mainly of ${\beta}-1,3-linked$ D-glucopyranose residues. The PONGb particles reacted more potently than the PONGa particles as C3 activator in alternative complement hemolysis and crossed-immunoelectrophoresis using anti-human C3, thereby suggesting that the complement activating components of PON were ${\beta}-(13)-glucans rather$ than ${\alpha}-glucan$ components.onents.

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Agrobacterium sp. R259 KCTC 10197BP로부터 생산된 $\beta$-1, 3-glucan의 면역 활성 효능 (Immune Stimulating Efficacy of Insoluble $\beta$-l, 3-glucan from Agrobacterium sp. R259 KCTC 10197BP)

  • 심정현;최원아;상병찬;윤도영
    • 약학회지
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    • 제46권6호
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    • pp.459-465
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    • 2002
  • $\beta$-l, 3-glucans are well known to enhance the immune reactions, resulting in antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, anticoagulatory and wound healing activities. $\beta$-1, 3-glucans have various activities depending on molecular weight, degree of branching, conformation, water-solubility and intermolecular association. However, the $\beta$-1, 3-glucans linked backbone structure is essential and $\beta$-D-glucopyranosyl units are required for immunopotentiating activities. In this study, we tested the immunophamacological activities of insoluble $\beta$-1, 3-glucan from Agrobacterium sp. R259 KCTC 10197BP and confirmed the following activities: (1) IFN-${\gamma}$ production in PBMCs in the presence or in the absence of PHA, LPS, IL-18, and IL-12; (2) the induction of various cytokines in the spleen and thymus; (3) the adjuvant effect on the antibody production; (4) the cytotoxic and antitumor effects on cell lines and ICR mice. These results strongly suggest that $\beta$-1, 3-glucan from Agrobacterium sp. R259 KCTC 10197BP possesses various immunopharmacologica1 activities.

Comparison of Protein Binding Polysaccharide from Agaricus blazei Murill Prepared by Ultrafiltration and Spray-Drying Process

  • Hong, Joo-Heon;Choi, Yong-Hee;Youn, Kwang-Sup
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2007
  • Chemical properties of spray-dried powders separated based on molecular weight from crude protein binding polysaccharide (CP-SD) of Agraricus blazei were examined. Contents of ${\beta}$-glucan in SD-1, SD-2 and SD-3 were 18.67%, 48.24%, and 37.15% respectively, and SD-2 (10-150 kDa) showed the highest molecular weight. Obtained ${\beta}$-glucans were not pure glucan, but was determined to be an acidic proteo-heteroglycan with a large amount of glucose (74.46-80.05%), galactose (8.91-15.2%), and mannose (4.9-5.46%). Composition of their amino acids was mainly aspartic and glutamic acids. FT-IR spectrum revealed SD-1, SD-2 and SD-3 were structures of ${\beta}$-1,3-glucans and ${\alpha}$-1,6-glucans at 890 and 930 $cm^{-1}$, respectively, signals of ${\alpha}$-1,6-glucans for CP-SD was not found. Useful CP-SD was recovered from A. blazei for preparation of three powder types as food materials.

Effects of β-Glucans from Aureobasidium pullulans on Cucumber Mosaic Virus Infection in Chili Pepper

  • Yoon, Ju-Yeon;Gangireddygari, V.S.R.;Cho, In-Sook;Chung, Bong-Nam;Yoon, Byung-Dae;Choi, Seung-Kook
    • 식물병연구
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2021
  • Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), the most prevalent virus in chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), negatively affects chili pepper production in South Korea. In this study, foliar spraying with β-glucans obtained from the mycelial walls of the yeast-like fungus Aureobasidium pullulans inhibited CMV infection of chili pepper if applied before virus inoculation. At three concentrations, β-glucans from A. pullulans significantly ameliorated CMV symptoms in treated chili pepper; the effect was greater in plants treated with 0.01% β-glucans than 0.005% or 0.001% β-glucans. Double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that these β-glucans treatments resulted in 1.7- to 10-fold reductions in CMV accumulation in the treated chili pepper. The glucans did not act directly on the virus and did not interfere with virus disassembly or replication. Foliar spraying with 0.01% β-glucans from A. pullulans at 24 hr intervals for 3 days significantly increased plant height, the total number of fruit, and the fresh weight of chili pepper fruit. However, the stem diameter of chili pepper treated with β-glucans did not increase significantly. These results indicate that foliar spraying with β-glucans from A. pullulans acts an antiviral agent against CMV infection and stimulates chili pepper growth.