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1 U. Jung and S.-S. Choi, "A variety of particles including tire wear particles produced on the road", Elast. Compos., 56, 85 (2021)./   DOI View Article
2 H. Park, H. Sim, H.-K. Oh, G.-H. Lee, M.-A. Kang, and M.- Y. Lyu, "Experimental and Computational Study on the Mold Shrinkage of PPS Resin in Injection Molded Specimen", Elast. Compos., 55, 120 (2020)./   DOI View Article
3 Do, J. H., Kim, D. Y., Seo, K. H., "Effect of Eco-friendly Inorganic Flame Retardants on Mechanical and Flame-Retardant Properties of EPDM Compound", Elastomers and Composites, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 40-45, 2020./   DOI View Article
4 Husaini, N, Ali1, R, Riantoni1, T, E, Putra1, H, Husin, "Study of leaf spring fracture behavior used in the suspension systems in the diesel truck vehicles," IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 541, paper No. 012046, (2019)./ View Article
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