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Song MO. 2014. Eight new records of monogonont and bdelloid rotifers from Korea. J. Species Res. 3:53-62./
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Blakemore, R.J., S. Lee and H.-Y. Seo. 2014. Reports of Drawida (Oligochaeta: Moniligastridae) from far East Asia. Journal of Species Research 3(2):127-166 [Available from: http://www.nibr.go.kr/download?attach_path=journal&attach=2014vol3no2_3.pdf]./
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Sutrisno, H. 2014. Molecular Phylogeny of Indonesian Lymantria Tussock Moths (Lepidoptera: erebidae) based on CO I gene sequences. Journal of Species Research 3(17):7-16./
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Kontschan, J., S.J. Park, J.W. Lim, J.M. Hwang and H.Y. Seo. 2014. Contribution to the mite (acari) fauna of the Korean Peninsula. Journal of Species Research 3(1):63-78./
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Podenas, S. and H.-W. Byun. 2014a. New Limoniinae crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea. Journal of Species Research 3(2):167-182./
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Blakemore, R.J. 2013a. Jeju-do earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megadrilacea)-Quelpart Island revisited. Journal of Species Research 2(1):15-54 [Available from: www.nibr.go.kr/eng/event/journal_spe_3.jsp]./
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Blakemore, R.J. 2013b. Ulleung-do earthworms - Dagelet Island revisited. Journal of Species Research 2(1):55-69 [Available from: www.nibr.go.kr/eng/event/journal_spe_3.jsp]./
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Blakemore, R.J. 2013d. Megascolex (Perichaeta) diffringens Baird, 1869 and Pheretima pingi Stephenson, 1925 types compared to the Amynthas corticis (Kinberg, 1867) and A. carnosus (Goto & Hatai, 1899) species-groups (Oligochaeta: Megadrilacea: Megascolecidae). Journal of Species Research 2(2):99-126 [Available from: http://ocean.kisti.re.kr/downfile/volume/nibr/JOSRB5/2013/v2n2/JOSRB5_2013_v2n2_99.pdf]./
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Podenas, S. and H.-W. Byun. 2013. Antochini crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae: Limoniinae) of Korea. Journal of Species Rearch 2:167-184./