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1 Kim HS. The relationship between Oral Habits and the Prevalent Status of Temporomandibular Disorders. J Kor Acad Dent Tech, 36(3), 187-196, 2014./   DOI View Article
2 Kim WS, Han MS, Jung JK, Kim KB. Analysis of quality for fixed prostheses fabricated by dental CAD/CAM system. J Kor Aca Dent Tec, 36, 159-164, 2014/   DOI View Article
3 Lee JH, Ahn JS. Effect of surface and heat treatment on the bond strength of veneering ceramics to zirconia(Y-TZP). The Journal of Korean academy of dental technology, 35(4), 271-280, 2013./   DOI View Article
4 Kim KB, Kim SJ, Kim JH, Kim JH.An evaluation of validity of three dimensional digital model fabricated by dental scannable stone. J Korean Acad Dent Tech, 35(1), 29-35, 2013./   DOI View Article
5 Kim KB, Kim SJ, Kim JH, Kim JH. An evaluation of validity of three dimensional digital model fabricated by dental scannable stone. J Kor Aca Dent Tec, 35, 29-35, 2013./   DOI View Article
6 Lee WS, Bae BJ, Han SY. A Study on Job and Duty satisfaction of Dental technician (Focusing on employees in Denture part). The Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Technology, 34(4), 391-402, 2012./   DOI View Article
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