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1 Effect of planting date on growth and grain yield of vegetable perilla/
[[Kim, S.T.;Y.K. Kang;M.R. Ko;J.S. Moon]] / null   KOI
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2 Effect of planting date on growth and grain yield of vegetable perilla./
[[Kim, S. T.;Y. K. Kang;M. R. Ko;J. S. Moon.]] / null   KOI
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3 Flowering and matruing responding to seeding date and short-day treatment in vegetable perilla./
[[Han, S. I. J. G.;Gwag, K. W. OH;S. B. Pae;J. T. Kim.;Y. H. Kwack.]] / null   KOI
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4 Flowering and maturing response to seeding date and short-day treatment in vegetable perilla/
[[Han, S.I.;J.G. Gwang;K.W. Oh.;S.B. Pae.;J.T. Kim;Y. H. Kwack.]] / null   KOI
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5 Effect of anaerobic treatment on carbohydrate-hydrolytic enzyme activities and free amino acid contents in barly malt/
[[Yun, S. J.;K. G. Choi;J. K. Kim]] / null   KOI
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