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1 Xiao, L., Wang, P., Fang, Q., & Zhao, Q. (2018). Health-promoting lifestyle in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention. Korean Circulation Journal. 48(6), 507-15. DOI : 10.4070/kcj.2018.0133/   DOI View Article
2 Kim IC, Youn JC, Kobashigawa JA. The past, present and future of heart transplantation. Korean Circ J 2018;48:565-90./   DOI View Article
3 Kim DH, Kang DH. Early surgery in valvular heart disease. Korean Circ J 2018;48:964-73./   DOI View Article
4 L. Xiao, P. Wang, Q. Fang, Q. Zhao, "Health-promoting Lifestyle in Patients after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention", Korean Circulation Journal, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 507-515, 2018.   DOI View Article
5 Song JK. Coronary artery vasospasm. Korean Circ J 2018;48(9):767-77.   DOI View Article
6 Rha SW, Choi SH, Kim DI, Jeon DW, Lee JH, Hong KS, et al. Medical resource consumption and quality of life in peripheral arterial disease in Korea: PAD Outcomes(PADO) research. Korean Circulation Journal. 2018;48(9):813-825.   DOI View Article
7 Youn JC, Han S, Ryu KH. Temporal trends of hospitalized patients with heart failure in Korea. Korean Circulation Journal. 2017;47(1):16-24.   DOI View Article
8 Sim DS, Jeong MH. Differences in the Korea acute myocardial infarction registry compared with western registries. Korean Circulation Journal. 2017;47(6): 811-822.   DOI View Article
9 Lee HY, Jeon ES, Kang SM, Kim JJ. Initial report of the Korean Organ Transplant Registry (KOTRY): heart transplantation. Korean Circ J 2017;47:868-76./   DOI View Article
10 Youn JC, Han S, Ryu KH. Temporal trends of hospitalized patients with heart failure in Korea. Korean Circ J 2017;47:16-24./   DOI View Article