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1 I. W. Na, J. H. Kim, T. Das, S.-C. Kwon and I.-H. Oh, "A study of the ortho-para hydrogen conversion characteristics of liquefied hydrogen by perovskite catalysts", Transactions of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2015, pp 15-20./   DOI View Article
2 C. Chu, S. Jeong, J. Jeong, S. Chun, J. Lee, and Y. Kwon, "A Study on The Effects of Three Different Carbon Catalysts on Performance of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery", KHNES, Vol. 26, 2015, p. 170./ View Article
3 I. W. Nah, J. H. Kim, T. Da, S.-C. Kwon, and I.-H. Oh, "A Study on the ortho-para hydrogen conversion characteristics of liquefies hydrogen by perovskite catalysts," Trans. of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2015, pp. 15-20./   DOI View Article
4 J. H. Baik, S. W. Karng, H Kang, N. Garceau, S. Y. Kim, and I. H. Oh, "Design and operation of a small-scale hydrogen liquefier," Trans. of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2015, pp. 89-95./   DOI View Article
5 C.Y. Kim, H.D. Kim, J.H. Song. Spray characteristics of a coal slurry with liquid carbon dioxide, Trans. of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society l26, 2015, pp. 357-362./ View Article
6 S. M. Lee and C. M. Jang, "Internal Flow Analysis for a 10 inch Ball Valve using Flow Similarity", Transctions of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2015, pp. 386-392./   DOI View Article
7 J. H. Baik, S. W. Karng, H. M. Kang, N. Garceau, S. Y. Kim, and I. H. Oh, "Design and Operation of a small-scale hydrogen liquefier", Trans. of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 105-113./   DOI View Article
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