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1 D.Y. Yoo, H.K. Choi, I.B. Sohn, Y.C. Noh, Y.T. Lee, Y.J. Kim, Y.H. Kim, H.M. Kang, J.H. Noh, "High speed laser machining for breathable film using multi-pulse repeated radiation and diffractive beam splitter", Journal of KSLP, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2014./ View Article
2 J.O. Kim, J.H. Lee, J. Suh, S.W. Lee, Welding characteristics of Metal bellows using a pulsed Nd:YAG laser, Journal of KSLP, 15-1 (2012), 10-14/ View Article
3 C. Kim, M. Kang, Y.-N. Ahn, "Laser welding technology platform for automotive industry," Journal of Korean Society of Laser Processing, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 6-13, 2011./ View Article
4 Yu, J. Y., Cho, S. H., Park, J. K., Yoon, J. W., Whang, K. H., Sugioka, K., Hong, J. W., Heo, W. H., Boehme, D., Park, J. H. and Zander, S., "Selective Removal of Thin Film on Glass Using Femtosecond Laser," Journal of Korean Society of Laser Processing, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 17-23, 2011./ View Article
5 J. Cho, I. Chang, C. Jeong and C. Lim: Study on Laser Welding for Differential Gear & Case for Filler wire, Journal of Korean Society of Laesr Processing, 14-4 (2011), 1-8/ View Article
6 Y. S. Kim, I. B. Sohn, and Y. C. Noh, "The local polishing of material surface using the $CO_2$ laser," Journal of KSLP 12, 7-10 (2009)./ View Article
7 Lim, H. T., Lee, M. H., Kim, P. K., Park, J. B. and Jeong, S. H., 2009, "Enhancement of Surface Hardness of Stainless Steel by Laser Peening," Journal of KSLP, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 18-22./   KOI View Article
8 Y. Kim et al. : Study on the process parameters for laser welding of coaxial circular pipe inner flange, Journal of KSLP, 12-3 (2009), 14-17 (in Korean)/   KOI View Article
9 B. M. Paik, J. H. Lee, D. S. Shin, and K. S. Lee, "A Study on Formation of Conductive Pattern on Polymer using LDS," KSLP, Vol.12, No.4, pp.6-11. 2009/ View Article
10 Lim, H. T., Lee, M. H., Kim, P. K., Park, J. B. and Jeong, S. H., "Enhancement of Surface Hardness of Stainless Steel by Laser Peening", J. of KSLP, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 18-22, 2009./ View Article