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1 Yoon SW, Kim SY(2022). Effects of upper trapezius inhibition dynamic taping on pain, function, range of motion, psychosocial status, and posture of the neck in patients with chronic neck pain. Phys Ther Korea, 29(1), 1-10.   DOI View Article
2 Yoon SW, Kim SY. Effects of Upper Trapezius Inhibition Dynamic Taping on Pain, Function, Range of Motion, Psychosocial Status, and Posture of the Neck in Patients With Chronic Neck Pain. Phys Ther Korea. 2022;29(1):1-10./   DOI View Article
3 Kim S, Yi C, Lim J, Lim O. Age-related differences in ankle-joint proprioception and postural balance in women: proprioception of force versus position. Phys Ther Korea 2022;29(2):124-30./   DOI View Article
4 Je J, Choi WJ. Immediate effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on balance and proprioception during one-leg standing. Phys Ther Korea 2022;29(3):187-93./   DOI View Article
5 Choi SH, Lee JY, Lee BH. The effect of balance training using visual information on the trunk control, balance and gait ability in patients with subacute stroke: Randomized controlled trial. J Kor Phys Ther Sci. 2022;29(2):1-13./   DOI View Article
6 Choi SH, Lee JY, Lee BH. The effect of balance training using visual information on the trunk control, balance and gait ability in patients with subacute stroke: Randomized controlled trial. J Kor Phys Ther Sci. 2022;29(2):1-13./   DOI View Article
7 Jeon IC. Comparison of the isometric hip flexors strength in supine position in subjects with and without weak isometric core strength. J Kor Phys Ther. 2021;28(1):59-64./   DOI View Article
8 Huang TZ, Kim SY(2021). Effect of forearm dynamic taping on muscle activity of extensor carpi radialis brevis during wrist isometric and isotonic contraction. Phys Ther Korea, 28(2), 93-100.   DOI View Article
9 Min IG, Kim SY(2021). Effects of cervical sensorimotor control training on pain, function and psychosocial status in patients with chronic neck pain. Phys Ther Korea, 28(1), 36-46.   DOI View Article
10 Kim YJ, Park JH, Kim JH, Moon GA, Jeon HS. Effect of High-frequency Diathermy on Hamstring Tightness. Phys Ther Korea. 2021;28:65-71/   DOI View Article