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1 Kim, J.H., Shin, P.S., Lee, S.I., Park, J.M., Journal of Adhesion and Interface, 21(1), 27 (2020)./ View Article
2 S. S. Park, C.-S. Ha, Journal of Adhesion and Interface, 21, 113 (2020)./   DOI View Article
3 Lee B, Kim YW, Lee WK. Syntheses and characterization of UV-curable polyurethane acrylates with eco-friendly polyols. Journal of Adhesion and Interfaces. 2019 Dec;20(4):140-5.   DOI View Article
4 Lee, K.Y., Cho, D.H., Journal of Adhesion and Interface, 20(3), 87 (2019)./ View Article
5 Kim, N.H., and Kim, J., "Technology Trend in Adhesive Materials for Heterogeneous Materials", Journal of Adhesion and Interface, Vol. 19, 2018, pp. 173-176./ View Article
6 Nguyen, H. C., Lee, S. W., Back, J. H., Park, J. W., Kim, H. J., "Curing Behaviours and Adhesion Performance of Thermal Cured Acrylic PSAs Synthesized by UV-polymerization," The Society of Adhesion and Interface, 19(2), 74-82 (2018)./ View Article
7 J. Jeong, J. Adhesion and Interface, 19, 84 (2018)./   DOI View Article
8 Min-Jeong Cho, Ho-Jong Kang, and Dong-Bok Kim, Journal of Adhesion and Interface, 18(1), 25 (2017)./   DOI View Article
9 Min Ji Choi, Boo Young Jeong, Jung Mi Cheon, Kuenbyeol Park, and Jae Hwan Chun, Journal of Adhesion and Interface, 18(1), 8 (2017)./   DOI View Article
10 Nahae Kim, Juyoung Kim, Ho-Sun Lim, and Se-Hyun Kim, Journal of Adhesion and Interface, 18(1), 33 (2017)./   DOI View Article