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1 곽이성, 고려인삼 연구의 글로벌화 전략 고려인삼 연구와 산업 13(1) (고려인삼학회, 2019)./ View Article
2 K. T. Choi, D. C. Yang, "Pharmacological effects and medicinal components of korea ginseng(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)", The Korean Research and Industry, 6(2), pp.2-21, 2012./ View Article
3 Hah SY. 2009. Recent studies on identification of ginsenoside interaction sites with cell membrane ion channels and receptors. The Korean Ginseng Research and Industry 3: 3-15./   KOI View Article
4 Lee, JS, Kim, JH, Lee, Dh, Kim, NM and Ahn, BH. Physiological fimctionalities of Korea traditional alcoholic beverages and traditional ginseng alcoholic beverages. Korean Ginseng Research and Industry. 2:3-6. 2008/   KOI View Article
5 Chung, H. S. 1972. Ginseng disease in Korea. Korea Pharmacognosy 2:73-79./ View Article
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