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1 Seo J, Choe M, and Kim S Y (2016) Clearing and labeling techniques for large-scale biological tissues. Mol. Cells 39, 439-446./   DOI View Article
2 Dietz, K.J. (2016). Thiol-based peroxidases and ascorbate peroxidases:why plants rely on multiple peroxidase systems in the photosynthesizing chloroplast? Mol. Cells 39, 20-25./   DOI View Article
3 Hampton, M.B., and O'Connor, K.M. (2016). Peroxiredoxins and the regulation of cell death. Mol. Cells 39, 72-76./   DOI View Article
4 Knoops, B., Argyropoulou, V., Becker, S., and Ferte, L., Kuznetsova, O. (2016). Multiple roles of peroxiredoxins in inflammation. Mol. Cells 39, 60-64/   DOI View Article
5 Latimer, H.R., and Veal, E.A. (2016). Peroxiredoxins in regulation of MAPK signalling pathways; sensors and barriers to signal transduction. Mol. Cells 39, 40-45./   DOI View Article
6 Netto, L.E.S., and Antunes, F. (2016). The roles of peroxiredoxin and thioredoxin in hydrogen reroxide sensing and in signal transduction. Mol. Cells 39, 65-71./   DOI View Article
7 Poole, L.B., and Nelson, K.J. (2016). Distribution and features of the six classes of peroxiredoxins. Mol. Cells 39, 53-59./   DOI View Article
8 Putker, M., and O'Nell, J.H. (2016). Reciprocal control of the circadian clock and cellular redox state - a critical appraisal. Mol. Cells 39, 6-19./   DOI View Article
9 Toledano, M.B., and Huang, B. (2016). Microbial 2-Cys Prxs: insights into their complex physiological roles. Mol. Cells 39, 31-39./   DOI View Article
10 Van Laer, K., and Dick, T.P. (2016). Utilizing natural and engineered peroxiredoxins as intracellular peroxide reporters. Mol. Cells 39, 46-52./   DOI View Article
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