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1 N. Norouzi, 4E Analysis of a Fuel Cell and Gas Turbine Hybrid Energy System, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 11 (1) (2021) 7568-7579,   DOI View Article
2 Higuchi, N. (2021). Japan's postcolonial hate speech. In Higaki, S. & Nasu, Y. (Eds.), Hate speech in Japan: The possibility of a non-regulatory approach (pp.363-80). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press./ View Article
3 Lukasz P., Konrad R., Viliam K., Tana S., Pawel K., Slawomira S., Electrochemical study of ephedrine at the polarized liquid-liquid interface supported with a 3D printed cell, J. Hazardous Materials 402, 1-10, (2021).   DOI View Article
4 Hoekman, B. and P. C. Mavroidis. 2021. "Preventing the Bad from Getting Worse: Is it the End of the World (Trade Organization) as We Know it?" European Journal of International Law, forthcoming./ View Article
5 Lavie M, Diamant N, Cahal M, Sadot E, Be'er M, Fattal-Valevski A, et al. Nusinersen for spinal muscular atrophy type 1: real-world respiratory experience. Pediatr Pulmonol 2021;56:291-8./   DOI View Article
6 Gomez-Garcia de la Banda M, Amaddeo A, Khirani S, Pruvost S, Barnerias C, Dabaj I, et al. Assessment of respiratory muscles and motor function in children with SMA treated by nusinersen. Pediatr Pulmonol 2021;56:299-306./   DOI View Article
7 M. Gunaseelan, L.N. Mishra, V.N. Mishra, Generalized Coupled Fixed Point Results on Complex Partial Metric Space Using Contractive Condition, Nonlinear Anal-Model, 3 (1) (2021), 97-108./ View Article
8 D.C. Zhou, H. Kim, and K. Hu, A Cohen-type theorem for wArtinian modules, J. Algebra Appl. 20 (2021), 2150106 (25 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0219498821501061/   DOI View Article
9 Shi, J., Tan, J., Liu, B., Chen, J., Dai, J. and He, Z. (2021) "Experimental study on full-volume slag alkali-activated mortars: Air-cooled blast furnace slag versus machine-made sand as fine aggregates", J. Hazard. Mater., 403, 123983.   DOI View Article
10 Al-Furjan, M.S.H., hatami, A., Habibi, M., Shan, L., Tounsi, A. (2021b), "On the vibrations of the imperfect sandwich higher-order disk with a lactic core using generalize differential quadrature method", Compos. Struct., 113150.   DOI View Article