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1 Yeo Pyo Yun, "The transition of the education method and environment for the Covid-19", The Joongdo Ilbo, 2022, 01./ View Article
2 Seoyeon Park, Younghwan Pan, "The Study on Developing Evaluation Factors of Design Education on PBL Online Design Education", Journal of Korea Society of Design Science, Spring International Conference, 2022./ View Article
3 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, Automobile Management Insurance Division, 2022. 1. 28./ View Article
4 Enforcement Decree of the Environment-Friendly Automobile Act, The Presidential Decree 32361, 2022, 1, 25, Retrieved from View Article
5 Enforcement Decree of the Environment-Friendly Automobile Act, The Presidential Decree 32361, 2022, 1, 25, Retrieved from View Article
6 Kang, B., Lee, C., Kim, S.-M., Yoo, H.-M., "Processing and Evaluation of a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Bar Using a Closed Impregnation Pultrusion System with Improved .Production Speed", Appl. Sci., Vol. 12, p. 4906, 2022./   DOI View Article
7 Oh, S.-H., Ha, J.-W., and Park, K., "Adaptive conformal cooling of injection mold using additively manufactured TPMS structures", Polymer, Vol.14, pp. 181-194, 2022. /   DOI View Article
8 Kim, M. J. and Choi, J. H., "Study on the rapid cooling method of an injection mold using the Joule-Thomson effect", J. of Korean Soc. Manuf. Tech. Eng., Vol. 3, pp. 306-311, 2022. / View Article
9 Bae, H. S., Park, D. H., and Lee, H. S., "Design of cooling module with CO2 for rapid cooling of injection mold", J. Korean Soc. Precis. Eng., Vol. 39, pp. 477-484, 2022./   DOI View Article
10 Achouch, M., Dimitrova, M., Ziane, K., Sattarpanah Karganroudi, S., Dhouib, R., Ibrahim, H., & Adda, M. On predictive maintenance in industry 4.0: Overview, models, and challenges. Applied Sciences, 12(16), pp. 8081. 2022./ View Article