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1 Park, Seongwoo & Hong, Soram (2022). Knowledge visualization and mapping of studies on social systems theory in social sciences: focused on Niklas Luhmann. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 56(1), 253-275./   DOI View Article
2 Busan Metropolitian City Office of Education (2022). 2022 Development and Implementation Plans of School Libraries./ View Article
3 Yu, Jongpil (2022). Concept and Understanding of Structural Equation Model by Professor Jongpil Yu (revised version). Seoul: Hannarae Academy./ View Article
4 National Library of Korea (2022, January 6). National Authority Subject Search. Available: View Article
5 Standard Korean Language Dictionary (2022b, January 6). 한국인. Available: View Article
6 Standard Korean Language Dictionary (2022c, January 6). 한인. Available: View Article
7 Library of Congress (2022, January 8). Library of Congress Subject Headings. Available: View Article
8 Standard Korean Language Dictionary (2022a, January 6). Available: View Article
9 国立国会図書館 (2022. 1. 6.). 分類, 件名, ジャンル.形式用語. 出處: View Article
10 Park, Sang-wan, Kim, Min Jo, Park, So-Young, & Jang, Woo-Chun (2022). An analysis on the role and participation of the academic society as an academic community. The Korean Educational Administration Society, 40(1), 343-371./   DOI View Article