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1 Mejia-Nava, R.A., Ibrahimbegovic, A. and Lozano-Leal, R. (2020), "Instability phenomena and their control in statics and dynamics: Application to deep and shallow truss and frame structures", Coupl. Syst. Mech., 9(1/2), 1-17./ View Article
2 Ademovic, N. and Ibrahimbegovic, A. (2020), "Review of resilience based design", Coupl. Syst. Mech., 9(1/2), 1-18./ View Article
3 Demirdzic, I. (2020), "Finite volumes vs finite elements. There is a choice", Coupl. Syst. Mech., 9(1/2), 1-31./ View Article
4 Dzubur, A. and Serdarevic, A. (2020), "Daily influent variation for dynamic nodeling of wastewater treatment plants", Coupl. Syst. Mech., 9(1/2), 1-14./ View Article
5 Hadzalic, E., Ibrahimbegovic, A. and Dolarevic, S. (2020), "3D thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled discrete beam lattice model of poro-plastic medium", Coupl. Syst. Mech., 9(1/2), 1-21./ View Article
6 Hajdo, E., Ibrahimbegovic, A. and Dolarevic S. (2020), "Buckling analysis of complex structures with refined model built of frame and shell finite elements", Coupl. Syst. Mech., 9(1/2), 1-20./ View Article
7 Miljanovic, S. and Zlatar, M. (2020), "Stiffness of hybrid systems with and without pre-stressing", Coupl. Syst. Mech., 9(1/2), 1-16./ View Article
8 Paulin, Ch., Heulhard de Montigny, E. and Llor, A. (2020), "Towards isotropic transport with co-meshes", Coupl. Syst. Mech., 9(1/2), 1-14./ View Article
9 Reut, V., Vaysfeld, N. and Zhuravlova, Z. (2020), "Non-stationary mixed problem of elasticity for a semi-strip", Coupl. Syst. Mech., 9(1/2), 1-14./ View Article
10 Suljevic S., Hrasnica M. and Medic S. (2020), "Thermo-mechanical analysis of reinforced concrete slab using different fire models", Couple. Syst. Mech., 9(1/2), 1-21./ View Article