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1 김원경, 조민식, 방금성, 임석훈, 김동화, 강순자, 배수경, 지은정, 김윤희 (2020). 수학1, 수학2, 수학3. 서울: 비상교육./ View Article
2 Common Core State Standards Initiative(2020). Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. (검색일: 2020.06.10.)./ View Article
3 H. Lee, B.H. Lim, Strategic default and post-bankruptcy liquidity constraint, Working paper (2020)./ View Article
4 X. Qin, S.Y. Cho, L. Wang, Weak and strong convergence of splitting algorithms in Banach spaces, Optimization, 69 (2020), 243-267./   DOI View Article
5 B. Tan, S. Xu, Strong convergence of two inertial projection algorithms in Hilbert spaces, J. Appl. Numer. Optim. 2 (2020), 171186./ View Article
6 S. Kim, B. Palta and H.-S. Oh, Extraction formulas of stress intensity factors for the biharmonic equations containing crack singularities, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 80(2020) 1142-1163./   DOI View Article
7 D. jang: Circle actions on almost complex manifolds with 4 fixed points. Math. Z. 294 (2020), 287-319./   DOI View Article
8 W. A. Khan, I. A. Khan, J. Y. Kang, On higher order (p, q)-Frobenius-Genocchi numbers and polynomials, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 37 (2019), no. 3-4, 297-307./ View Article
9 C. Hu, Strong laws of large numbers for sublinear expectation under controlled 1st moment condition, Chines Ann Math. Ser. B 39 (2019), no. 5, 791-804./   DOI View Article
10 S. Peng, Law of large numbers and central limit theorem under nonlinear expectations, Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative risk 4 (2019), no. 4, 1-8./   DOI View Article