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1 Andronov, I. L. 2020, Advanced Time Series Analysis of Generally Irregularly Spaced Signals: Beyond the Over-simplified Methods, in: P. Skoda et al. (eds.), Knowledge Discovery in Big Data from Astronomy and Earth Observation (Amsterdam: Elsevier), 191/ View Article
2 Andrych, K. D., Andronov, I. L., & Chinarova L.L. 2020, MAVKA: Program Of Statistically Optimal Determination Of Phenomenological Parameters Of Extrema. Parabolic Spline Algorithm and Analysis of Variability of the Semi-Regular Star Z UMa, J. Phys. Stud., 24, 1902/   DOI View Article
3 Ryu, Y.-H., Navarro, M.G., Gould, A. et al. 2020, KMT-2018-BLG-1292: A Super-Jovian Microlens Planet in the Galactic Plane, AJ, 159, 58/   DOI View Article
4 Tress, R. G., Sormani, M. C., Glover, S. C. O., et al. 2020, Simulations of the Milky Way's Central Molecular Zone - I. Gas Dynamics, MNRAS, 499, 4455/   DOI View Article
5 Vandorou, A., Bennett, D. P., Beaulieu, J.-P., et al. 2020, Revisiting MOA 2013-BLG-220L: A Solar-type Star with a Cold Super-Jupiter Companion, AJ, 160, 121/   DOI View Article
6 Miao, J., Wang, X., Ren, T. L., & Li, Z. T. 2020, Prediction Verification of Solar Cycles 18-24 and a Preliminary Prediction of the Maximum Amplitude of Solar Cycle 25 Based on the Precursor Method, RAA, 20, 4/ View Article
7 Deng H., Mei Y., & Wang F. 2020, Periodic Variation and Phase Analysis of Grouped Solar Flare with Sunspot Activity, RAA, 20, 022/ View Article
8 Andreeva, O.A., Abramenko, V.I. & Malaschuk, V.M. 2020, Coronal Holes during the Period of Maximum Asymmetry in the 24th Solar Activity Cycle, Astrophys., 63, 114/   DOI View Article
9 Akhavan-Amjadi, M. 2020, Fetal Electrocardiogram Modeling Using Hybrid Evolutionary Firefly Algorithm and Extreme Learning Machine, MSSP, 31, 117/ View Article
10 Yadav, H. K., Pal, Y., & Tripathi, M. M. 2020, Short-term PV Power Forecasting Using Empirical Mode Decomposition in Integration with Back-propagation Neural Network, JIOS, 41, 25/ View Article