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1 Song, C.-W., Han, H.-J., and Lee, J.-U. (2019) Investigation on heavy metal distribution in soils around Boryeong coal-fired power plant. J. Korean Soc. Miner. Energy Resour. Eng., v.56, p.10-22. (in Korean)/   DOI View Article
2 Li, Y., Liao, X. and Li, W. (2019) Combined sieving and washing of multi-metal-contaminated soils using remediation equipment: A pilot-scale demonstration J. Clean. Prod., v.212, p.81-89./   DOI View Article
3 Kim, H.S., Oyunbileg, P. and Park, C.Y. (2019a) A study on the removal of penalty elements and the improvement of gold contents from gold concentrate using microwave-nitric acid leaching, J. Miner. Soc. Korea, v.32, p.1-14./   DOI View Article
4 Kim, H.S., Myung, E.J. and Park, C.Y. (2019b) Removal of penalty from invisible gold concentrate using microwave-nitric acid leaching and its gold recovery by lead-fire assay, J.Korean Soc. Miner. Energy Resour. Eng., v.56, p.217-226./   DOI View Article
5 Huber, B., Barnidge, M., Zuniga, H.G. and Liu, J. (2019) Fostering pulic turst in science: The role of social media. Public Understanding of Science, v.28, n.7, p.759-777./   DOI View Article
6 Han, J.H. and Kim, J.S. (2019) A GIS-Based Seismic Vulnerability Mapping and Assessment Using AHP: A Case Study of Gyeongju, Korea. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, v.35, n.2, p.217-228./   DOI View Article
7 National Research Council of Science and Technology (NST) (2019a) Executive Summary: government supported Science and Technology research institutions' R&R (Role & Responsibility) Reports, 48p./ View Article
8 National Research Council of Science and Technology (NST) (2019b) R&R Collection II: government supported Science and Technology research institutions' R&R (Role & Responsibility) Reports, 658p./ View Article
9 Bae, J.H. and Park J.K. (2019) A Comparative Study by Subject on the New R&D Planning Process, Econ. Environ. Geol, 52(3), p.243-250./   DOI View Article
10 British Geological Survey (BGS) (2019) Gateway to the Earth: Science Strategy For The British Geological Survey 2019-2023, 33p./ View Article