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1 Ko, Y. J., K. H. Cho, and W. C. Kim(2019) Analysis of environmental equity of green space services in Seoul: The case of Jung-gu, Seongdong-gu and Dongdaemun- gu. Journal of the Korean Insititute of Landscape Architecture 47(2): 100-116./   DOI View Article
2 Lee, N.(2019) Inclusive growth in cities: A sympathetic critique. Regional Studies 53(3): 424-434./   DOI View Article
3 Park, Y. S.(2019) A Study on Participatory Governance Development Plan for Yongsan Park. Cung-ang University Graduate School of Public Administration Master's Thesis./ View Article
4 Sun, T. K.(2019) In needs of an integrated system for landscape management and performance standardization. Korean Construction News. 2019. 07. 29./ View Article
5 Lee J. M., Y. H. Cho, Y. H. Kim and S. W. Park(2019) A study on the correlation factors of soil organic carbon storage in the riparian zones. Proceeding of J. Korean Env. Res. Tech. pp. 36-37./ View Article
6 Eom, Y. S., A. S. Choi, S. G. Kim and J. O. Kim(2019) A hedonic valuation of urban green space in Seoul, Korea. Environmental and Resource Economics Review 28(1): 61-93./ View Article
7 Park, Y.(2019) Estimation and Analysis of the Floating Population of Seoul Walking Tour Courses Using Telecommunications Data. Master's Thesis in Ihwa Women's University. Korea./ View Article
8 Kim, S. Y.(2019) Analysis of Tourism Destination Image in Namdaemun Market before and after Seoullo7017 using Text Mining. Ph.D. Dissertation, Hanyang University. Korea./ View Article
9 Nam, J. and N. Dempsey(2019a) Understanding stakeholder perceptions of acceptability and feasibility of formal and informal planting in Sheffield's district parks. Sustainability 11(2): 360./   DOI View Article
10 Nam, J. and N. Dempsey(2019b) Acceptability of income generation practices in the 21st century urban park management. Journal of Environmental Management(under review)./ View Article