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1 M. Amjadi, S. Sheykhansari, B. J. Nelson and M. Sitti, "Recent Advances in Wearable Transdermal Delivery Systems", Adv. Mater., p. 1704530, 2018./ View Article
2 M. Mardonova and Y. Choi, "Review of Wearable Device Technology and Its Applications to the Mining Industry", Energies, Vol. 11, p. 547, 2018./   DOI View Article
3 Avishek Das etc., "Tuning of transport properties of the double-step chemical bath deposition grown zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires by controlled annealing: An approach to generate p-type ZnO nanowires", vol. 649, pp. 129-135, March 2018./   DOI View Article
4 Oliver Gale-Grant, Haddy Quist. (2018) Electronic recording of vital signs for mental health inpatients. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing 7:2, pages 64-69./   DOI View Article
5 Georgiou, K., Larentzakis, A., Khamis, N., et al. (2018) Can Wearable Devices Accurately Measure Heart Rate Variability? A Systematic Review. Folia Medica, 60(1), pp. 7-20. Retrieved 10 May. 2018, from doi:10.2478/folmed-2018-0012/   DOI View Article
6 Benedetto S, Caldato C, Bazzan E, Greenwood DC, Pensabene V, Actis P (2018) Assessment of the Fitbit Charge 2 for monitoring heart rate. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0192691.   DOI View Article
7 Geetha, G., et al. "Compact and Flexible Monopole Antenna for Ultra-Wideband Applications Deploying Fractal Geometry." Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 400-405, 2018./   DOI View Article
8 S. M. Lee, I. Sung, and Y. H. Joo, "Recognition and tracking of moving objects using label-merge method based on fuzzy clustering algorithm", The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 293-300, 2018, 2./   DOI View Article
9 Weon-Chan Park, "A Study on the Application of Heavy Simple Catenary System to a DC Rigid Conductor Rail Transition Device", 2018/ View Article
10 A. Guha and G. Narayanan, "Impact of dead time on inverter input current, DC-link dynamics, and light-load instability in rectifier-inverter-fed induction motor drives", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 1414-1424, Mar./Apr. 2018./   DOI View Article