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1 Kim JH, Suh HJ, Choi HS (2017) Protective effect of silk protein hydrolysates against tert-BHP induced liver damage. Korean J Food Preserv, 24, 107-115/   DOI View Article
2 Cai X, Yan A, Fu N, Wang S (2017) In vitro antioxidant activities of enzymatic hydrolysate from Schizochytrium sp. and its hepatoprotective effects on acute alcoholinduced liver injury in vivo. Mar Drugs, 15, 115/   DOI View Article
3 Kamoun Z, Kamoun AS, Bougatef A, Kharrat RM, Youssfi H, Boudawara T, Chakroun M, Nasri M, Zeghal N (2017) Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of sardinelle (Sardinella aurita) protein hydrolysate against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rats. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 24, 1432-1441/   DOI View Article
4 Im CY, Kim MH, Kang WW (2017) Quality characteristics of cookies added with Takju pomace powder. Korean J Food Preserv, 24, 8-12/   DOI View Article
5 Kaur M, Singh V, Kaur R (2017) Effect of partial replacement of wheat flour with varying levels of flaxseed flour on physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory characteristics of cookies. Bioact Carbohydr Diet Fibre, 9, 14-20/   DOI View Article
6 Yang JH, Choi MH, Yang SH, Cho SS, Park SJ, Shin HJ, Ki SH (2017) Potent anti-inflammatory and antiadipogenic properties of bamboo (Sasa coreana Nakai) leaves extract and its major constituent flavonoids. J Agric Food Chem, 65, 6665-6673/   DOI View Article
7 Choi JS, Kim JW, Park JB, Pyo SE, Hong YK, Ku SK, Kim MR (2017) Blood glycemia-modulating effects of melanian snail protein hydrolysates in mice with type II diabetes. Int J Mol Med, 39, 1437-1451/   DOI View Article
8 Kim SH, Choi HJ, Yang WK, Lee JE, Cho JH, Park IJ, Park SY, Park BK, Jin M (2017) Suppressive effect of the n-hexane extract of Litsea japonica fruit flesh on monosodium-iodoacetate-induced osteoarthritis in rats. Evidence-Based Complementary Altern Medi, 2017, Article ID 1791403, p 10/ View Article
9 Ahn YS, Kwon OR, Kim EA, Yoon WJ, Kim JH, Kim JY (2017) Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study of the efficacy of Litsea japonica fruit extract in subjects with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis. J Funct Foods, 34, 304-310/   DOI View Article
10 Green R, Datta Mitra A (2017) Megaloblastic Anemias: Nutritional and Other Causes. Med Clin North Am, 101, 297-317/   DOI View Article