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1 이승준, 2017, CES내 신재생에너지 하이브리드 시스템을 활용한 CHP 최적화 공정 모델, 서울과학기술대학교, 석사학위논문,/ View Article
2 Dou, Z. et al., 2017. Applications of RBI on leakage risk assessment of direct coal liquefaction process. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 45, pp.194-202/   DOI View Article
3 ACT, 2017, Spot cooling heat pipes, View Article
4 Lee. H. S. et al., 2017, Quantitative evaluation of free CaO in electric furnace slag using the ethylene glycol method, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 131, pp. 676-681/   DOI View Article
5 Lee, S. J., 2017, Trends and Implications of Decoupling GHG Emissions and Economic Growth in Major Countries, KERI., pp. 1-19/ View Article
6 Korea Statistical Information Service, 2017, View Article
7 Kim, M. K., 2017, Eco-friendly energy 'solar power generation' Is it really safe?, View Article
8 Park, K. M., 2017, How much new and renewable energy jobs will increase, View Article
9 Korea Employment Information Service, 2017, View Article
10 Jo, H. I., 2017, Statistics Of Electirc Power In Korea/ View Article