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1 J. Schofield, "What's the best camera for a technophobic dad?," The Guardian, 6 July, 2017./ View Article
2 Trend Monitor "Research for 2017 camera [TK_201705_ NWY3306]," Embrain, May, 2017./ View Article
3 Newsroom, "Behind Apple's new campaign: one night on iPhone 7," Apple, 30 January, 2017./ View Article
4 D. Kang, B. Lashkari, and A. Mandelis, "Photoacoustic resonance by spatial filtering of focused ultrasound transducers," Opt. Lett. 42, 655-658 (2017)./   DOI View Article
5 D. Kang, "Effect of spatial filtering of ultrasound transducers on photoacoustic measurements," Proc. SPIE 10064, 100645D (2017)./ View Article
6 P. S. Oh, "An interpretation of modeling-based elementary science lessons from a perspective of distributed cognition," J. Korean Elem. Sci. Educ. 36, 16-30 (2017)./   DOI View Article
7 Refractive index of soda lime glass, "Refractive index of soda lime glass," (Refractive index of GLASS-soda-limeclear, 2017), View Article
8 B. Lee, "Investigation of newtonian optics as physics education perspectives," New Phys.: Sae Mulli 67, 1086-1094 (2017)./   DOI View Article
9 S. H. Park, "Dependence of the illuminance of a light guide plate for edge-lit backlight on the shape of the scattering pattern," New Physics (The Korean Physical Society) 67, 890-895 (2017)./ View Article
10 X. Fan, Q. Hao, R. Jin, H. Huang, Z. Luo, X. Yang, Y. Chen, X. Han, M. Sun, Q. Jing, Z. Dong, and T. Qiu, "Assembly of gold nanoparticles into aluminum nanobowl array," Sci. Rep. 7, 2322 (2017)./   DOI View Article