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1 Hyundai 2017, AVANTE [Internet], cited 2017 Jan 20, available from: View Article
2 Yu, D.-H., Park, S. E., Heo, M.-S., Park, C. Y., Lee, W.-K., et al. 2017, Atomic Clocks, Gravimeters and Interferometer Research at KRISS, AAPPS Bulletin, 27, 10-16. View Article
3 Choi, B. K., Cho, C. H., & Lee, S. J. 2017, Multi-GNSS Kinematic Precise Point Positioning: Some Results in South Korea, JPNT, 6, 35-41. View Article
4 Kang, M. 2017, A study on improvement of navigation performance of land vehicle using low cost 2D DGPS/INS/Magnetometer considering gravity, Master's Thesis, Seoul National University, Korea/ View Article
5 Cho, M., Kang, I.-S., & Park, C. 2017, Implementation of GPS/BDS Heave Measurement System using Raw Measurement from ublox EVK-M8T GNSS Receiver, in 2017 KIMST Conference, June 2017, Jeju, Korea/ View Article
6 ublox 2017, ublox M8 ReceiverDescrProtSpec(UBX-13003221) [Internet], cited 2017 Jul 10, Available from: View Article
7 Cao, Q., Zhong, M., & Guo, J. 2017, Non-linear Estimation of the Flexural Lever Arm for Transfer Alignment of Airborne Distributed Position and Orientation System, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 11, 41-51.   DOI View Article
8 Ozaslan, T., Loianno, G., Keller, J., Taylor, C. J., Kumar, V., et al. 2017, Autonomous Navigation and Mapping for Inspection of Penstocks and Tunnels With MAVs, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2, 1740-1747.   DOI View Article
9 Park, K. W., Choi, Y. S., Lee, M. J., Lee, S. J., & Park, C. 2016a, Implementation and Performance Analysis of Multi-GNSS Signal Collection System using Single USRP, JPNT, 5, 11-22. View Article
10 Park, K. W., Lee, S., Lee, M. J., & Park, C. 2016b, Design of a buffer management algorithm for USRP based real-time GNSS SDR, in 2016 KGS conference, Nov 2016, Jeju, Korea/ View Article