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1 Jeong, Y. (2017). Study on the Performance and Feasibility Analysis of PVT-GSHP system, Thesis, Pusan National University./ View Article
2 KOREA Centers for Disease Control. (2017). Guideline for the operation and management of nationally designated inpatient beds./ View Article
3 Jo J. K., Woo K. H., & Kang H.S. (2017). Experimental Study of an AIIR Ventilation System for Effective Removal of Airborne Contamination in Hospitals. Journal of the Architectural Institute of KOREA Structure & Construction, 33(3), 85-90./   DOI View Article
4 Kim, D. W., Park, C. S., & Lee, S. E. (2017). Feasibility of building energy simulation to architectural and engineering Design, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction, 33(5), 63-72/   DOI View Article
5 Lee, H.H. (2017). Capacity Evaluation of SFRC Beams using Recycled Fine and Coarse Aggregates, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance Inspection, 21(2), 122-129./ View Article
6 Bae, J.E., Lee, B.S., Kim, Y.B., & Lee, S.J. (2017). Inelastic analysis of RC beam with circular opening, Proceeding of AIK conference, 37(1), pp.669-672./ View Article
7 Seo, S., & Jeon, S. (2017a). Prism Strength of Form-Block Reinforced by Steel Fiber, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, 33(1), 3-10./ View Article
8 Seo, S., & Jeon, S. (2017b). Evaluation of Prism and Diagonal Tension Strength of Masonry Form-Block Walls Reinforced with Steel Fibers. Construction and Building Materials, 152(15), 394-405./   DOI View Article
9 Deng, Q., Wang, R., Li, Y., Miao, Y., & Zhao, Y. (2017). Human thermal sensation and comfort in non-uniform environment with personalized heating, Science of Total Environment, 578(01), pp.242-248/   DOI View Article
10 Perez, K. X., Cetin, K., Baldea, M., & Edgar, T. F. (2017). Development and Analysis of Residential Change-Point Models from Smart Meter Data. Energy and Buildings./ View Article