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1 Puri, A. 2016. Plant growth promotion nitrogen fixation by Paenibacillus polymxya in corn and canola. University of British, Columbia./ View Article
2 Xia, P., H. Guo, H. Zhao, J. Jiao, M.K. Keyholos, X. Yan, Y. Liu, and Z. Liang. 2016. Optimal fertilizer application for Panax notoginseng and effect of soil water on root rot disease and saponin contents. J. Ginseng Res. 40:38-46./   DOI View Article
3 Glenn, B. 2016. Darcy's Law Basics and More View Article
4 Pan, M. and L. M. Chu. 2016. Phytotoxicity of veterinary antibiotics to seed germination and root elongation of crops. Ecotox. Envrion. Safe. 126:228-237./   DOI View Article
5 Kafle, G.K. and L. Chen. 2016. Comparison on batch anaerobic digestion of five different livestock manures and prediction of biochemical methane potential (BMP) using different statistical models. Waste Manage. 48:492-502./   DOI View Article
6 Kumari, S., A. Vaishnav, S. Jain, A. Varma, D.K. Choudhary. 2016. Induced drought tolerance through wild and mutant bacterial strain Pseudomonas simiae in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 32(1):1-10./   DOI View Article
7 Esringü, A., D. Kaynar, and M. Turan. 2016. Ameliorative Effect of Humic Acid and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on Hungarian Vetch Plants under Salinity Stress. Commun. Soil Sci. Plan. 47:1-21/   DOI View Article
8 Joe, M.M., S. Devaraj, A. Benson, and T. Sa. 2016. Isolation of phosphate solubilizing endophytic bacteria from Phyllanthus amarus Schum & Thonn: Evaluation of plant growth promotion and antioxidant activity under salt stress. J. Appl. Res. Med. Aromatic Plant. In press./ View Article
9 Silini, A., H. Cherif-Silini, and B. Yahiaoui. 2016. Growing varieties durum wheat (Triticum durum) in response to the effect of osmolytes and inoculation by Azotobacter chroococcum under salt stress. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res. 10(12):387-399./   DOI View Article
10 Zerrouk, I.Z., M. Benchabane, L. Khelifi, K. Yokawa, J. Ludwig- Muller, and F. Baluska. 2016. A Pseudomonas strain isolated from date-palm rhizospheres improves root growth and promotes root formation in maize exposed to salt and aluminum stress. J. Plant Physiol. 191:111-119./   DOI View Article