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1 Tehrani, A. F., & Ahrens, D. (2016). Improved forecasting and purchasing of fashion products based on the use of big data techniques. Supply Management Research, 293-312. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-08809-5_1/   DOI View Article
2 Korea federation of textile industry. (2016, January). Country Report(USA). Seoul: Korea federation of textile industry./ View Article
3 Korea federation of textile industry. (2016, January). Statistics of textile export/import. Seoul: Korea federation of textile industry./ View Article
4 Yi-Chang, Y. S. (2016). The study on the Scythian costume II-Focused on the depicted Scythians on Persian reliefs-. Journal of the Korea Fashion & Costume Design Association, 18(1), 149-168./ View Article
5 Park, J. W. (2016, June 13). Walking is panacea, '9988234'. Chosun News. Retrieved July 01, 2016, from View Article
6 Jang, H. J. (2016). Development of design of naturally-dyed 'jeogori' for a newborn baby with Salvia plebeia R. Brown Variegation, which has efficacy in Alleviating Atopic Disease. Journal of Korean Traditional Costume, 18(4), 83-97. doi:10.16885/jktc.2015. View Article
7 Roh, J. S., & Kim, S. (2016). All-fabric intelligent temperature regulation system for smart clothing applications. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 27(9), 1165-1175. doi:10.1177/1045389X15585901/   DOI View Article
8 'Kisan Kim Jungeun, painting, artist, illustrator'. (2016, January 14). The turn of the screw blog. Retrieved March 25, 2016, from View Article
9 Samsung Design Net. (2016). 15/16 패션시장 분석 [15/16 Fashion market analysis]. Retrieved May 08 2016, from View Article
10 Chae, H. J., Park, S. Y., & Ko, E. J. (2016). A study on fashion brand online impression formation and its WOM effect according to online review types of supporters. Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 18(1), 15-26. doi:10.5805/SFTI.2016.18.1.15/   DOI View Article