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1 Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. 2016. Food Poisoning Statistics. 16 March 2016./ View Article
2 Schuler, F., Trotter, M., Geltman, M., Schwemmer, F., Wadle, S., Dominguez-Garrido, E., Lopez, M., Cervera-Acedo, C., Santibanez, P., von Stetten, F., Zengerle, R. and Paust, N. 2016. Digital droplet PCR on disk. Lab on a Chip 16(1):208-216./   DOI View Article
3 Welbat, J. U., Chaisawang, P., Chaijaroonkhanarak, W., Prachaney, P., Pannangrong, W., Sripanidkulchai, B., Wigmore, P. 2016. Kaempferia parviflora extract ameliorates the cognitive impairments and the reduction in cell proliferation induced by valproic acid treatment in rats. Ann. Anat. 206:7-13./   DOI View Article
4 Kim, J. H., Jeun, E. J., Hong, C. P., Kim, S. H., Jang, M. S., Lee, E. J., Moon, S. J., Yun, C. H., Im, S. H., Jeong, S. G., Park, B. Y., Kim, K. T., Seoh, J. Y., Kim, Y. K., Oh, S. J., Ham, J. S., Yang, B. G. and Jang M. H. 2016. Extracellular vesicle-derived protein from Bifidobacterium longum alleviates food allergy through mast cell suppression. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 137:507-516./   DOI View Article
5 Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization. 2004. Joint FAO/WHO workshop on Enterobacter sakazakii and other microorganisms in powdered infant formula. Available from: Accessed April 19, 2016./ View Article
6 Oh, K., Kim, A. R., Bae, J., Lee, K. B. and Yoo, Y. C. 2016. Effects of fermented Goat milk on immunomodulatory activity and physical strength in mice. J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr. 45:174-180./   DOI View Article
7 Mohanty, D. P., Mohapatra, S., Misra, S. and Sahu, P. S. 2016. Milk derived bioactive peptides and their impact on human health - A review. Saudi J. Biol. Sci. 23:577-583./   DOI View Article
8 Muniandy, P., Shori, A. B. and Baba, A. S. 2016. Influence of green, white and black tea addition on the antioxidant activity of probiotic yogurt during refrigerated storage. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 8:1-8./   DOI View Article
9 Lai, C. Y., Fatimah, A. B., Mahyudin, N. A., Saari, N. and Zaman, M. Z. 2016. Physico-chemical and microbiological qualities of locally produced raw goat milk. Int. Food Res. J. 23(2):739-750./ View Article
10 Getaneh, G., Mebrat, A., Wubie, A. and Kendie, H. 2016. Review on goat milk composition and its nutritive value. J. Nutr. Health Sci. 3(4):401-410./ View Article