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1 "Ehang184", 2016. 1/ View Article
2 Nguyen B.Truong, Tai-Won Um, Gyu Myoung Lee, "A Reputation and Knowledge Based Trust Service Platform for Trustworthy Social Internet of Things," in Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), Paris, France, March 2016./ View Article
3 M. Peha, "A Public-Private Approach to Public Safety Communications," Issues in Science and Technology, 2016. 1. 21/ View Article
4 최두정, "국가재난안전통신망 구축에서의 TTA 역할," 재난안전통신망 콜로키엄, 2016.01./ View Article
5 김사혁, "재난안전통신망 시범사업 추진 주요 쟁점 및 건의 사항," 재난안전통신망 콜로키엄, 2016.01./ View Article
6 S. M. Kim and J. Kim, "Buffer-aided relay selection with primary sensing in underlay cognitive radio networks," Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), 2016. (To appear)/ View Article
7 Z. Zhang, K. Long, A. V. Vasilakos, and L. Hanzo, "Full-duplex wireless communications: challenges, solutions, and future research directions," Proceedings of the IEEE, 2016. (To appear)/ View Article
8 S. M. Kim and M. Bengtsson, "Virtual full-duplex buffer-aided relaying in the presence of inter-relay interference," IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 2016. (To appear)/ View Article
9 매경이코노미, 1842호, 2016./ View Article
10 이서희, 1인 미디어 이끄는 MCN, 방송.영화사를 넘본다, 한국일보 2016.2.11.일자./ View Article