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1 Eo, S. I. (2016). Frame System and Structural Performance of Hybrid-type Composite Timber Structural Members, Master Thesis, Graduate School, Catholic Kwandong University/ View Article
2 Architectural Institute of Korea(AIK). (2016). Korea Building Code(KBC2016 draft), Seoul./ View Article
3 Eftekhari, S. A. (2016). Differential quadrature procedure for in-plane vibration analysis of variable thickness circular arches traversed by a moving point load, Applied Mathematical Modelling, In Press, doi:10.1016/j.apm.2015.11.046/   DOI View Article
4 Cho, K., & Yoon, Y. (2016). Decision support model for determining cost-effective renovation time, ASCE J. of Management in Engineering, 32(3), 04015051-1-9/   DOI View Article
5 Kim, J., Cho, K., & Kim, T. (2016). Factors determining the price of remodeled multi-family housing, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 17(3), 13-22/   DOI View Article
6 Kim, J. (2016). A study on real estate appraisal for the remodeled office buildings, Ph. D. Dissertation, Chosun University/ View Article
7 Lim, Y. (2016). A Comparative Study on the Appraisal System of Real Estate between Korea and China, Master's Thesis, Konkuk University/ View Article
8 Ministry of Public Safety and Security (2016). Act on Assistance to the Autonomous Activities of Enterprises for Disaster Mitigation./ View Article
9 Korea Engineering & Consulting Association, (2016). 2016 First Quarter Construction & Engineering Survey Index/ View Article
10 Ministry of Public Safety and Security (2016). Act on Assistance to the Autonomous Activities of Enterprises for Disaster Mitigation./ View Article