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1 Statistics Korea, (2014)./ View Article
2 Social welfare facilities are defined as institutions for old and child by laws related to fire-protection, "The enforcement regulation for fire-fighting equipment installation, maintenance and safety management Act" [appendix 2] (2014)./ View Article
3 The Ministry of Health and Welfare, internal source (2014)./ View Article
4 Family Service Center ( (2014)./ View Article
5 Korean Institute for Healthy Family, internal source (2014)./ View Article
6 Enforcement regulation section 48 of "The Building Law" (2014)./ View Article
7 Regulations for building structure, section 15, subsection 1&3 (2014)./ View Article
8 The enforcement regulation for "Fire-prevention equipment installation, maintenance and safety management Act" [appendix 5] (2014)./ View Article
9 Section 36 of "The Enforcement Regulation for Fire-Fighting Equipment Installation, Maintenance and Safety Management Actt" (2014)./ View Article
10 S. W. Jee and J. H. Lee, "Optical Properties for Smoke Particles of Fire Sources According to UL 268", Journal of Korean Institute of Fire Science & Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 1-5 (2014)./ View Article