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1 Dvorak, B. and A. Volder. 2013. Rooftop temperature reduction from unirrigated modular green roofs in south-central Texas. Urban For. Urban Greening 12:28-35./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
2 Sivanesan, I., M.S. Son, J.Y. Song, and B.R. Jeong. 2013. Subirrigational supply of silicon affects the growth of three chrysanthemum cultivars. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 54:14-19./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
3 Hwang, J.C., Y.D. Chin, Y.M. Chung, S.K. Kim, C.W. Ro, and B.R Jeong. 2013. A new spray crysanthemum cultivar, 'Blue Hope' with anemone type and white petals for cut flower. Kor. J. Hort. Sci. Technol. 31:123-127./ View Article
4 Rauscher, G. and I. Simko. 2013. Development of genomic SSR markers for fingerprinting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivars and mapping genes. BMC Plant Biol. 13:11./   DOI View Article
5 Nongwoobio Products information. 2013. Products information. http://www. View Article
6 Kim, S.K., R.N. Bae, H. Na, K.D. Ko, and C. Chun. 2013. Changes in physicochemical characteristics during fruit development in June-bearing strawberry cultivars. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 54:44-51./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
7 Yao, C., J.H. Oh, I.G. Oh, C.H. Park, and J.H. Chung. 2013. [6]-Shogaol inhibits melanogenesis in B16 mouse melanoma cells through activation of the ERK pathway. Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 34:289-294./   DOI View Article
8 Tsaballa, A., C. Athanasiadis, K. Pasentsis, I. Ganopoulos, I. Nianiou-Obeidat, and A. Tsaftaris. 2013. Molecular studies of inheritable grafting induced changes in pepper (Capsicum annuum) fruit shape. Scientia Hort. 149:2-8./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
9 Li, F., X.Y. Qin, Y.H. Xie, X.S. Chen, J.Y. Hu, Y.Y. Liu, and Z.Y. Hou. 2013. Physiological mechanisms for plant distribution pattern: Responses to flooding and drought in three wetland plants from Dongting Lake, China. Limnology 14:71-76./   DOI View Article
10 Zhang, W.E., Z.G. Tian, X,J. Pan, X.M. Zhao, and F. Wang. 2013. Oxidative stress and non-enzymatic antioxidants in leaves of three edible canna cultivars under drought stress. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 54:1-8./   DOI View Article